This is the page for users to contribute feature request ideas to Ubuntu Studio. The page will continually be updated. We will comment on things as much as possible. Give ideas a Yes/No vote.


Package Wishlist

Audio: (not yet in the repository)

Audio: (not yet in the repository, but available in launchpad PPA's)

Audio: (now in the repository)

Video: (not yet in the repository)

Video: (now in the repository)

Graphics: (not yet in the repository)

Graphics: (now in the repository)

Multimedia Programming: (not yet in the repository)

Multimedia Programming: (now in the repository)

DTP (Desktop Publishing): (not yet in the repository)

(surelly there are some interesting unpacked projects somewhere! please help us finding them! =) )

DTP (Desktop Publishing): (now in the repository)

(this should be a own section, don't delete it please.. all software related to press, prepress, layout and other stuff around the printing and designing area could be placed here...)


Other: (not yet in the repository)

* Celtx ( - Media pre-production software. Caters to stage, screen, radio drama and comics. A great tool for writers, directors, producers and array of other production staff. It has proven to be the corner stone of many independent productions.

UbuntuStudio/Wishlist (last edited 2010-06-28 14:27:53 by static-host-70-45-88-214)