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Line 133: Line 133:,1000000567,10006214o-2000331758b,00.htm  * Why I've moved from Vista to Ubuntu 7.10 - I've been using Windows since it was battling for desktop supremacy with GEM in the early 90s. In the mid 90s I spent several years producing newspapers on Apple Macs. Since the late 90s I've dabbled with Linux, but there have always been compelling reasons to return to, or stick with, Windows. No more, for two reasons: Vista, and Ubuntu 7.10 (ala Gutsy Gibbon). Ubuntu has the slickest installation I have yet found in any OS. It also has a wonderfully useful and responsive 3D desktop, in the shape of Compiz Fusion. Ubuntu is fast, and is like a fresh breeze blowing through after my weeks of gazing at Vista, waiting for something to happen. Have we reached the beginning of the tipping point? I think we may just have.,1000000567,10006214o-2000331758b,00.htm
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 * Why Ubuntu (Still) Sucks - Part3: X11 - It's a rite of passage. All new Linux users must face that ultimate test of courage and conviction: Fixing a broken video card configuration. Way back when (circa 1992), we "bleeding edge" NT users had to suffer through all sorts of video card-related maladies. And with no command line-only environment to boot into, we were truly and utterly hosed. Then someone at Microsoft got smart, and developed the "VGA boot" option. Yes, with Ubuntu, you too can experience what it's like to render your desktop inaccessible. In fact, with Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon," you now have two (count ‘em, two) separate (redundant?) control panels from which to launch your video mal-configuration odyssey. So, everybody, let's call up Mr. Peabody, fire-up the "wayback machine," and party like it's 1992! With Ubuntu!

 * Why Ubuntu (Still) Sucks - Part 4: Applications - An operating system is only as good as the applications that run on it. Combine that with the old saw, "you get what you pay for," and you begin to appreciate why a thriving, commercial, 3rd-party development community is essential to building a lasting presence in the marketplace. Without it, you get something like, well, Ubuntu. Yes, Ubuntu ships with applications. And yes, you can download whole bit buckets full of additional ones from the various repositories. However, quantity rarely yields quality, and in the case of Ubuntu's application library (and that of Linux in general), the quality often falls well below the standards that most PC (or even Mac) customers have come to expect.


Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #63 for the week October 21st - October 27th, 2007. In this issue we cover...

UWN Translations

In This Issue

General Community News


LoCo News

New in Gutsy Gibbon

Launchpad News

Ubuntu Forums News

  • Ubuntu Forums Interviews. MetalMusicAddict is under the spotlights for this week's interview (there was no interview last week due to the Gutsy release). He is part of the Ubuntu Studio crew, and a leading contributor on the Ubuntu Forums. Please read the complete article here:

  • Share your Ubuntu Gusty upgrade/install experience. Like for every Ubuntu release, a poll has been created to share your Gusty experience with the community: In addition, summarizes the results of the previous polls for previous releases (for Dapper-Edgy-Feisty).

  • UWN Feedback. You can also read the UWN in a specific UF sub-forum: The threads are open for comments, so please give us feedback regarding the UWN issues, specially the current one that will always be sticky. You can grab the RSS feed for the UWN sub-forum here:

  • All time UF connected user record. Just after Gutsy was released, the number of active users on UF have dramatically increased. Most users ever online was 11,934, on october 23rd, 2007 at 07:49 PM UTC. The servers have absorbed the shock wave, Yay!

  • New Hardy sub forums. As Gutsy was released, a section for the development (currently Hardy Heron) release was created, and the former Gusty development was closed. As usual, you will find the Idea-pool (posting and discussing your ideas that could possibly make it into the Hardy Heron release of Ubuntu) and Dev-Link (this forum allows developers to ask questions and have the user base reply) sections.

In The Press;1796074138;fp;16;fpid;0

In The Blogosphere,1000000567,10006217o-2000331777b,00.htm

  • Why I've moved from Vista to Ubuntu 7.10 - I've been using Windows since it was battling for desktop supremacy with GEM in the early 90s. In the mid 90s I spent several years producing newspapers on Apple Macs. Since the late 90s I've dabbled with Linux, but there have always been compelling reasons to return to, or stick with, Windows. No more, for two reasons: Vista, and Ubuntu 7.10 (ala Gutsy Gibbon). Ubuntu has the slickest installation I have yet found in any OS. It also has a wonderfully useful and responsive 3D desktop, in the shape of Compiz Fusion. Ubuntu is fast, and is like a fresh breeze blowing through after my weeks of gazing at Vista, waiting for something to happen. Have we reached the beginning of the tipping point? I think we may just have.,1000000567,10006214o-2000331758b,00.htm

  • Why Ubuntu (Still) Sucks - Part 1: Applications - I'm sorry, but it needs to be said: The new Ubuntu sucks - at least when compared to Windows Vista. Yes, it's free. And yes, it's better than the previous release, Ubuntu 7.04 "Fiesty Fawn" (Yawn?). However, at heart it's still just another Gnome-based Linux distribution and, as such, remains well behind the curve when it comes to desktop sophistication. Case in point: Search. Much noise has been made about Canonical's decision to switch to the newer Tracker search engine. With Vista, search isn't simply an afterthought. It permeates every nook and cranny of the Windows shell. Bottom Line: Ubuntu, like all Linux distributions, is supposed to be all about power and choice. However, when stacked-up against Vista's robust, pervasive integrated search mechanism, Ubuntu looks more like a lightweight poser than a real challenger.

  • Why Ubuntu (Still) Sucks - Part 2: Compiz Fusion - There's this video on YouTube. It's all about the new "eye candy" in Windows and Ubuntu. The whole demo takes place against the backdrop of a pulsing bit of techno beat, making for a decidedly surreal experience. It's Ubuntu with Compiz Fusion enabled - a.k.a. Linux on crack. Of course, like most attempts by the Linux community to parrot Windows Vista, the aforementioned "eye candy showdown" misses the forest for the trees. Yes, Vista includes some new UI effects and animations. However, unlike Linux and the whole Compiz Fusion head trip, the effects in Vista serve a practical purpose. Bottom Line: Is Vista Aero "eye candy?" Yes, but with a purpose: To make the user interface easier to understand and navigate. By contrast, Compiz Fusion is nothing more than a me-too attempt to make Linux look prettier than it really is.

  • Why Ubuntu (Still) Sucks - Part3: X11 - It's a rite of passage. All new Linux users must face that ultimate test of courage and conviction: Fixing a broken video card configuration. Way back when (circa 1992), we "bleeding edge" NT users had to suffer through all sorts of video card-related maladies. And with no command line-only environment to boot into, we were truly and utterly hosed. Then someone at Microsoft got smart, and developed the "VGA boot" option. Yes, with Ubuntu, you too can experience what it's like to render your desktop inaccessible. In fact, with Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon," you now have two (count ‘em, two) separate (redundant?) control panels from which to launch your video mal-configuration odyssey. So, everybody, let's call up Mr. Peabody, fire-up the "wayback machine," and party like it's 1992! With Ubuntu!

  • Why Ubuntu (Still) Sucks - Part 4: Applications - An operating system is only as good as the applications that run on it. Combine that with the old saw, "you get what you pay for," and you begin to appreciate why a thriving, commercial, 3rd-party development community is essential to building a lasting presence in the marketplace. Without it, you get something like, well, Ubuntu. Yes, Ubuntu ships with applications. And yes, you can download whole bit buckets full of additional ones from the various repositories. However, quantity rarely yields quality, and in the case of Ubuntu's application library (and that of Linux in general), the quality often falls well below the standards that most PC (or even Mac) customers have come to expect.

  • Why Ubuntu (Still) Sucks - Part 5: Epilogue - A few weeks back I posted a decidedly less antagonistic series of missives about the departure of Mr. Con Kolivas from the Linux kernel development scene. And while I expected to take at least *some* heat for daring to comment on such an intimate Linux political issue, I was genuinely shocked by the level of vitriol emanating from the various respondents. After the dust settled, I realized that I had totally misjudged the Linux community. When I started out, I honestly bought into all the hype about "sharing knowledge" and "working together." Instead, I got a glimpse of the *real* face of the Linux community, the immature, mom's basement-dwelling, pimple-faced geek side that the Red Hats, Novells and Canonicals of this world don't want you to see. And while I take no pride in my methods (I actually *like* Ubuntu and plan to install Gutsy x64 onto several of my production workstations this weekend), I do take some measure of satisfaction in the outcome: Here, for the whole world to see, is the face of the Linux community - every "f-this" and "n-word" that preserved for all eternity in the digital ether of cyberspace.

  • Software Review: Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" - It may have taken a while, but Linux is finally starting to inch its way out of the dark corners of hobbyist computing and onto the battlefield between Microsoft and Apple. Sure, Linux has dominated the server market for a while now, but for the most part, its desktop and home computer offerings have, until recently, depended heavily on hacking and command-line skills. That's something the average computer user doesn't want to bother with at all. Then came along Ubuntu, a Linux distribution promising to be "Linux for human beings," something even grandma can understand and use. Ubuntu sponsor Canonical has released a version of Ubuntu that is elegant, fast, and easy to use straight out of the box. Ubuntu 7.10, also known as "Gutsy Gibbon," shows us that Linux can finally play with the giants and conquer some territory along the way.

  • The Perfect Desktop - Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" - This document describes how to set up an Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" desktop. The result is a fast, secure and extendable system that provides all you need for daily work and entertainment. About 23.000 packages are available in the repositories. This howto is a practical guide without any warranty - it doesn't cover the theoretical backgrounds. There are many ways to set up such a system - this is the way I chose.

  • Ubuntu 7.10 Gibbon swings on the Asus Eee - The Gibbonfest continues. We've just had an Asus Eee in to look at - the £220 laptop that everyone who's seen it is going to buy. It's one of the hottest things in the office this year. However, we inherited the Eee from another reviewer, who had accidentally nuked the Xandros Linux OS with which it had been supplied. Since we couldn't find the binaries to reinstall the Asus custom version of Xandros, and had Ubuntu 7.10 CDs sitting around, we thought we'd give the Gibbon another spin. The performance is great - Ubuntu is very comfortable with the 900MHz Celeron, and while it does have a CPU cooling fan it's inaudible. You won't have the greatest of times with the VGA resolution or the rather spongy twee little keyboard - but they're very usable.,1000000567,10006278o-2000331777b,00.htm

  • Ubuntu Linux – So Close to the Masses but Massively Far - Ubuntu Linux is one of the best open source solutions that the world has ever seen. It is a free and powerful operating system that includes, by default, most of the tools that people need on a daily basis to get work done on a computer. It is a matter of time before Linux becomes more widely used but I’m afraid that it is just not yet. Computer users demand to play games and almost all games are made for Windows. Businesses require usage of Windows only software and often cannot afford to train employees on new computer systems. Ubuntu, the forefront Linux distribution, has most support from amateur and professional developers. It has the momentum to become the de-facto operating system for some. Ubuntu just needs more time to mature for the majority.

In Other News

On October 20th, Tiago Faria has founded the Ubunteros Tribe on TribalWars, a free browser based MMOG. The story takes place in a medieval village that will grow, develop and fight other villages. Please read all about how to join the fun and basic recommendations here:, (figure out where to put this).

Meetings and Events

Community Spotlight

Updates and security for 6.06, 6.10, 7.04, and 7.10

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates

Ubuntu 7.04 Updates

Ubuntu 7.10 Updates

Bug Stats

  • Open (#) +/- # over last week
  • Critical (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unconfirmed (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unassigned (#) +/- # over last week
  • All bugs ever reported (#) +/- # over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Infamous Bugs

Translation Stats

  1. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  2. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  3. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  4. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  5. Language (#) +/- # over last week

Remaining string to translate in Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon", see more at:

UWN #: A sneak peek

Archives and RSS Feed

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Nick Ali
  • Isabelle Duchatelle
  • Your Name Here
  • And many others


You can subscribe to the UWN feed at:


If you would like to submit an idea or story you think is worth appearing on the UWN, please send them to This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Marketing Team. Please feel free to contact us regarding any concerns or suggestions by either sending an email to or by using any of the other methods on the Ubuntu Marketing Team Contact Information Page ( If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send then

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue63 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:41 by localhost)