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Revision 41 as of 2008-01-06 20:27:49
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Comment: added welcome and In this issue
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Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 71 for the weeks December 30th - January 5th, 2008. In this issue... Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 71 for the weeks December 30th - January 5th, 2008. In this issue: Alpha 3 Freeze, Kubuntu Tutorials Day, Ubuntu Live Conference, Launchpad News, Ubuntu Forum News, Ubuntu Tutorial of the Week, In The Press & Blogosphere, Meetings & Events, Security & Updates, Bugs & Translations, and much, much more!!
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 * Alpha 3 Freeze: Bug Time
 * Kubuntu Tutorials Day
 * Ubuntu Live Conference - A Look Back and Ahead
 * Launchpad News
 * Ubuntu Forum News
 * Ubuntu Tutorial of the Week
 * In The Press & Blogosphere
 * In Other News
 * Meetings & Events
 * Security & Updates
 * Bugs & Translations
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== General Community News ==
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=== Alpha 3 freeze Ahead, Time to Squash Bugs === === Alpha 3 Freeze Ahead, Time to Squash Bugs ===

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 71 for the weeks December 30th - January 5th, 2008. In this issue: Alpha 3 Freeze, Kubuntu Tutorials Day, Ubuntu Live Conference, Launchpad News, Ubuntu Forum News, Ubuntu Tutorial of the Week, In The Press & Blogosphere, Meetings & Events, Security & Updates, Bugs & Translations, and much, much more!!

UWN Translations

In This Issue

  • Alpha 3 Freeze: Bug Time
  • Kubuntu Tutorials Day
  • Ubuntu Live Conference - A Look Back and Ahead
  • Launchpad News
  • Ubuntu Forum News
  • Ubuntu Tutorial of the Week
  • In The Press & Blogosphere

  • In Other News
  • Meetings & Events

  • Security & Updates

  • Bugs & Translations

General Community News

Alpha 3 Freeze Ahead, Time to Squash Bugs

This milestone is intended to be used for tracking bugs that must be fixed in order for the alpha release to happen. If you have doubts about whether a bug should block the alpha, please err on the side of caution by using the milestone for the bug so that the release team can review it. The number of bugs blocking the alpha is expected to be relatively small, so if you don't have any milestoned bugs assigned to you, please consider helping with the list of bugs that are listed as release-critical for hardy as a whole:

Kubuntu Tutorials Day - Bugs

This is an in depth look at the process of Bug Triage used by the Kubuntu Development Team. It covers who the team works with, why bug triage is important, what skills are needed, bug reporting, the triage process, testing and sorting the reported bugs, duplicates, working upstream, and much more. To learn more about the bug process for Kubuntu, or to get involved, visit the link. Help make every version bug free by squashing a few yourself.

Ubuntu Live Conference - A Look Back and Ahead

With the announcement of the the 2008 Ubuntu Conference, taking place on July 21-22, 2008 in Portland, Oregon, it seems fitting to look back at some of the highlights of the 2007 conference. By following the link to these videos, you can get a feel for how the conference works, or whet your appetite for the upcoming get together. Reminesce, or see what you missed, but make plans to attend the next conference.

Launchpad News

A fantastic result for Inkscape with Launchpad

Just a couple weeks after Inkscape moved its bug tracker to Launchpad (see, the results are impressive! The Inkscape community has been working very hard, and there is more than a 4-fold decrease in open bugs. Mark Shuttleworth elaborates on the strength of the Open Source community in his article:

Ubuntu Forum News

Ubuntu Forums Interview

So, K.Mandla, dedicated interviewer, UF moderator and so much more (running half-marathons, speaking four languages..), has finally answered the "Nine Simple Questions". You can read the article here:

Ubuntu Tutorial of the Week

The idea is to highlight a Tutorial every week, as an example, and maybe improve the quality of the Tutorial & Tips sub-forum.

You can subscribe to the closed thread to get the notifications each week:

The discussion thread regarding the Tutorial of the Week can be found here:

In The Press

  • OpenVZ to release pre-made Ubuntu VMs - The OpenVZ Project will release on Jan. 8th, pre-made Ubuntu 7.10 server and desktop virtual machines. The OpenVZ Project is an open source community branch of SWsoft, the virtualization company behind Parallels and Virtuozzo. Here's how it works. Users will download an Ubuntu software template from OpenVZ. With this template, they can then set up OpenVZ VMs (virtual machines) of either Ubuntu server or desktop on an existing Linux system. This software represents a combined effort by OpenVZ and Canonical, Ubuntu's commercial sponsor, to make it easier for administrators to quickly deploy Ubuntu desktops or servers. How quick? OpenVZ claims that a system manager will be able to set up a new Ubuntu server in about a minute.

  • When Enlightenment met Ubuntu - Many Linux distributions try to be visually appealing. Some use Beryl-Compiz for cool 3-D effects on resource-laden boxes, while others turn to desktops like Enlightenment for a little bit of gloss at the expense of functionality. Geubuntu is a new distro that combines the best of those two worlds, equipping Enlightenment with bits from GNOME and Xfce on top of Ubuntu. Geubuntu 7.10 "Luna Nuova" is only the second release of the distro, which seems to trace Ubuntu's release cycle. Despite being a young distro with just two releases under its belt, Geubuntu delivers a visually stunning desktop without compromising functionality. Built atop Ubuntu, the distro has a solid, well-tested base.

  • 7 Months with Ubuntu - In early June 2007, Mark Joseph Edwards finally got around to giving Ubuntu another look (using a bootable Live CD) and was pleasantly surprised. The new OS recognized all his hardware immediately, including his printers, wired Ethernet cards, and half a dozen different Wi-Fi cards. He then poked around the desktop a little bit and discovered that almost all the tools he needed for day-to-day work were either already installed by default or were available for easy Internet-based installation with a few clicks of the mouse. It was at that point that Ubuntu really got his attention. He found myself thinking that he could quickly install Ubuntu along with all the tools he need and take the OS for an extended long-term test drive. He found that Ubuntu is reasonably secure, has decent desktop controls that help prevent unwanted access (similar to Vista's User Access Control--UAC), and is relatively quickly patched when security problems appear in various OS components. Installing those patches is easy too--a bit easier than typical desktop updates on Windows platforms.

In The Blogosphere

  • Built-in apps get an "A", wireless support an "F" - Dennis O'Reilly at blogs has tested Ubuntu. He is very impressed with the overall distribution, and all the applications bundled in Ubuntu, especially the ones he did not expect: F-Spot Photo Manager, GIMP Image Editor, Open Drawing app, XSane Image Scanner, Movie Player, Rhythmbox Music Player, Serpentine Audio CD-Creator, Sound Juicer CD Extractor, Sound Recorder, Ekiga, Evolution, Pidgin client (previously known as Gaim). He also enjoyed the games: "Blackjack, Sudoku, and a Tetris knockoff; there's even a version of my favorite time-waster, Mahjongg". But did not manage to make the wireless work out of the box or with Ndiswrapper. The comments on the article offer different solutions.

  • Built-in apps get an "A", wireless support an "F" - Dennis O'Reilly at blogs has tested Ubuntu. He is very impressed with the overall distribution, and all the applications bundled in Ubuntu, especially the ones he did not expect: F-Spot Photo Manager, GIMP Image Editor, Open Drawing app, XSane Image Scanner, Movie Player, Rhythmbox Music Player, Serpentine Audio CD-Creator, Sound Juicer CD Extractor, Sound Recorder, Ekiga, Evolution, Pidgin client (previously known as Gaim). He also enjoyed the games: "Blackjack, Sudoku, and a Tetris knockoff; there's even a version of my favorite time-waster, Mahjongg". But did not manage to make the wireless work out of the box or with Ndiswrapper. The comments on the article offer different solutions.

  • How I Spent My Christmas Vacation - Craig Mathias loaded up the Ubuntu LINUX distribution, and came away very impressed. It installs like a breeze, it's easy to use (OK, a little background in UNIX is required, but this can be fixed over time), it's fast, and it includes everything one might need - the Firefox browser, Open Office, and a Virtual Network Computing (VNC) client. VNC is particularly important here because, using VNC, one can access other VNC-equipped machines, of any form, and control them remotely - just like Microsoft Remote Desktop, but platform-independent. His company, Farpoint Group, may be done purchasing new Microsoft operating systems and PCs to run them, and that is a thrilling prospect for the bottom line.

  • Ubuntu Linux: Built-in apps get an "A", wireless support an "F" - It didn't take long after installing Canonical Ltd.'s Ubuntu 7.10 version of Linux for Dennis O'Reilly to decide he liked what he saw. A quick tour of the Applications, Places, and System menus indicated that converting from Windows to Linux would be relatively seamless. The only fly in the ointment was my inability to get any of three wireless adapters to work with the OS. He expected to find apps. like Firefox, and Open Office, but many others were a bonus to him. F-Spot Photo Manager, GIMP Image Editor, Open Office Drawing app, and XSane Image Scanner give you all the graphics functions you're likely to need; and for audio and video processing, you get Movie Player, Rhythmbox Music Player, Serpentine Audio CD-Creator, Sound Juicer CD Extractor, and Sound Recorder. While the wireless glitches made him glad he dual-booted Ubuntu with Windows, he was disappointed that he wouldn't be able to use Ubuntu the same way he uses Windows, at least not until he figures out why he couldn't get Ubuntu to establish a wireless link.

  • Ubuntu: Beyond the Hype - This is not the first time this author had a look at Ubuntu. Though many (often as baseless as they are bold) claims are still repeated all around, Ubuntu has come a long way. Perhaps there's a strong self-fulfilling prophecy going on. With lots of users flocking to Ubuntu, the user base has really taken off. The Ubuntu forums he checked out were filled with useful comments, and the wikis and other kind of websites are likewise full of useful information, not just about Ubuntu and derivatives, but also Linux in general. Today there's surely much more substance to at least some of the claims: Ubuntu is easy to install, easy to use, easy to manage. Please visit the link for a more in depth look at this author's recent experience with Ubuntu.

  • For 2008 Media Will Create Red Hat-Ubuntu War - Here’s an easy prediction to make. In 2008 the media will gin up a “war” between Red Hat and Ubuntu for “control” of Linux. It’s already started. The latest distribution of Red Hat Fedora, Fedora 8, is called “an assault” on Ubuntu at Mad Penguin. The new Fedora 8 has improved support for notebooks, for gamers, and for programs like Pulse Audio. These are good things, and it will be interesting to see how Ubuntu raises the bar in 2008. Another way in which the media will crank up the Red Hat-Ubuntu “war” theme involves the hiring of Jim Whitehurst as CEO, replacing Matthew Szulik. You’re going to see a host of articles over the next two weeks contrasting Mark Shuttleworth’s entrepreneurial flair with Whitehurst’s button-down mind. But the competition is a good thing. It means new features, new options, and new possibilities for all Linux users in 2008. The more successful businesses we have based on Linux, and the more money they make, the better for everyone.

In Other News

Rocket Linux To Launch At CES

The startup that used Linux on the fast-selling $199 Wal-Mart PC last November will launch version 2.0 of its gOS operating system, dubbed Rocket, Monday in Las Vegas. Rocket will add new Google (NSDQ: GOOG)-based applications and features as it debuts at the Consumer Electronics Show. It will also be available as a free download at A Google search function is built into the center of the gOS 2.0 desktop. The operating system already works with Google's online applications, such as Gmail, Google Docs & Spreadsheets, and Google Maps. Rocket, like the first version of gOS, is based on Ubuntu Linux, but has an upgraded desktop workspace based on the Enlightenment 17 user interface. Rocket will come with its first custom application, gBooth, a browser-based Webcam application that can capture photos and video, add special effects, and share the results across Facebook, You Tube, and other Web services.

Meetings and Events

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Edubuntu meeting

  • Start: 20:00 UTC
  • End: 22:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: No agenda listed as of the publication

US Team Meeting

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Desktop Team Development Meeting

  • Start: 14:00 UTC
  • End: 15:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: Beyond the normal reporting by each team member, additional agenda items will be listed on the [ Meeting wikipage]

Updates and security for 6.06, 6.10, 7.04, and 7.10

Security Updates

  • None Reported

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates

Ubuntu 6.10 Updates

Ubuntu 7.04 Updates

Ubuntu 7.10 Updates

Bug Stats

  • Open (38776) +124 # over last week
  • Critical (19) +/-0 # over last week
  • Unconfirmed (19820) +41 # over last week
  • Unassigned (29119) +135 # over last week
  • All bugs ever reported (143449) +1089 # over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Translation Stats

  1. Spanish (12589) -780 # over last week
  2. French (37728) +/-0 # over last week
  3. Swedish (49184) -73 # over last week
  4. English-UK (27547) -11532 # over last week
  5. German (66656) +/-0 # over last week

Remaining string to translate in Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon", see more at:

Archives and RSS Feed

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Nick Ali
  • Craig A. Eddy
  • John Crawford
  • Isabelle Duchatelle
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms


If you would like to submit an idea or story you think is worth appearing on the UWN, please send them to This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Marketing Team. Please feel free to contact us regarding any concerns or suggestions by either sending an email to or by using any of the other methods on the Ubuntu Marketing Team Contact Information Page ( If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send then

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue72 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:31 by localhost)