
Revision 4 as of 2006-06-01 15:31:39

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Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter - Issue # for the week of MONTH, DAY - DAY+7 YEAR

General Community News

Ubuntu 6.06 Released

The Ubuntu team is proud to announce the release of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, codenamed "Dapper Drake". This release includes both installable Desktop CDs and alternate text-mode installation CDs for several architectures, for Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu.


New Apps


New Apps


New Apps


New Apps

Bug Stats

New Bugs: # BR Closed Bugs: #

Infamous Bugs

In The Press


The author of this iTWire article feels that Linux on SPARC may not be successful, we disagree but an interesting read nonetheless:

Article Quote:

"Now people just don't care because what they really want to buy is commodity servers. Commodity means low cost and high volume and for that people have traditionally bought Intel. In short, three years down the track Linux on Sparc, like Suse Linux on mainframes, will be considered just another interesting Linux diversion."


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