Tasks to be completed for Karmic

There are several tasks that need to be either completed, or have continuous maintenance for Karmic and beyond. This page attempts to list these tasks, and who they are assigned to. Feel free to add to this list if you have any more tasks that you think need addressing.




Maintain realtime kernel package

This is on a best effort basis, since the realtime patches often lag behind the latest kernel upstream release, as well as the Ubuntu kernel release.

LukeYelavich (TheMuso)

DVD Testing

Testing alpha images at a minimum, testing one or two dailies a week would be preferable.

AsmoKoskinen, Eric Hedekar (stochastic), Rafa Gálvez (Galvesband)

Audio/Video/Graphics package selection

We need to review what we currently ship, and see if there is anything else that needs replacing with something better, removed, or kept.

LukeYelavich (Taking care of the core desktop), still need one or more people to help with audio/video/graphics seeds.

Recruiting more helpers

This will always be ongoing, but its listed here as it needs to be done.


Promotion of Jack into main

This requires a Main inclusion report to be written for libffado. LukeYelavich is happy to provide assistance for anyone who wishes to do this.

ScottLavender (but will lean heavily on Luke)

Application update monitoring

We need to know if there any applications that need updating to a new upstream release either from Debian, or upstream directly. Best to talk to the Debian maintainer if there is one to see how soon Debian can be updated. If a package is not updated in Debian by the end of July, we need to consider updating it directly in Ubuntu.

Documentation maintenance and co-ordination

Generally a community effort, but it's fallen by the wayside and is an easy way for anyone to help.


Migrate UbuntuStudio Controls to GtkBuilder

Glade is going to go away upstream, and GtkBuilder is now available in GTK, so we should get ubuntustudio-controls moved to GtkBuilder ASAP.

UbuntuStudio/KarmicTaskList (last edited 2009-07-06 12:20:06 by ppp121-44-18-154)