
Revision 6 as of 2009-12-08 13:36:40

Clear message

This is a scratch page for ideas and organization surrounding the revamp of www.ubuntustudio.org

Central Ideas/Concepts

  • make developer voices easily heard
    • aggregate developer blogs into a Planet Ubuntu Studio & share this with other planets

  • make community feedback easier
    • provide a 'suggest a feature' form to direct mail the dev list
    • create a Development page that shows how to get involved in the testing and development teams
  • make a showcase campaign for Ubuntu Studio work
    • link to some work directly on the website in a gallery page (approved/selected work only)
    • provide "I create with Ubuntu Studio" (or similar slogan) web link buttons
  • make a reason for people to visit the website
  • link to press articles regarding Ubuntu Studio
  • update the site's styling to match current artwork


Tech to use for:

  • Main site (Drupal?)
  • Wiki (MoinMoin to make it easy for people coming from Ubuntu wiki?) - Drupal also has wiki modules

  • Forum (no clue here) - Drupal has forum modules
  • Blog (Drupal can provide this as well)
    • for individual devs - can be for "personal" doing as related to Ubuntu Studio (but not needed to be on front page) as well as push select posts to news on main page
    • offical - for updates and news which would also feed via RSS to planet ubuntu, etc

Other Points

Look and feel between technologies MUST be seamless.


a "Ubuntu Studio User #n" counter (see http://counter.li.org/ for example) - this could also give us a sense of how many users there are