These packages we will re-use from Ubuntu: ubuntu-minimal, ubuntu-base, ubuntu-standard
This is basically a stripped ubuntu-desktop.
Package list:
acpi, acpi-support, acpid, alacarte, anacron, apmd, apport-gtk, avahi-daemon, bc, bug-buddy, cdparanoia, cdrecord, contact-lookup-applet, cupsys, cupsys-bsd, cupsys-client, cupsys-driver-gutenprint, dc, deskbar-applet, desktop-file-utils, doc-base, dvd+rw-tools, ekiga, eog, esound, evince, evolution, evolution-exchange, evolution-plugins, evolution-webcal, file-roller, firefox, firefox-gnome-support, foo2zjs, foomatic-db, foomatic-db-engine, foomatic-db-hpijs, foomatic-filters, fortune-mod, gaim, gcalctool, gconf-editor, gdebi, gdm, gedit, gnome-about, gnome-app-install, gnome-applets, gnome-control-center, gnome-cups-manager, gnome-icon-theme, gnome-keyring-manager, gnome-media, gnome-menus, gnome-netstatus-applet, gnome-nettool, gnome-panel, gnome-pilot-conduits, gnome-power-manager, gnome-session, gnome-spell, gnome-system-monitor, gnome-system-tools, gnome-terminal, gnome-themes, gnome-utils, gnome-volume-manager, gnome2-user-guide, gs-esp, gstreamer0.10-alsa, gstreamer0.10-esd, gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps, gthumb, gtk2-engines, gucharmap, hal, hal-device-manager, hotkey-setup, hwdb-client-gnome, landscape-client, language-selector, lftp, libgl1-mesa-glx, libglut3, libgnome2-perl, libgnomevfs2-bin, libgnomevfs2-extra, libpam-foreground, libpt-plugins-v4l, libpt-plugins-v4l2, libsasl2-modules, libstdc++5, libxp6, metacity, min12xxw, mkisofs, nautilus, nautilus-cd-burner, nautilus-sendto, notification-daemon, pnm2ppa, powermanagement-interface, readahead, rss-glx, screen, screensaver-default-images, scrollkeeper, serpentine, slocate, smbclient, ssh-askpass-gnome, synaptic, tangerine-icon-theme, tango-icon-theme, tango-icon-theme-common, tomboy, totem, totem-mozilla, tsclient, ttf-bitstream-vera, ttf-dejavu, ttf-freefont, ubuntu-docs, ubuntu-sounds, unzip, update-notifier, usplash, usplash-theme-ubuntu, vino, wvdial, x-ttcidfont-conf, xkeyboard-config, xorg, xsane, xscreensaver-data, xscreensaver-gl, xterm, xvncviewer, yelp, zenity, zip
Working on thinning this out.
This is for desktop settings and system tweaks.
Package list:
Working on
This package contains merely the Distributor Logo and pulls in all the other components via Depends.
In planning
All applications deemed nessessary to provide a working PC studio environment. This is the package most users of other derivatives will be interested in, so they don't get forced into a different desktop environment with a new theme and such.
Package list:
aconnectgui alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui ams amsynth ardour-gtk ardour-session-exchange audacity beast bitscope bristol cheesetracker creox csound denemo ecamegapedal ecasound fluidsynth freebirth freewheeling freqtweak galan gmorgan gnusound gtick horgand hydrogen jackbeat jackd jackeq jack-rack jack-tools jamin jdelay kaconnect kluppe lilypond-data lilypond linuxsampler lmms meterbridge mixxx muse mx44 om patchage puredata qamix qarecord qjackctl qmidiarp qmidicontrol qmidiroute qsampler qsynth rezound rosegarden4 seq24 shaketracker solfege sooperlooper soundstretch soundtracker specimen spiralsynthmodular supercollider swami sweep tapiir terminatorx timemachine timidity tk707 vkeybd xmms xmms-jackasyn xmms-modplug zynaddsubfx
- - what about ubuntustudiolauncher ? (ttoine)
We have a mostly complete list.
A plug-ins package.
Package list:
blop caps cmt fil-plugins ladspa-sdk mcp-plugins omins swh-plugins tap-plugins vcf-plugins dssi-example-plugins dssi-host-jack dssi-plugin-fluidsynth dssi-plugin-hexter dssi-plugin-hexter dssi-plugin-xsynth dssi-utils
- blop - Bandlimited wavetable-based oscillator plugins for LADSPA hosts.
- caps - A collection of refined LADSPA plugins.
- cmt - (Computer Music Toolkit) A collection of LADSPA compatible
- fil-plugins - Parametric equalizer LADSPA plugin.
- ladspa-sdk - Sample tools for linux-audio-dev plugin architecture.
- mcp-plugins - LADSPA plugins designed for Alsa Modular Synth.
- omins - Collection of LADSPA plugins geared at modular synthesizers.
- swh-plugins - Steve Harris's LADSPA plugins.
- tap-plugins - Tom's Audio Processing LADSPA plugins.
- vcf-plugins - Audio EQ biquad filter LADSPA plugins.
- dssi-example-plugins - Example DSSI plugins.
- dssi-host-jack - An example DSSI host.
- dssi-plugin-fluidsynth - Soundfont player/synth for DSSI.
- dssi-plugin-hexter - A Yamaha DX7 modeling software synthesizer for DSSI.
- dssi-plugin-xsynth - A classic-analog style softsynth DSSI plugin.
- dssi-utils - Command-line utilities for sending commands to DSSI plugins.
This list is final.
Video editing apps.
Package list:
cinelerra jahshaka cinepaint stopmotion synfigstudio synfigstudio kino ffmpeg2theora ffmpeg
- cinelerra - (not in the repos. getting packaged)
- jahshaka - (not in the repos)
- avidemux - A small editing software for avi. (especially DivX) (Dont know about this) -C.Kontros
- cinepaint - A painting and image retouching program designed to work best.
with 35mm film and other high resolution high dynamic range images.
- stopmotion - A program for creating stop motion animation.
- synfigstudio - A vector-based 2D animation package. (graphical user interface)
- kino - A non-linear editor for Digital Video data
- ffmpeg2theora - Theora video encoder using ffmpeg
- ffmpeg - Multimedia player, server and encoder
We have quite a good list.
A current, complete set of 2D/3D manipulation applications. ie: Inkscape, GIMP, Blender, and so on.
Package list:
inkscape blender gimp gimp-gap gimp-svg gimp-dcraw f-spot scribus fontforge gnome-raw-thumbnailer xsane wacom-tools
- inkscape - A vector-based drawing program.
- blender - A very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer.
- gimp - A raster-based drawing program.
- gimp-gap - GAP is a collection of plug-ins to extend the GIMP with capabilities to edit
and create animations and movies as sequences of single frames.
- gimp-svg - A plug-in to import SVG images.
- gimp-dcraw - A plug-in to import RAW images.
- f-spot - A personal photo management application.
- scribus - A open source desktop page layout program.
fontforge - Font Editor for PS, TrueType and OpenType fonts.
- gnome-raw-thumbnailer - a thumbnailer for GNOME that will make
thumbnails for camera RAW files.
- xsane - GTK+-based X11 frontend for SANE. (Scanner Access Now Easy)
- wacom-tools - Software for you Wacom drawing pad.
This list is ALMOST final.
This is an idea for a new meta. It will NOT be included in out 1st release.
- Jokosher - A simple yet powerful multi-track studio.
- pitivi - A non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer.
New packages to the repos
These packages we are getting into the repos but will not be in metas.
- Soma Suite - Digital radio station and management software.
- Fmit - Free Music Instrument Tuner
- Wired - A professional music production and creation free software running on the Linux operating system.
General Wishlist
bristol (
sonic visualiser (
freecycle (
- jackmix
- snd
- splitter (for zynaddsubfx)
- gephex
- freej
- theorur
- xaos
- pd-pdp
- pd-pidip
- delvj
- lives -
- kdenlive
- videotrans
- spumux
- gtranscode -
- istanbul
- myrtille animation
- video-studio (linux video studio)
- gv4l
- dvr
- gscanbus
- coriander -
- kmediagrab
- matroska gui
- xmrm
- subtitleeditor
- gsubedit -
Disk Breakdown
CD Image
- ubuntustudio-minimal, ubuntustudio-base, ubuntustudio-standard, ubuntustudio-desktop, ubuntustudio-settings and ubuntustudio-artwork
- You will apt-get the meta of your choice on the CD.
DVD Image
The DVD will include:
- ubuntustudio-minimal, ubuntustudio-base, ubuntustudio-standard, ubuntustudio-desktop, ubuntustudio-settings, ubuntustudio-artwork, ubuntustudio-audio, ubuntustudio-dssi, ubuntustudio-ladspa-plugins, ubuntustudio-video and ubuntustudio-graphics
Now on either disk you use, these are installed by default: ubuntustudio-minimal, ubuntustudio-base, ubuntustudio-live, ubuntustudio-standard, ubuntustudio-desktop, ubuntustudio-settings and ubuntustudio-artwork. Ubuntustudio-audio, ubuntustudio-audio-plugins, ubuntustudio-video and ubuntustudio-graphics will be installed, as needed, by the user.
- We need a way to create CMYK PDF (for quadricolor printing). It is very important for people working with printing industry. Without that, it will be a problem for us to send the work done on Inkscape, for example. And I know what I am speaking about, sending a PNG file at 600 dpi is not the good way for a 80x120cm print... it weight around 10Mo (ttoine)
- Salsaman - Please work with the MOTU's to get your packages in Universe.