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Revision 6 as of 2009-12-09 00:34:00
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Editor: d66-183-44-51
Revision 7 as of 2009-12-13 20:41:34
Size: 12742
Editor: conr-adsl-209-169-122-85
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=== Logs ===

[19:02] <stochastic> Hi all, who is here for the Ubuntu Studio developer's meeting?
[19:02] <dtchen> o/
[19:02] <stochastic> hi Cory
[19:02] <ckontros> yo
[19:03] <stochastic> so the meeting agenda is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2009Dec13 please review and we'll get started shortly
[19:05] <stochastic> so far is it just Cory, Daniel, and Me?
[19:06] <dtchen> looks like it
[19:06] <stochastic> Okay well I guess we can get going.
[19:06] * stochastic is a little disappointed with the turnout, but anyways
[19:06] <stochastic> Any amendments to the agenda?
[19:07] <stochastic> I don't have any.
[19:07] <ckontros> nope
[19:08] <stochastic> okay, next topic, RT Kernel
[19:09] <stochastic> I recall a message on the ML about this. Cory, what's the current state?
[19:10] <ckontros> stochastic: abogani should have more info but our kernel (-rt) should be almost as, (if not totally) up to date as Ubuntu for Lucid.
[19:11] <stochastic> ckontros, is that a goal, or something that looks like it's going to happen?
[19:11] <ckontros> From what Alessio says it's going to happen. Testing will be the key.
[19:12] <stochastic> Excellent.
[19:12] <stochastic> Is there anything else to say on the RT Kernel at this point?
[19:12] * ckontros thinks for a sec.
[19:13] <ckontros> Nope
[19:13] <stochastic> okay, Dual arch Disks
[19:13] <stochastic> I think we can consider this poll: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1327714 closed now?
[19:13] <ckontros> From the poll on the forums, people could take it or leave it.
[19:14] <ckontros> Yes. I was thinking close it.
[19:14] <stochastic> I think one of the best suggestions was a doubled sided DVD for commercial purposes (i.e. 32 bit on one side, 64 on the other)
[19:14] <ckontros> So as there's no big push, I say we drop it.
[19:14] <ckontros> Yes. While it is more costly, it might be an option.
[19:15] <stochastic> I think a dual-arch disk has no substantial advantage, but could hinder many users.
[19:15] <stochastic> I say we drop it.
[19:15] <stochastic> Anyone else want to chime in?
[19:17] <stochastic> Okay.
[19:17] <dtchen> sorry, attempting (poorly) to multitask
[19:17] <dtchen> I agree that multiarch disks aren't worthwhile
[19:17] <dtchen> occam's razor and all
[19:18] <ScottL_> 'ello all
[19:18] <stochastic> Hi Scott
[19:18] <dtchen> 'lo
[19:18] <stochastic> So on we move to Ubuntu Studio Controls
[19:19] <stochastic> does anyone have a willingness to take this software on?
[19:19] <ScottL_> rlameiro had been workign with luis I thought
[19:19] <ScottL_> on US controls that it
[19:19] <ckontros> As did I.
[19:20] <ScottL_> s/it/is
[19:20] <stochastic> Have they actually started working?
[19:21] <stochastic> neither of them are here right now to talk about it, should we drop the subject from the agenda?
[19:21] <ScottL_> my understanding is rlamerio was looking at the code and asking about gtk2 vs something else
[19:21] <stochastic> yes, rlamerio was interested in using wxwidgets
[19:21] <ScottL_> but nothing concrete had been started as far as I know
[19:22] * ckontros looks at LP for a new branch.
[19:22] <stochastic> okay, well we need to see some changes to that software VERY soon.
=== alsroot is now known as me
[19:22] <ckontros> https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-controls
[19:22] <ckontros> Nothing yet
=== me is now known as Guest93857
[19:23] <stochastic> Let's continue to encourage rlameiro on this, and see how far he gets.
=== Guest93857 is now known as alsroot
[19:24] <stochastic> Can we move onto Jack in Main?
[19:24] <ScottL_> sure
[19:24] <ckontros> What's the official word on this? dtchen?
[19:24] <dtchen> I checked with ScottK in #ubuntu-devel about this issue about a half hour ago, and here's the gist:
[19:25] <dtchen> libffado will be promoted into main automatically once something build-deps on it, which in this case, looks like jack-audio-connection-kit
[19:25] <dtchen> so -- there are two remaining work items:
[19:25] <dtchen> 1) drop libfreebob0-dev from j-a-c-k's build-deps
[19:26] <dtchen> 2) write an MIR for j-a-c-k
[19:26] <dtchen> (1) is based on feedback from stochastic and TheMuso
[19:26] <ScottL_> number is almost done but needs a little bit of help from more knowldgable people
[19:26] <ScottL_> crap number 2
[19:26] <ScottL_> sorry for the pun
[19:27] <dtchen> I'll take the action to help with (2); what're the status and bug report number?
[19:27] <stochastic> ScottL_, do you have a link to that MIR?
[19:27] <ScottL_> yes, just a sec
[19:27] <ScottL_> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportJACK
[19:27] <ScottL_> dtchen, I've filled out what I knew at the time and just need some touch ups and blanks filled it
[19:27] <ScottL_> s/it/in
[19:28] <stochastic> I was under the impression that the messed up diff.gz file of libffado was also a blocking factor
[19:28] <stochastic> i.e. many direct source changes in the diff.gz
[19:28] <ScottL_> what was messed up about it btw?
[19:29] <stochastic> I was talking with the packagers of libffado in debian, and they're ready to get the diff.gz mess sorted out, but they were just waiting on a new version of ffado to be released
[19:30] <stochastic> I'll mention that it may take too long, and request that they push a clean version through as soon as possible.
[19:30] <ckontros> +1
[19:30] <stochastic> dtchen, as for number 1), should that just get a debdiff attached to the MIR bug report?
[19:31] <ScottL_> the website doesn't mention when libffado should release the official version 2 but they are on the last beta version
[19:31] <stochastic> Oh, we also need to drop libcelt from jack's build-deps
[19:31] <ScottL_> yes, yes
[19:31] <stochastic> or has that been done?
[19:31] <ScottL_> maybe luke did it?
[19:32] <dtchen> no, libcelt-dev and libfreebob0-dev are still present as build-deps
[19:32] <dtchen> I'll take the action to remove those and upload to lucid
[19:32] <stochastic> Thanks.
[19:32] <ScottK> dtchen: I slight correction, it's not quite "promoted into main automatically". It's "shows up on component mismatches and an archive-admin promotes it."
[19:33] <ScottK> I/A
[19:33] <dtchen> ScottK: true enough
[19:33] <ScottK> Just to be clear for everyone else.
[19:33] <stochastic> Anything further on the Jack into main front?
[19:34] * ScottL_ knows there is a good joke somewhere in the ScottK/ScottL names
[19:34] <dtchen> the clarification point is whether any additional work needs to be done on the MIR template or bug report for libffado
[19:34] <ScottL_> yes, some additional work needs to be done on the JACK MIR
[19:35] <ScottL_> not much, the bulk of the menial stuff is done, just some technical points
[19:35] <dtchen> ScottL_: right, j-a-c-k is the work item (not libffado -- which is what I was attempting to say (: )
[19:36] <stochastic> Next agenda topic?
[19:37] <stochastic> Live video manipulation in Lucid
[19:37] <stochastic> currently we ship with no live video manipulation tools and there are a number in the repos for us
[19:37] * stochastic was hoping Luis would be here to talk on this
[19:37] <ckontros> Does luisbg think Freemix is ready?
[19:38] <ckontros> He seems to be missing. :(
[19:39] <ckontros> Lets move on and settle this on the ML
[19:39] <stochastic> I notice the last commit to freemix's trunk on launchpad was in April
[19:39] <stochastic> okay
[19:40] <stochastic> Next item: Communication with the Testing team
[19:40] <ckontros> Can we have a link the LP page for this team?
[19:40] <ScottL_> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-testers
[19:41] <stochastic> the Ubuntu Studio Dev team is a member, but it's not signed up to the mailing list
[19:42] <ckontros> https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-testers
[19:42] <stochastic> We've had a number of people sign up, some sounded like they were very keen on testing, but the conversation on the mailing list just hasn't begun in any substantial form.
[19:43] <ckontros> Yes. Mostly looks to be bug-mail.
[19:43] <ckontros> stochastic: You'll need to keep/start the momentum there.
[19:43] <stochastic> Should I unsubscribe the team from the bug mail to encourage more conversation?
[19:44] <ckontros> Well, that's up to you and the team there. It's its own little community. :)
[19:44] <ckontros> Post the question. Along with others.
[19:44] <stochastic> ScottL_, can you chime in on the conversation every now and then on that list?
[19:45] <ScottL_> certainly stochastic
[19:45] <stochastic> In general, we as developers need to communicate what changes we're making in Lucid so that the testers know where to look for bugs.
[19:46] <ckontros> That really comes down to developing a proper testing procedure.
[19:46] <ckontros> (besides simple installer testing)
[19:47] <stochastic> yes, well that's something the team (testers) needs to sort out very soon
[19:47] <ScottL_> stochastic, I can make a quick write up about some proposed test cases (more than simple installer) and send it to the list
[19:47] <stochastic> ScottL_ excellent
[19:47] <ScottL_> right
[19:48] <stochastic> Anything else on the testing team?
[19:49] <stochastic> okay, let's move on to: Training an Art manager for Luicd+N
[19:49] <ckontros> This has got little to no response. I sent out 'bout 6 emails.
[19:50] <stochastic> eek, thats no good.
[19:50] <ckontros> 2 responded but haven't replied to my further replies.
[19:50] <ckontros> Yeah. I'll push more on the art list this week.
[19:51] <ScottL_> if ckontros will definitively not be available for art in the future and we got six responses we might truly consider new art overy LTS
[19:51] <stochastic> in general, how are the art plans coming for Lucid, is the wallpaper contest getting any submissions?
[19:51] <ScottL_> s/overy/every
[19:51] <ckontros> In the meantime, I'm tinkering with some ideas here and dashua might be able to do a gtk theme for us.
[19:52] <ckontros> stochastic: None. I'll push again this week.
[19:52] * stochastic has been meaning to blog about it
[19:52] <ckontros> I hope to have something for Alpha3.
[19:52] * stochastic ponders what his submission might be...
[19:53] <ckontros> Plymouth should now be in the repos and Ill be testing that out this week.
[19:54] <ckontros> Moving on?
[19:54] <stochastic> okay.
[19:54] <stochastic> Cinepaint repackaging and adding to the video meta.
[19:54] <ckontros> Last I knew ScottL was tinkering with this.
[19:54] <ScottL_> i've been looking to Cinepaint and manage to build it in my ppa (i think)
[19:55] <ScottL_> but it really could use Oyranos and Elektra also, which are not in the repos
[19:55] <stochastic> ScottL_, what is your PPA'a link?
[19:55] <ckontros> ScottL_: What do Oyranos and Elektra do?
[19:55] <ScottL_> http://www.oyranos.org/#about and http://sourceforge.net/projects/elektra/
[19:56] <ScottL_> oyranos is a color management system (CMS - confusing, innit) and elektra is some sort of system registry
[19:56] <ckontros> Ahh... Well, you wanna try to get them done also?
[19:57] <ScottL_> sorry, apparently i didn't get cinepaint into my ppa, but i believe i did get it to build locally using pbuilder
[19:57] <ScottL_> ckontros, not really at this point since I'm working on some of the lv2 stuff right now
[19:57] <ScottL_> but i'll keep it on my short list
[19:58] <ckontros> ScottL_: Ok. Then Cinepaint alone?
[19:58] <ScottL_> aya, I can get cinepaint alone for Luicd
[19:58] <ScottL_> s/aya/aye
[19:58] <ckontros> Ok. Lets shot for that ASAP. Maye you'll get to the others.;)
[19:59] <ScottL_> stochastic, i've been working directly with nedko directly for zynjacku and the others
[19:59] <stochastic> okay, I think the team would welcome that into the video meta
[19:59] <stochastic> ScottL_, good, good.
[20:00] <stochastic> Should we revisit Live video manipulation in Lucid (and possibly Ubuntu Studio Controls) now that luisbg is here?
[20:00] <ckontros> Si
[20:00] <luisbg_> stochastic, Live video manipulation?
[20:01] <luisbg_> can you do that in Ubuntu now?
[20:01] <stochastic> luisbg_, there are a number of VJ tools in the repos


Please edit this at will.

  1. Call to order 19:00UTC in #ubuntu-meeting
  2. Amendments to the agenda
  3. RT Kernel
  4. Dual arch Disks
  5. Ubuntu Studio Controls
    • who is willing to help
    • what is most important
  6. Jack in Main
    • is libffado getting fixed (diff.gz needs cleanup)
  7. Live video manipulation in Lucid
  8. Communication with the Testing Team
  9. Training an Art lead for Lucid+N
  10. Cinepaint repackaging and adding to the video meta.


[19:02] <stochastic> Hi all, who is here for the Ubuntu Studio developer's meeting?
[19:02] <dtchen> o/
[19:02] <stochastic> hi Cory
[19:02] <ckontros> yo
[19:03] <stochastic> so the meeting agenda is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2009Dec13  please review and we'll get started shortly
[19:05] <stochastic> so far is it just Cory, Daniel, and Me?
[19:06] <dtchen> looks like it
[19:06] <stochastic> Okay well I guess we can get going.
[19:06]  * stochastic is a little disappointed with the turnout, but anyways
[19:06] <stochastic> Any amendments to the agenda?
[19:07] <stochastic> I don't have any.
[19:07] <ckontros> nope
[19:08] <stochastic> okay, next topic, RT Kernel
[19:09] <stochastic> I recall a message on the ML about this.  Cory, what's the current state?
[19:10] <ckontros> stochastic: abogani should have more info but our kernel (-rt) should be almost as, (if not totally) up to date as Ubuntu for Lucid.
[19:11] <stochastic> ckontros, is that a goal, or something that looks like it's going to happen?
[19:11] <ckontros> From what Alessio says it's going to happen. Testing will be the key.
[19:12] <stochastic> Excellent.
[19:12] <stochastic> Is there anything else to say on the RT Kernel at this point?
[19:12]  * ckontros thinks for a sec.
[19:13] <ckontros> Nope
[19:13] <stochastic> okay, Dual arch Disks
[19:13] <stochastic> I think we can consider this poll: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1327714 closed now?
[19:13] <ckontros> From the poll on the forums, people could take it or leave it.
[19:14] <ckontros> Yes. I was thinking close it.
[19:14] <stochastic> I think one of the best suggestions was a doubled sided DVD for commercial purposes (i.e. 32 bit on one side, 64 on the other)
[19:14] <ckontros> So as there's no big push, I say we drop it.
[19:14] <ckontros> Yes. While it is more costly, it might be an option.
[19:15] <stochastic> I think a dual-arch disk has no substantial advantage, but could hinder many users.
[19:15] <stochastic> I say we drop it.
[19:15] <stochastic> Anyone else want to chime in?
[19:17] <stochastic> Okay.
[19:17] <dtchen> sorry, attempting (poorly) to multitask
[19:17] <dtchen> I agree that multiarch disks aren't worthwhile
[19:17] <dtchen> occam's razor and all
[19:18] <ScottL_> 'ello all
[19:18] <stochastic> Hi Scott
[19:18] <dtchen> 'lo
[19:18] <stochastic> So on we move to Ubuntu Studio Controls
[19:19] <stochastic> does anyone have a willingness to take this software on?
[19:19] <ScottL_> rlameiro had been workign with luis I thought
[19:19] <ScottL_> on US controls that it
[19:19] <ckontros> As did I.
[19:20] <ScottL_> s/it/is
[19:20] <stochastic> Have they actually started working?
[19:21] <stochastic> neither of them are here right now to talk about it, should we drop the subject from the agenda?
[19:21] <ScottL_> my understanding is rlamerio was looking at the code and asking about gtk2 vs something else
[19:21] <stochastic> yes, rlamerio was interested in using wxwidgets
[19:21] <ScottL_> but nothing concrete had been started as far as I know
[19:22]  * ckontros looks at LP for a new branch.
[19:22] <stochastic> okay, well we need to see some changes to that software VERY soon.
=== alsroot is now known as me
[19:22] <ckontros> https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-controls
[19:22] <ckontros> Nothing yet
=== me is now known as Guest93857
[19:23] <stochastic> Let's continue to encourage rlameiro on this, and see how far he gets.
=== Guest93857 is now known as alsroot
[19:24] <stochastic> Can we move onto Jack in Main?
[19:24] <ScottL_> sure
[19:24] <ckontros> What's the official word on this? dtchen?
[19:24] <dtchen> I checked with ScottK in #ubuntu-devel about this issue about a half hour ago, and here's the gist:
[19:25] <dtchen> libffado will be promoted into main automatically once something build-deps on it, which in this case, looks like jack-audio-connection-kit
[19:25] <dtchen> so -- there are two remaining work items:
[19:25] <dtchen> 1) drop libfreebob0-dev from j-a-c-k's build-deps
[19:26] <dtchen> 2) write an MIR for j-a-c-k
[19:26] <dtchen> (1) is based on feedback from stochastic and TheMuso
[19:26] <ScottL_> number is almost done but needs a little bit of help from more knowldgable people
[19:26] <ScottL_> crap  number 2
[19:26] <ScottL_> sorry for the pun
[19:27] <dtchen> I'll take the action to help with (2); what're the status and bug report number?
[19:27] <stochastic> ScottL_, do you have a link to that MIR?
[19:27] <ScottL_> yes, just a sec
[19:27] <ScottL_> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportJACK
[19:27] <ScottL_> dtchen, I've filled out what I knew at the time and just need some touch ups and blanks filled it
[19:27] <ScottL_> s/it/in
[19:28] <stochastic> I was under the impression that the messed up diff.gz file of libffado was also a blocking factor
[19:28] <stochastic> i.e. many direct source changes in the diff.gz
[19:28] <ScottL_> what was messed up about it btw?
[19:29] <stochastic> I was talking with the packagers of libffado in debian, and they're ready to get the diff.gz mess sorted out, but they were just waiting on a new version of ffado to be released
[19:30] <stochastic> I'll mention that it may take too long, and request that they push a clean version through as soon as possible.
[19:30] <ckontros> +1
[19:30] <stochastic> dtchen, as for number 1), should that just get a debdiff attached to the MIR bug report?
[19:31] <ScottL_> the website doesn't mention when libffado should release the official version 2 but they are on the last beta version
[19:31] <stochastic> Oh, we also need to drop libcelt from jack's build-deps
[19:31] <ScottL_> yes, yes
[19:31] <stochastic> or has that been done?
[19:31] <ScottL_> maybe luke did it?
[19:32] <dtchen> no, libcelt-dev and libfreebob0-dev are still present as build-deps
[19:32] <dtchen> I'll take the action to remove those and upload to lucid
[19:32] <stochastic> Thanks.
[19:32] <ScottK> dtchen: I slight correction, it's not quite "promoted into main automatically".  It's "shows up on component mismatches and an archive-admin promotes it."
[19:33] <ScottK> I/A
[19:33] <dtchen> ScottK: true enough
[19:33] <ScottK> Just to be clear for everyone else.
[19:33] <stochastic> Anything further on the Jack into main front?
[19:34]  * ScottL_ knows there is a good joke somewhere in the ScottK/ScottL names
[19:34] <dtchen> the clarification point is whether any additional work needs to be done on the MIR template or bug report for libffado
[19:34] <ScottL_> yes, some additional work needs to be done on the JACK MIR
[19:35] <ScottL_> not much, the bulk of the menial stuff is done, just some technical points
[19:35] <dtchen> ScottL_: right, j-a-c-k is the work item (not libffado -- which is what I was attempting to say (: )
[19:36] <stochastic> Next agenda topic?
[19:37] <stochastic> Live video manipulation in Lucid
[19:37] <stochastic> currently we ship with no live video manipulation tools and there are a number in the repos for us
[19:37]  * stochastic was hoping Luis would be here to talk on this
[19:37] <ckontros> Does luisbg think Freemix is ready?
[19:38] <ckontros> He seems to be missing. :(
[19:39] <ckontros> Lets move on and settle this on the ML
[19:39] <stochastic> I notice the last commit to freemix's trunk on launchpad was in April
[19:39] <stochastic> okay
[19:40] <stochastic> Next item: Communication with the Testing team
[19:40] <ckontros> Can we have a link the LP page for this team?
[19:40] <ScottL_> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-testers
[19:41] <stochastic> the Ubuntu Studio Dev team is a member, but it's not signed up to the mailing list
[19:42] <ckontros> https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-testers
[19:42] <stochastic> We've had a number of people sign up, some sounded like they were very keen on testing, but the conversation on the mailing list just hasn't begun in any substantial form.
[19:43] <ckontros> Yes. Mostly looks to be bug-mail.
[19:43] <ckontros> stochastic: You'll need to keep/start the momentum there.
[19:43] <stochastic> Should I unsubscribe the team from the bug mail to encourage more conversation?
[19:44] <ckontros> Well, that's up to you and the team there. It's its own little community. :)
[19:44] <ckontros> Post the question. Along with others.
[19:44] <stochastic> ScottL_, can you chime in on the conversation every now and then on that list?
[19:45] <ScottL_> certainly stochastic
[19:45] <stochastic> In general, we as developers need to communicate what changes we're making in Lucid so that the testers know where to look for bugs.
[19:46] <ckontros> That really comes down to developing a proper testing procedure.
[19:46] <ckontros> (besides simple installer testing)
[19:47] <stochastic> yes, well that's something the team (testers) needs to sort out very soon
[19:47] <ScottL_> stochastic, I can make a quick write up about some proposed test cases (more than simple installer) and send it to the list
[19:47] <stochastic> ScottL_ excellent
[19:47] <ScottL_> right
[19:48] <stochastic> Anything else on the testing team?
[19:49] <stochastic> okay, let's move on to: Training an Art manager for Luicd+N
[19:49] <ckontros> This has got little to no response. I sent out 'bout 6 emails.
[19:50] <stochastic> eek, thats no good.
[19:50] <ckontros> 2 responded but haven't replied to my further replies.
[19:50] <ckontros> Yeah. I'll push more on the art list this week.
[19:51] <ScottL_> if ckontros will definitively not be available for art in the future and we got six responses we might truly consider new art overy LTS
[19:51] <stochastic> in general, how are the art plans coming for Lucid, is the wallpaper contest getting any submissions?
[19:51] <ScottL_> s/overy/every
[19:51] <ckontros> In the meantime, I'm tinkering with some ideas here and dashua might be able to do a gtk theme for us.
[19:52] <ckontros> stochastic: None. I'll push again this week.
[19:52]  * stochastic has been meaning to blog about it
[19:52] <ckontros> I hope to have something for Alpha3.
[19:52]  * stochastic ponders what his submission might be...
[19:53] <ckontros> Plymouth should now be in the repos and Ill be testing that out this week.
[19:54] <ckontros> Moving on?
[19:54] <stochastic> okay.
[19:54] <stochastic> Cinepaint repackaging and adding to the video meta.
[19:54] <ckontros> Last I knew ScottL was tinkering with this.
[19:54] <ScottL_> i've been looking to Cinepaint and manage to build it in my ppa (i think)
[19:55] <ScottL_> but it really could use Oyranos and Elektra also, which are not in the repos
[19:55] <stochastic> ScottL_, what is your PPA'a link?
[19:55] <ckontros> ScottL_: What do Oyranos and Elektra do?
[19:55] <ScottL_> http://www.oyranos.org/#about     and http://sourceforge.net/projects/elektra/
[19:56] <ScottL_> oyranos is a color management system (CMS - confusing, innit) and elektra is some sort of system registry
[19:56] <ckontros> Ahh... Well, you wanna try to get them done also?
[19:57] <ScottL_> sorry, apparently i didn't get cinepaint into my ppa, but i believe i did get it to build locally using pbuilder
[19:57] <ScottL_> ckontros, not really at this point since I'm working on some of the lv2 stuff right now
[19:57] <ScottL_> but i'll keep it on my short list
[19:58] <ckontros> ScottL_: Ok. Then Cinepaint alone?
[19:58] <ScottL_> aya, I can get cinepaint alone for Luicd
[19:58] <ScottL_> s/aya/aye
[19:58] <ckontros> Ok. Lets shot for that ASAP. Maye you'll get to the others.;)
[19:59] <ScottL_> stochastic, i've been working directly with nedko directly for zynjacku and the others
[19:59] <stochastic> okay, I think the team would welcome that into the video meta
[19:59] <stochastic> ScottL_, good, good.
[20:00] <stochastic> Should we revisit Live video manipulation in Lucid (and possibly Ubuntu Studio Controls) now that luisbg is here?
[20:00] <ckontros> Si
[20:00] <luisbg_> stochastic, Live video manipulation?
[20:01] <luisbg_> can you do that in Ubuntu now?
[20:01] <stochastic> luisbg_, there are a number of VJ tools in the repos

UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2009Dec13 (last edited 2009-12-13 22:00:55 by conr-adsl-209-169-122-85)