
Revision 21 as of 2010-09-13 09:20:46

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Sign Up!

This is the UbuntuTour Project Volunteers list. This is where you can sign up for tasks you're willing to be on the team for.

We need Authors, Editors, Programmers, Designers, and Translators.

If you'd like to be on the list, sign in with your launchpad ID and add your name and email address to the category you'd like to volunteer to help with.

Please add a note under each section about what skills you can help with specifically

ie: (Under Translation) "Bob Cratchit - bob.cratchit@dickens.com - I can help with translation into Cockney British."

and, (under "Programming") - "Bob Cratchit - bob.cratchit@dickens.com - I can help some with programming Python, a little HTML, I'm also good with working with only small lumps of coal.

Project Leaders

"Timothy Kross - ubuntu@omega.otherinbox.com - I'm the Organizational Leader. :)"


"Greg Ryman - ryman.greg+ubuntutour@gmail.com - I can write and edit in English."

"Rohit - rohitsilentkiller@gmail.com - I too can write and edit in English. I have been using ubuntu for over two years now. So I hope I can help in writing material for Ubuntu-Tour "

"Matt Fields - fields.emmett@gmail.com - English. I would be happy to do a writeup on one of the apps, and I can help with the wiki."

"Isaac Trumbo - itbcn8@live.com - I can write in English."

"Tyler James - tylerbrainerd@gmail.com - Been writing in English, and I can help edit as well."

"David Ashford - ashford.david@gmail.com - I can write in English."


"Greg Ryman - ryman.greg+ubuntutour@gmail.com - I can write and edit in English."

"Rohit - rohitsilentkiller@gmail.com - I can help in editing too."

"Isaac Trumbo - itbcn8@live.com - I can edit in English."

"David Ashford - ashford.david@gmail.com - I can help edit in English too."


"Akshar Patel - akshar.patel.47@gmail.com - Know Python, Learning GTK"

"Alex Marcotte - alexclamation@gmail.com - Python, GTK"


"Matt Fields - fields.emmett@gmail.com - GIMP/Inkscape - I can do graphics layout / vector graphics / design mockups. I would prefer to be directed to what small graphical tasks need doing.


"Celso H. L. S. Junior - celsohlsj@gmail.com - Translation into Brazilian Portuguese."

"Rohit - rohitsilentkiller@gmail.com - Translation into Malayalam."

"Fabian Trafoier - ftrafoier@gmail.com - Translation into German."

"Akshar Patel - akshar.patel.47@gmail.com - Translation into Indian languages. Languages Known : English, Hindi, Gujarati"

"Alex Marcotte - alexclamation@gmail.com - Translation into French (Canada)"

"Ezequiel Sapoznicoff - ezesapo@gmail.com - Translation into Spanish (Latin american)."

"Carlos A. Muñoz R. - kandrex@gmail.com - Translation into Spanish (Latinoamerican)"

"Isaac Trumbo - itbcn8@live.com - Translation into Spanish (Spain) and Chinese (Mandarin)."

"Wojtek Krawczyk - wojtekk@gmail.com - Translation into Polish"