
Meeting started by tgm4883 at 18:05:06 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-01-25-18.05.log.html .

Meeting summary

  • Community Questions
    • according to the wiki, you still need unity 2d to get UbuntuTV to work, but it seems that Ubuntu is moving from that ... is there any plans to support it in unity3d any time soon? (tgm4883, 18:08:06)
    • does anyone know if the current build of UbuntuTV works at all on Raring? (tgm4883, 18:11:05)
  • Status Updates

ACTION: tgm4883 to make video showing mythtv features (tgm4883, 18:22:19) ACTION: tgm4883 mhall119 package mythtvservices library and both mythtv scopes (tgm4883, 18:23:28)

  • Community questions/comments/concerns

LINK: https://launchpad.net/~u2t/+archive/bleedingedge (bobweaver, 18:37:32)

Meeting ended at 18:53:17 UTC.


Action items

  • tgm4883 to make video showing mythtv features
  • tgm4883 mhall119 package mythtvservices library and both mythtv scopes

Action items, by person

  • mhall119
  • * tgm4883 mhall119 package mythtvservices library and both mythtv scopes
  • tgm4883
  • * tgm4883 to make video showing mythtv features
  • * tgm4883 mhall119 package mythtvservices library and both mythtv scopes

People present (lines said)

  • tgm4883 (62)
  • bobweaver (26)
  • mhall119 (16)
  • steve_fi (7)
  • meetingology (6)
  • zuric (2)
  • Pajn (1)
  • ubottu (1)

Full Log

  • 18:05:06 <tgm4883> #startmeeting Ubuntu-TV Community Meeting

    18:05:06 <meetingology> Meeting started Fri Jan 25 18:05:06 2013 UTC. The chair is tgm4883. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.

    18:05:06 <meetingology>

    18:05:06 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired

    18:05:22 <tgm4883> #chair tgm4883 mhall119

    18:05:22 <meetingology> Current chairs: mhall119 tgm4883

    18:05:52 <tgm4883> So since this is our first community meeting, it's a bit unstructured

    18:06:09 <tgm4883> #topic Community Questions

    18:06:26 <tgm4883> Are there any questions from anyone in the community?

    18:06:49 <steve_fi> I have a few, can just fire them all out?

    18:06:56 <tgm4883> fire away

    18:07:20 <tgm4883> I'll make subtopics for them, so it's well organized

    18:07:49 <steve_fi> according to the wiki, you still need unity 2d to get UbuntuTV to work, but it seems that Ubuntu is moving from that ... is there any plans to support it in unity3d any time soon?

    18:08:06 <tgm4883> #subtopic according to the wiki, you still need unity 2d to get UbuntuTV to work, but it seems that Ubuntu is moving from that ... is there any plans to support it in unity3d any time soon?

    18:08:32 <tgm4883> hmm, I'm assuming that meetingology got that

    18:08:43 <tgm4883> I've got no input on that question. mhall119?

    18:08:45 <mhall119> steve_fi: yes, since last year the efforts have been focused on re-writing everything in Nux and Unity 3d, but it's not been a very easy process

    18:09:47 <tgm4883> AFAIK, bobweaver works on most of that. Unfortunately he isn't here

    18:10:00 <mhall119> yeah, he's been the only one working on it

    18:10:06 <tgm4883> jhop said he'd be a little late as well, although IDK if he knows any more

    18:10:26 <mhall119> various issues with the compexity of compix and the lack of good Nux documentation has been holding it back

    18:10:28 <tgm4883> lastly, I also pinged willcooke about the meeting, but didn't hear back

    18:10:46 <steve_fi> ah ok, next is just does anyone know if the current build of UbuntuTV works at all on Raring?

    18:11:05 <tgm4883> #subtopic does anyone know if the current build of UbuntuTV works at all on Raring?

    18:11:29 <tgm4883> I'd say it's doubtful. But again, a question for bobweaver

    18:11:32 <mhall119> I think bobweaver has the unity2d version working in Quantal now, and available in PPA that makes it easier to install and try

    18:11:37 <bobweaver> steve_fi, no I or at least I dont. also the phone uses qml so once the phone code is released then there is that

    18:11:50 <tgm4883> o/

    18:11:51 <bobweaver> everything that I have is 12.04

    18:11:53 <steve_fi> ah ok, thanks for the information!

    18:11:53 <bobweaver> yo

    18:12:11 <mhall119> hi bobweaver

    18:12:13 <bobweaver> hello

    18:12:52 <tgm4883> steve_fi, more questions?

    18:13:07 <steve_fi> Nope, that's all for now thanks

    18:13:13 <tgm4883> ok

    18:13:18 <tgm4883> anyone else have any questions?

    18:13:54 <tgm4883> Lets move on to status updates, and we'll ask for questions again at the end

    18:14:04 <tgm4883> #topic Status Updates

    18:14:36 <tgm4883> bobweaver, any updates?

    18:15:12 <bobweaver> as far as ?

    18:15:22 <tgm4883> bobweaver, anything you want to update

    18:16:43 <bobweaver> nope maybe that I will be just doing things(coding) for fun and the "heck" of it . until the phone goes public. maybe I have a lot of personal things going on

    18:17:22 <tgm4883> ok

    18:17:25 <tgm4883> mhall119, anything to update

    18:18:08 <mhall119> no, but hopefully we'll have more to report once the Phone code is public and we can start getting an idea of how it will integrate with desktop and TV

    18:18:24 <tgm4883> ok

    18:18:48 <tgm4883> DVR/Guide update

    18:19:17 <tgm4883> I made a large push this week with the guide scope. I'd say it is 95% done.

    18:19:44 <tgm4883> I still need to get a guide lens written, as I'm still using the videos lens for it

    18:19:54 <tgm4883> It also needs packaged

    18:20:37 <tgm4883> I'll need to figure out how to package a python library as well. The library for accessing the mythtv services is probably only 30% done, but it's the 30% we need Smile :)

    18:21:10 <mhall119> tgm4883: I can try and help with that

    18:21:18 <tgm4883> 100% done would mean supporting everything the services API allows, but we won't use most of that for Ubuntu TV so we can consider that portion complete

    18:21:26 <tgm4883> mhall119, that would be very helpful Smile :)

    18:21:45 <tgm4883> I was going to do a video this morning showing off the features, but that didn't happen

    18:21:55 <tgm4883> I will do one soon though

    18:22:07 <tgm4883> now that the guide scope is mostly finished

    18:22:19 <tgm4883> #action tgm4883 to make video showing mythtv features 18:22:19 * meetingology tgm4883 to make video showing mythtv features

    18:22:51 <tgm4883> The DVR scope is as it was last week. 95% done

    18:23:07 <tgm4883> The last 5% on both scopes will come after packaging and user testing

    18:23:28 <tgm4883> #action tgm4883 mhall119 package mythtvservices library and both mythtv scopes 18:23:28 * meetingology tgm4883 mhall119 package mythtvservices library and both mythtv scopes

    18:23:56 <bobweaver> tgm4883, what are you targetin for that lens ?

    18:24:09 <tgm4883> bobweaver, what do you mean?

    18:24:13 <tgm4883> what version?

    18:24:15 <bobweaver> version of Ubuntu ?

    18:24:28 <tgm4883> well, we'll need an update from mhall119 on that

    18:24:33 <tgm4883> mhall119, did that bug get sorted?

    18:24:51 <mhall119> tgm4883: the gobject dee stuff?

    18:25:02 <tgm4883> yea

    18:25:03 <tgm4883> bug 1096708

    18:25:05 <ubottu> bug 1096708 in dee (Ubuntu) "'SharedModel' object has no attribute 'append' using Python 3 on 12.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1096708

    18:25:23 <mhall119> I pinged some folks about it, but I guess they haven't looked into it yet

    18:25:43 <tgm4883> bobweaver, to answer your questions, the scopes currently work on 12.10 and above. If that bug gets fixed, then it will work on 12.04 and above

    18:27:42 <tgm4883> For anyone unaware, Unity lens/scopes work across platforms. So these lens/scopes I'm writing can be used in a regular Ubuntu Unity Desktop

    18:28:16 <tgm4883> That's about all the update I have

    18:28:21 <tgm4883> Any other updates from anyone?

    18:29:12 <tgm4883> Guess not

    18:29:21 <tgm4883> In that case, I'm going to open it back up for questions

    18:29:32 <tgm4883> #topic Community questions/comments/concerns

    18:29:47 <mhall119> thanks tgm4883!

    18:29:57 <tgm4883> If anyone has any questions/comments/concerns/ideas/etc, now is the time to shout them out

    18:32:21 <zuric> Hi, what the status of Unity 3D portage ?

    18:33:10 <mhall119> zuric: stalled for now, we're waiting to see what is going ot happen with the QML Phone shell

    18:33:19 <tgm4883> zuric, that was answered earlier and will be available in the logs. But a short recap... what mhall119 said

    18:33:53 <zuric> ok thanks

    18:34:06 <Pajn> Is any community effort wanted at this time?

    18:34:25 <mhall119> Pajn: absolutely

    18:34:44 <steve_fi> is help wanted on a specific version of Ubuntu?

    18:35:10 <steve_fi> with regards to testing and submitting bugs?

    18:35:15 <tgm4883> Community help is always wanted. I'd say we're at a point where we can actually accept help now

    18:35:35 <tgm4883> previously, we weren't really in a position to accept community help, as there wasn't a whole lot to test

    18:36:04 <mhall119> steve_fi: there isn't a whole lot to test atm, you can try tgm4883's MythTV scopes if you have a MythTV backend

    18:36:09 <tgm4883> at least for me, I'll get the mythtv stuff packaged this week with mhall119's help

    18:37:02 <bobweaver> for every one that would like to try out the newest code that I have been making you can it is built almost daily

    18:37:10 <bobweaver> the ppa is u2t

    18:37:14 <bobweaver> I will get link

    18:37:32 <bobweaver> https://launchpad.net/~u2t/+archive/bleedingedge

    18:37:49 <mhall119> also anybody who wants to hack on that

    18:37:59 <mhall119> it's Qt/QML right?

    18:38:11 <bobweaver> that in no way is going to be the UBuntu TV but I am sure that there is going to be things that are intergrated

    18:38:27 <bobweaver> yeah that is unity 2d

    18:38:47 <bobweaver> there is all sorta beta code up in there

    18:38:54 <mhall119> so anybody who wants to experiment with some UI stuff, you can use that branch

    18:38:57 <bobweaver> but that is like a playground

    18:39:14 <bobweaver> yeah I have not pushed branch

    18:39:34 <bobweaver> latest things that I have done to that are as follows

    18:40:25 <bobweaver> made so one can switch launcher to rght or left, added previews , made new lens view and a full dbus settings changer

    18:40:53 <bobweaver> add welcome screen mock up (what I think is going to be phone )

    18:41:02 <bobweaver> that will be nice to look at

    18:41:46 <bobweaver> but if there is anyone that wants to write into 3d have at it But I want nothing to do with NUX or compiz besides in unity2d spread

    18:42:49 <bobweaver> there is alot things that need to be know about the phone only time will tell

    18:43:08 <bobweaver> but if qml will be real easy to tie in

    18:44:26 <bobweaver> but if anyone wants to hack at that with me have at it.

    18:45:08 <bobweaver> I gotta run thanks mhall119 and tgm4883 and everyone else. sorry about early this week (I have a lot going on (personal))

    18:45:26 <tgm4883> If anyone has any questions/comments/concerns/ideas/etc, now is the time to shout them out

    18:51:06 <tgm4883> ok, since we're getting toward the end of our time and nobody has asked any more questions I'm going to wrap this up in about 2 minutes

    18:51:18 <tgm4883> so if anyone has any questions/comments/concerns/ideas/etc, now is the time to shout them out

    18:53:17 <tgm4883> #endmeeting

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UbuntuTV/Meetings/Jan25-2013 (last edited 2013-01-25 18:53:54 by ccc-9-253)