Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter - Issue 10

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter - Issue 10 for the week of August, 13 - 19 2006

You can always find this and other Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issues at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter

In This Issue

General Community News

Ubuntu wins the Golden Penguin Award

As reported in the Fridge, Ubuntu won the Golden Penguin Award at LinuxWorld Expo 2006, playing against the Novell OpenAudio team. The Ubuntu team, consisting of volunteers Jorge Castro, Corey Burger and Canonical's Malcolm Yates, led the scoring from the very beginning and despite the Novell team's strong showing the the 3rd round, Ubuntu finished ahead. Congrats to all the players. See more at the Fridge: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/508

LinuxWorld Expo a great success

LinuxWorld Expo in San Francisco recently finished, and both the Ubuntu community and Canonical had a strong showing. Both booths were very busy, with many people discussing how they used Ubuntu or thanking us for making Ubuntu. The .org pavilion booth, run by the Ubuntu California team, was busy demonstrating Ubuntu 6.06 and all the great Ubuntu books currently out, while the Canonical booth focused on working business-to-business relationships.

At the GNOME booth, Ubuntu and GNOME community members Jorge Castro and Corey Burger helped the GNOME Foundation spread the message about how great GNOME was, which included showcasing the many great features coming both in GNOME 2.16 (due in Edgy) and beyond. Anecdotal evidence suggests an overwhelming number of visitors to the GNOME booth ran Ubuntu.

Security Updates

USN-337-1 imagemagick vulnerability http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-337-1 USN 336-1 binutils vulnerablity http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-336-1 USN 335-1 heartbeat vulnerability http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-335-1 USN 334-1 krb5 vulnerability http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-334-1

More information and a full listing can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/security

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates

There were no updates to 6.06 this week.

New Apps In Edgy

Glade 3 was uploaded this week. A description from the GNOME Journal "The GUI designer tool that has been building your GTK+ applications for years is back with a completely new generation of homegrown Free software. Supporting all the widgets in the GTK+ 2.8 family, gnomeui widgets, the GNOME canvas widget, and a whole new feature set; this new tool is sure to raise a few eyebrows."

Other notable packages included:

Ubuntu Summer of Code update

This week we profile Peter Moberg, who is currently working on two tools for Ubuntu as part of SoC.

His first tool, called Panel Switcher, is designed to make switching panel layouts, even quite complicated ones, very easy. Implemented in Python and pyGTK, you can find more information at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PanelSwitcher .

Session Backup, his other tool, allows a user to save and restore multiple GNOME sessions. As it stores the data in a zipped file, it also allows users to migrate that information to other computers. Also implemented in Python and pyGTK, you can find more information about Session Backup at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SessionBackup .

Weekly developer meeting

In the most recent developer meeting - 17 August at 23:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting - the developers planned the list of topics to be discussed at next week's Development Sprint in Wiesbaden, Germany.

A number of features were reported as implemented or complete, including:

The desktop team is keeping very busy with bug triaging and fixing - and could use your help!

Launchpad News

This week's full Launchpad news is at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/launchpad-users/2006-August/000536.html

Highlights include:

To stay up to date, join the launchpad-users mailing list:

We'd be honored to have you with us.

Bug Stats

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs

Infamous Bugs - Bug #56125


More: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/56125

Osnews covers Bug #1

OSnews recently covered Bug #1, the "Microsoft has a majority marketshare" one. You can read more information at http://osnews.com/comment.php?news_id=15554

In The Press

Ubuntu and Other Distros Rolled Out to American Students

Read more at http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=33756

Feature Of The Week - GNOME Deskbar

Deskbar allows you to embed an incredibly powerful search interface in a GNOME panel. Search across multiple search engines, enter an email address to send email, jump straight to a web page by entering the URL, or open files and folders by entering the path. There really are too many features to list. To see them all, and what's in store for future versions, visit Raphael Slinckx's blog at: http://raphael.slinckx.net/deskbar/

To add the Deskbar applet to your desktop just right click on an existing GNOME panel, select Add to Panel, and select it from the applets listed in the Accessories section.


Additional News Resources

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. See you next week!


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