
Revision 2 as of 2013-03-10 22:19:56

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Update a package using debdiff

Get the source (using ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu as an example here), and build dependencies

$ pull-lp-source ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get build-dep ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu

This will pull down a few things. We need the source dir where to make changes, and the .dsc file for making the debdiff.

So, let's head to the source dir, and make our changes.

$ cd ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-67
$ (do your changes to the source)

Edit the changelog to include your changes

$ dch -i

Example of what it looks like initially.

ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (67ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low


 -- Kaj Ailomaa <>  Sun, 10 Mar 2013 23:07:01 +0100

Example of how it could look like after I'm done. Notive I've added a description of the change, replaced "67ubuntu1" with 68, to make it a new version, and set the release name to "raring".

ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (68) raring; urgency=low

  * Updated the ubuntustudioslideshow for new release

 -- Kaj Ailomaa <>  Sun, 10 Mar 2013 23:07:01 +0100

When you're done, your dir will be renamed to ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-68. Now, we rebuild the source. This will also sign the dsc and change files.

$ debuild -sa -S

To get the debdiff, we do:

$ cd ../
$ debdiff ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu_67.dsc ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu_68.dsc > ubiquity.debdiff

Now, you need to pass the debdiff to a sponsor who can use it to patch the debian source, and upload the new version to the repo. It's simply a textfile.