
Revision 2 as of 2006-05-24 09:02:58

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A GUI application that assist the user with the application that he will be using in GNOME, and the capabilities of Ubuntu. The application must be attractive and easy to use for new users to easily adopt in Ubuntu.


New users should have an easy to understand, local guide to using Ubuntu. An internet connection is a commodity, not everyone can afford; having the welcome center be a part of Ubuntu guarentees access to all users. The welcome center explains the very basics of menus & shortcuts to the advanced applications available to users. Ubuntu is not only for new users to computers; with the majority of users in the world using MS based OSes, Gnome's desktop may confuse them. All new users will have the same questions regarding how to achieve basic tasks in Ubuntu. Having a welcome center will automate solutions to preconcieved questions on how to be productive in Ubuntu. The welcome center will instill confidence in the new user which will reduce the risk of leaving Ubuntu plainly for "being lost".

Use cases

  • Jigna's Windows XP becomes ridiculously slow being slewed with popups and spyware. Jigna's boyfriend, Parag, comes over one day and installs Ubuntu on her system. Parag, having a fulltime job, leaves Jigna after he confirms a successful install. Jigna stares at the screen searching for the blue E icon for internet explorer; minutes pass and Jigna gives up and boots into a slow, but useful, Windows XP. Had a welcome center explain the equivalents of windows programs to Ubuntu's programs, Jigna would have given Ubuntu more of a chance.
  • Raja comes home from intermediate school to find a brand new computer, turned on and on Ubuntu's desktop. Excited, Raja clicks rapidly on multiple menus trying to figure out what the pictures stand for and which button on the mouse means what. Raja's father Naimish notices Raja's frustration and joins him. Naimish loads up Ubuntu Welcome Center and explains the basics of how to use Ubuntu to Raja. Afterwards, Raja is able to login to his own account, which Naimish created for him, and play Frozen Bubble. Raja is also able to double click on a desktop shortcut, which loads up the National Geographic Kids website, where can learn about nature.





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