
Revision 4 as of 2006-10-07 11:39:47

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Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 17 for the week of @MONTH@, @DAY@ - @DAY+7@ @YEAR@. In this issue we cover ...

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In This Issue

General Community News

Kubuntu/Debian KDE Extras

Achim Bohnet made a page describing how Kubuntu packagers can make sure their packages get into Debian too through the Debian KDE Extras team.

Rosetta and Upstream Collaboration

The Rosetta developers responded to comments from the KDE translators with some notes that are valid for all upstream projects Rosetta includes.

Changes in Edgy

Launchpad News

In The Press

Benjamin Smedberg of Mozilla raised some concerns about the cathedral-like nature of Ubuntu (and any other distros) archives. He wondered about how Ubuntu can manage new applications and the ability for people to install from the "Bazaar", as he called it. You can read more at

Newsforge reports on Benetech, a charity whose mission is to use technology to improve the world. They use Kubuntu and Ubuntu on their desktops 'Ball cited Ubuntu's ease of setup and installation as the reason for the switch. "If you have to roll out 10 or 15 machines, Gentoo's [inconvenient]. Most of our machines are Kubuntu, but there are a couple of GNOME people in our organization."'

Meetings and other similar events

Upcoming Events

Feature Of The Week - ???

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates

Bug Stats

New Bugs: # BR Closed Bugs: #

Infamous Bugs

Additional Ubuntu News

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Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Corey Burger
  • anyone else that contributes
  • And many others


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