
Revision 108 as of 2006-10-04 14:50:21

Clear message

Mubuntu is the tentative name of a Multimedia editing derivative of Ubuntu, currently being planned. This page is the starting point for these plans.

Ultimate Goal

To build a solid multimedia editing distro based on Ubuntu-Gnome by Edgy+1

Get Involved


  • Please try to sign your comments. Though, with the addition of concrete info, it isnt needed.
  • I plan on making this a kind of "Main Page" and as sections grow, giving them their own page. - C.Kontros


Work has begun on sorting through the packages. The main work is currently being led by C.Kontros. We are using [http://reconstructor.aperantis.com Reconstructor] at the moment to do some test ISO builds and to discover the limitations of this application. Cory is effectively the lead unless anyone has any reasonable objection to this, as he has experience leading people and has enough spare time to handle it at the moment.

The plan at the moment is:

  • Multiple metapackages. Mubuntu-desktop, mubuntu-desktop-settings, and mubuntu-artwork will be the base. Then on top that can be added: mubuntu-audio, mubuntu-video and mubuntu-graphics, further divided if necessary. Perhaps divide each one by universe+main and multiverse, and that would be sufficient.
  • Use only packages in official Ubuntu repositories
  • Use the best kernel Edgy+1 provides.
  • Use Gnome

Input has come from LaserJock on the best approach to this process.


  • [wiki:C.Kontros C.Kontros] (_MMA_)
    • Planning
    • Art
    • Testing
  • DanaOlson (dolson)

    • Planning
    • Packaging (limited time/experience)
    • Meeting availability: 11pm-1am Eastern, Tue-Sat
  • ForestBond (fbond)

    • Working further upstream
    • Advice/opinion
  • Ttoine
    • testing (with interested sound engineers of two professional studios)
    • writing documentation ; I started on my website about music and ubuntu ; only in french at this time
    • providing hardware is possible
  • ChrisWagner

    • Packaging - At this point, I haven't played with Linux audio stuff enough to know what will need packaging, but I'll try to help if someone points me in the right direction.
    • Testing
  • HuwWilkins

    • Art Director
  • [wiki:JoeJaxx Joseph Jackson IV] (joejaxx)

    • Planning
    • ISO Creation/Testing
    • Packaging

Assigned Tasks

For a current list of tasks that need to be done go [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mubuntu-ProjectGoals HERE].

  • C.Kontros - Organize/Update WIKI, Create list of packages for base of Mubuntu.
  • joejaxx - Assist in creation of base packages and test.
  • HuwWilkins - Create the look and feel of Mubuntu

  • NEEDED - Create package lists for: mubuntu-audio, mubuntu-video and mubuntu-graphics. mubuntu-desktop-settings and mubuntu-artwork will also need work but these are in a state of flux.

Current Questions

Polls for User Opinions

Art & Themes

[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mubuntu-ArtProposal Mubuntu-ArtProposal] Guide and info on the "look and feel" for Mubuntu.

Mubuntu Metapackages Breakdown

[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mubuntu-MetapackagesBreakdown Mubuntu-MetapackagesBreakdown]. A page for the structure of the metapackages and disks.


  • The UbuntuStudio page previously contained a (very bare) spec for what would basically be the same thing as Mubuntu. The wiki page for UbuntuStudio has been set to redirect to this page, and I notified the author of the spec (as registered at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-studio). - ChrisWagner

  • I will make a quotation of one of my sound engineer friend : "no matter what it looks, if you can work a day on, if it is fonctionnal, and if it sounds great". Do you think it is possible with Ubuntu (or Mubuntu) ?
  • One of the audio/video based live CD distributions (Dyne:bolic I think) has openmosix built into the kernel. I haven't been able to try this out, but it is something I think would be very useful in mubuntu. For instance that would mean that I could install the mubuntu kernel package on the machine running mainstream Ubuntu upstairs in the living room and use it as a mubuntu cluster node without compromising its value as an entertainment centre etc. RobertPersson2