In the beginning of a development we do feature definition.

Tasks during feature definition

week 1-8

Discuss on mail list, irc and social channels about feature additions. Collect ideas on wiki pages, and then create blueprints.

week 8-9

finalize blueprints at around week 8, and have them approved by ubuntustudio-core team before FeatureDefinitionFreeze

Making Feature Specifications (blueprints)

Planning of feature changes is done primarily by the use of feature specifications in the form of blueprints at See our Blueprints page for an oversight of our active blueprints.

Suggesting changes

Anyone can suggest a feature change/addition. But, to make it a reality, someone also needs to implement it. Safest bet is that whoever makes the suggestion also works on implementing it.

Creating Blueprints

Blueprints are created for projects, and the blueprint should be created by the driver of that project (typically ubuntustudio-dev), or the owner (ubuntustudio-core).

Approving Feature Specs

UbuntuStudio/DevEvents/FeatureDefinition (last edited 2014-05-08 09:42:06 by 83)