
Revision 24 as of 2007-02-01 06:49:41

Clear message


Core Articles and their editor

(cannot be dropped for a release)

  • General community news (Open Contribution, Supervised by Cody Somerville)
  • Feisty Changes (Corey to get list, everybody can edit)
  • Security announcements (Tony Yarusso & Cody Somerville, set format, easy for anybody)

  • Upcoming meetings and events (Cody Somerville)

Secondary and their editor

(can be dropped to release on time)

  • LoCo News (Melissa as final editor, anybody can add and edit, weekly encouragement to lococontacts list)

  • Launchpad News (must be Christian Reis)
  • Specification Spotlight/Feature of the week (Cody Somerville, may include debaday)
  • Team of the week (Cody Somerville)
  • Backports (set format, easy for anybody)
  • In the Press (Tony Yarusso, anybody can add and edit)


  • Bug stats (Cody Somerville, set format, easy for anybody)

Creating a new development copy

During the Week

  • Add content, encourge new people to add their own content
  • Pay attention to the [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Ideas:Ideas] page

  • Write concisely (that's one of the things people like about UWN)

Pre-Release Checklist

  • have all sections completed
  • run a spellcheck
  • FIX any FIXME tags
  • check all images are in place and the links are valid
  • All editors attributed at the bottom (this usually changes each week)
  • Have the MarketingTeam proofread all that is written.

Sending the email

After everybody has checked off, it must be sent to the ubuntu-news mailing list. The email is ubuntu-news@lists.ubuntu.com. The mail will be caught in the spam filter, so will need to find CoreyBurger and get him to pass it through the filter.

Post Release

  • Fix redirect at UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Current
  • Change UbuntuWeeklyNews to reflect new current

  • Update [:UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Archive:the Archive]

  • Update topic in #ubuntu-marketing