
  1. Hellow/MagicFab courses - cjohnston

  2. Confirm Schedule - cjohnston

  3. Plan Intro - cjohnston

  4. Discuss how we want to run the day - cjohnston

  5. Inform instructors about Lernid? - pleia2

  6. Promoting UUD - cjohnston

  7. Second email requesting overviews/outlines from instructors for their course.. Only received one so far. - cjohnston


  1. Hellow/MagicFab courses - cjohnston

    • pleia2 is emailing MagicFab to discuss his course offerings to determine if they are different enough from other courses already being offered.

    • Hellow has gotten some suggestions on courses and should have his course on the wiki tomorrow.
  2. Confirm Schedule - cjohnston

    • cjohnston will email instructors to verify the schedule works for them
  3. Plan Intro - cjohnston

  4. Discuss how we want to run the day - cjohnston

    • cjohnston will send an email requesting a brief introduction from each instructor to be used by the hosts to introduce the intructors at the beignning of their hour
    • instructors will be given the choice of handling pasting questions in -classroom themselves or if they want a host to paste questions.
  5. Inform instructors about Lernid? - pleia2

    • let instructors know that it exists, but we aren't supporting the features of lernid for this session.. Maybe revisit next time.
  6. Promoting UUD - cjohnston

    • fridge?
    • all four of us will post on our blogs.
    • email to loco team contacts
    • email to ubuntu-users mailing list
    • pleia2 will try to find out if we can email on ubuntu-announce
  7. Second email requesting overviews/outlines from instructors for their course.. Only received one so far. - cjohnston

    • cjohnsotn will email instructors for this information


   1 20:02 < cjohnston> I see pleia2 and _marx_ but i dont see Pendulum 
   2 20:02 < _marx_> present
   3 20:02 < cjohnston> you got me a present?
   4 20:03 < pleia2> :)
   5 20:03 < _marx_> ah, no sorry about that
   6 20:03 < cjohnston> uggh
   7 20:04 < _marx_> charcoal?
   8 20:04 < cjohnston> lol
   9 20:04 < _marx_> lol back at ya!
  10 20:05 < cjohnston> ok... well.. do we want to go on and start and hopefully Pendulum will show up?
  11 20:05 < pleia2> yeah
  12 20:05  * _marx_ nods
  13 20:05 < cprofitt> the meeting is at 9pm yes?
  14 20:05 < cjohnston> cprofitt: this is the User Days meeting..
  15 20:05 < pleia2> cjohnston: yeah, this is the user days meeting
  16 20:05 < pleia2> err cprofitt
  17 20:05 < _marx_> cprofitt: yes this is uud
  18 20:05 < pleia2> tabfail++
  19 20:05 < cjohnston> The team meeting is at 9
  20 20:06 < cprofitt> not sure I got any notice for that one...
  21 20:06 < cjohnston> cprofitt: its mostly just the 4 of us talkin..
  22 20:06 < cprofitt> k
  23 20:06 < cjohnston> feel free to hang out and give input though
  24 20:06 < _marx_> first hour is intro, what's that going to be like?
  25 20:07 < cjohnston> Hellow/MagicFab courses - cjohnston
  26 20:07 < pleia2> cjohnston: do you want me to email MF?
  27 20:07 < cjohnston> Hellow still doesn't have a topic idea for himself, and mentioned to me a couple days ago about removing his name.. I have no problem with this of course... but wanted to try to get any last course ideas
  28 20:07 < cjohnston> sure pleia2 
  29 20:08 < pleia2> ok, I'll do that now
  30 20:08 < cjohnston> Sounds good..
  31 20:08 < _marx_> I'm planning on being around all day that day
  32 20:09 < cjohnston> any thoughts on a topic for Hellow?
  33 20:10 < pleia2> do we know where his strengths are?
  34 20:10 < pleia2> evening ZachK_
  35 20:10 < ZachK_> oh hello pleia2
  36 20:10 < cjohnston> I don't..
  37 20:10 < ZachK_> pleia2: what's up? I say that as you usually don't ping me
  38 20:11 < pleia2> ZachK_: user days meeting
  39 20:11 < ZachK_> right now?
  40 20:11 < pleia2> yep
  41 20:11 < ZachK_> oh sweet
  42 20:11 < pleia2> hey Hellow
  43 20:11 < ZachK_> ok...what's it about
  44 20:11 < cjohnston> hello Hellow 
  45 20:12 < _marx_> hi Hellow
  46 20:12 < ZachK_> Hellow....what up dude
  47 20:12 < Hellow> Ohai thar.
  48 20:12 < cjohnston> Hellow: we are talking about you
  49 20:12 < cjohnston> ;-)
  50 20:12 < pleia2> trying to think of what new people would need to know about
  51 20:12  * ZachK_ sharpens keyboard
  52 20:12 < cjohnston> We are trying to come up with a course for you.. 
  53 20:12 < ZachK_> pleia2: command line
  54 20:12 < PabloRubianes> Sorry i am late, hello
  55 20:12 < pleia2> ZachK_: covered
  56 20:12 < cjohnston> ZachK_: have you seen the schedule
  57 20:12 < pleia2> ZachK_: the schedule so far is here:
  58 20:12 < ZachK_> thanks pleia2 will look right......NOW!
  59 20:13 < cjohnston> I have also invited PabloRubianes to join in since he is half of the lead for the spanish UUD
  60 20:13 < _marx_> ZachK_: i have that but i'd love to talk to you about it
  61 20:13 < cjohnston> PabloRubianes:
  62 20:13 < ZachK_> _marx_: about what?
  63 20:13 < pleia2> let me see if I can get cproffit back
  64 20:13 < ZachK_> cjohnston: did you say you're trying to get a course for me?
  65 20:13 < _marx_> what to cover how to present it etc
  66 20:13 < Hellow> This is an.. interesting time to be doing this.
  67 20:14 < pleia2> I'd like to see if he can let us know what he'll be covering in "equivalent" talk
  68 20:14 < cjohnston> ZachK_: no.. for Hellow 
  69 20:14 < ZachK_> cjohnston: roger
  70 20:14 < cjohnston> Hellow: ?
  71 20:15 < ZachK_> _marx_:
  72 20:16 < pleia2> so I'm wondering if there is anything on the desktop itself we're not covering but would be interesting
  73 20:16 < ZachK_> :-D
  74 20:16 < cjohnston> PabloRubianes: do you all have any courses we dont have?
  75 20:16 < ZachK_> pleia2: can you pm me the scrollback of the meeting so far?
  76 20:17 < pleia2> Hellow: how are you at basic system configuration, explaining the differences between "preferences" and "administration" and what things you can edit?
  77 20:17 < doctormo> pleia2: This meeting is in 40mins right?
  78 20:17 < Hellow> Package management, command line, bash scripting, etc. programming languages, system config, desktop preferences, desktop config, etc.
  79 20:17 < ZachK_> doctormo: it's right now
  80 20:17 < cjohnston> doctormo: two different meetings.. this is user days team meeting
  81 20:17 < pleia2> doctormo: yeah, this is just a sort of impromptu user days meeting
  82 20:17 < pleia2> Hellow: I am thinking "system config, desktop preferences, desktop config"
  83 20:18 < doctormo> Ah, *few* I meant ubuntu-learning meeting... i.e. the channel we're in ;-)
  84 20:18 < Hellow> desktop preferences could be a little hard, as there are three primary DE's for Ubuntu.
  85 20:18 < pleia2> Hellow: or whatever you think you can fit into an hour :)
  86 20:18 < pleia2> Hellow: we're focusing on Gnome
  87 20:18 < Hellow> Desktop config, in many ways, = desktop preferences
  88 20:18 < cjohnston> That sounds good..
  89 20:18 < PabloRubianes> cjohnston: So far we have confirmed (Terminal, Join LoCo, Bugs report and equivalent software for Ubuntu)
  90 20:18  * pleia2 nods
  91 20:19 < cjohnston> PabloRubianes: thanks
  92 20:19 < cjohnston> Hellow: are you good with that?
  93 20:19 < Hellow> I am, but I don't know if I can make it fill an hour.
  94 20:19 < ZachK_> have you done how to set up movies/cd's or at least how to play them? I know that's like SUPER easy but some users just don't know how
  95 20:20 < PabloRubianes> cjohnston: we are wainting for more presenters to confirm, for the spanish speaking people this is Holiday time
  96 20:20 < ZachK_> and wireless is always a good one
  97 20:20 < Hellow> Oh god wireless.
  98 20:20 < cjohnston> gotcha PabloRubianes 
  99 20:20 < pleia2> Hellow: haha
 100 20:20 < ZachK_> What....what did I say?
 101 20:21 < cjohnston> wireles
 102 20:21  * ZachK_ said, "Wireless"
 103 20:21 < cjohnston> s
 104 20:21  * pleia2 gets the impression that Hellow doesn't want to do the wireless talk :)
 105 20:21 < Hellow> Exactly. Never use "wireless" and "linux" in the same sentence/context.
 106 20:21 < cjohnston> So we have some ideas that you should be able to make something out of Hellow ?
 107 20:21 < ZachK_> Haha
 108 20:21 < cjohnston> mine works
 109 20:21 < Hellow> Possibly.
 110 20:21 < cjohnston> right no
 111 20:21 < cjohnston> w
 112 20:21 < pleia2> cjohnston: hehe
 113 20:21 < _marx_> lernid
 114 20:22 < cjohnston> im on a laptop in bed with the wife who is PASSED OUT
 115 20:22 < pleia2> mine too, so I don't mess with it ;)
 116 20:22 < Hellow> I'm *best* with everything that's already taken :P.
 117 20:22 < cjohnston> I want her drugs
 118 20:22 < ZachK_> pleia2: has anyone covered server/Firebird?
 119 20:22 < pleia2> ZachK_: no, but we're trying to keep this pretty basic
 120 20:22 < ZachK_> pleia2: oh.....ok then
 121 20:22 < Hellow> Yeah, that's a little advanced.
 122 20:22 < ZachK_> nevermind
 123 20:22 < cjohnston> II. Confirm Schedule - cjohnston
 124 20:22 < ZachK_> I'll just keep quiet then
 125 20:23 < _marx_> hum i was planning on alpine...
 126 20:23 < Hellow> I'll have a decision on my topic up on the UserDays wiki tomorrow.
 127 20:23 < cjohnston> Right now, I haven't recieved any negative feedback on the current schedule as set..
 128 20:23 < cjohnston> thanks Hellow !
 129 20:23 < cjohnston> glad we could keep you in this
 130 20:23 < pleia2> Hellow: great, thanks
 131 20:24 < cjohnston> I will email everyone and confirm that the schedule works for them.. Anyone have any issues with it the way it stands now?
 132 20:24 < pleia2> cjohnston: nope, looks good
 133 20:24 < _marx_> first hour is intros?
 134 20:24 < cjohnston> _marx_: getting there
 135 20:25 < cjohnston> actually thats next
 136 20:25 < _marx_> so how do we use that hour
 137 20:25 < cjohnston> III. Plan Intro - [[cjohnston]]
 138 20:25 < pleia2> I am starting to think we need to use that hour to give a lernid demo
 139 20:25 < cjohnston> pleia2: i know at one point we talked and you said you had some stuff we could work with
 140 20:25 < duanedesign> _marx_: alpine is neat. I saw someone asking about mutt earlier
 141 20:26 < pleia2> cjohnston: yeah, I was thinking of using some of the material from the intro to the open week
 142 20:26 < cjohnston> pleia2: AlanBell (I think) had made the suggestion that we dont tailor this to lernid due to the possibility of having people on windows
 143 20:26 < cjohnston> or people who dont know how to install lernid
 144 20:26 < cjohnston> via a ppa
 145 20:26 < pleia2> jono always does an introduction
 146 20:26 < Hellow> Wait, are we using lernid on this?
 147 20:26 < cjohnston> he isnt availbale
 148 20:26 < cjohnston> available
 149 20:26 < pleia2> right, he doesn't have to do it :)
 150 20:26 < pleia2> we can
 151 20:26 < cjohnston> one day ill learn to spell
 152 20:26 < pleia2> but a similiar thing is what I had in mind
 153 20:26  * _marx_ votes no on lernid
 154 20:27 < cjohnston> I was tryin to be funny.. but didnt come out
 155 20:27 < _marx_> new users will have to learn how to enable a ppa
 156 20:27 < cjohnston> we do have jcastro tho
 157 20:27 < pleia2> _marx_: no to using it at all, or no to telling people about it and how to use it?
 158 20:27 < chitchatcurtis> what is it
 159 20:27 < Hellow> ...actually, I think that might be my topic. Using apt-get/aptitude.
 160 20:27 < _marx_> pleia2: no as default
 161 20:27 < cjohnston> If people want to use it on their own its fine, but I don't think we should 'support' it
 162 20:27 < Hellow> Or general package management.
 163 20:27 < pleia2> the karmic intro:
 164 20:28 < ZachK_> gotta go folks....chores
 165 20:28 < Pendulum> I agree with cjohnston
 166 20:28 < pleia2> _marx_: I agree it shouldn't be default
 167 20:28 < cjohnston> pleia2: !
 168 20:28 < cjohnston> oops.. tab fail
 169 20:28 < cjohnston> Pendulum: !
 170 20:28 < pleia2> hey Pendulum
 171 20:28 < Pendulum> hi, sorry, I've been somewhat reading, but things are moving fast and my brain has decided to stop moving fast ;)
 172 20:28 < chitchatcurtis> what is this site all about
 173 20:28 < ZachK_> pleia2: i wish to speak with you in say an hour or so? that acceptable
 174 20:28 < Hellow> Pendulum, More coffee always works.
 175 20:28 < duanedesign> Hellow: i know i used ubuntu for 2 years before i realized you could type just 'aptitude' and get the ncurses package manager window
 176 20:28 < pleia2> ZachK_: sure, I'll be around
 177 20:29 < Hellow> duanedesign, LOL.
 178 20:29 < Pendulum> Hellow: no coffee. it'd be bad.
 179 20:29 < ZachK_> pleia2: in an hour then.....bye team
 180 20:29 < cjohnston> duanedesign: i didnt know that.... lol
 181 20:29 < cjohnston> bye ZachK_ 
 182 20:29 < cjohnston> didnt care to... i dont think.. but didnt know that
 183 20:29 < pleia2> Hellow: maybe installing packages in general?
 184 20:29 < pleia2> Hellow: apt, aptitude, synaptic, software center
 185 20:29 < Pendulum> installing packages is good
 186 20:30 < Pendulum> (as an idea for something to do)
 187 20:30 < Hellow> pleia2, I think general package management would be useful, but focus upon installing packages yes.
 188 20:30 < cjohnston> that sounds good
 189 20:30 < Hellow> Adding repositories through the command line and software sources, using software center, using apt to install, remove, upgrade, and dist-upgrade, etc.
 190 20:30 < chitchatcurtis> wow this is fast
 191 20:31 < cjohnston> maybe we can move things around too.. and get that earlier in the day
 192 20:31 < pleia2> Hellow: I'd also touch base with paultag, his class is about finding trusted software
 193 20:31 < _marx_> Hellow: I wasn't going to cover that in cli basics
 194 20:31 < chitchatcurtis> am I here?
 195 20:31 < cjohnston> is that sarcasm?
 196 20:31  * Hellow headdesk
 197 20:31 < pleia2> chitchatcurtis: we're having a meeting about the upcoming Ubuntu User Day:
 198 20:31 < Hellow> This is going to be interesting.
 199 20:31 < _marx_> indeed
 200 20:31 < chitchatcurtis> o I c
 201 20:32 < cjohnston> So maybe more with software center and stuff and less with cli?
 202 20:32 < Hellow> There's not much left to that topic if you take out the command line part of it.. :P.
 203 20:32 < cjohnston> Hellow: cover 16 smaller topics in one hour
 204 20:32 < cjohnston> heh
 205 20:32 < Hellow> Oh great.
 206 20:32 < Hellow> :P
 207 20:32 < cjohnston> ;-)
 208 20:33 < _marx_> Hellow: I'm planning on installing mc and lynx
 209 20:33 < pleia2> hehe
 210 20:33 < Hellow> _marx_, In that case, I could cover the more detailed/advanced features of aptitude and apt?
 211 20:33 < _marx_> apt-cache and apt-show?
 212 20:34 < chitchatcurtis> this looks like it is over my head for now lol
 213 20:34 < Hellow> Those too.
 214 20:34 < cjohnston> lets get back to the intro please.. we are limited on time with the learning meeting immediatly after this
 215 20:34 < _marx_> Hellow: we should talk some what hour do you have?
 216 20:34 < Hellow> But, more like upgrade, dist-upgrade, remove, purge, check, *clean, etc.
 217 20:34 < _marx_> intro yes
 218 20:35 < Hellow> _marx_, 0:00 UTC, if that is what you mean.
 219 20:35 < cjohnston> So we need to write an intro and decide how we want to present the intro.... 
 220 20:35 < _marx_> Hellow: yes
 221 20:35 < cjohnston> pleia2: provided a link to the karmic intro for reference
 222 20:35 < Hellow> Although I could easily do earlier :P.
 223 20:35  * _marx_ waits on cjohnston 
 224 20:35 < cjohnston> whatcha waiting on
 225 20:35 < pleia2> the karmic intro is good, I'd like to see something similar for ours
 226 20:36 < cjohnston> ok.. i dont know that i have read it. so i will read it later..
 227 20:36 < pleia2> ok
 228 20:36 < Hellow> Where's the intro at?
 229 20:36 < Hellow> :P
 230 20:36 < pleia2>
 231 20:36 < cjohnston> ^^
 232 20:37 < Hellow> So we're using the same general intro as the Ubuntu Open Week?
 233 20:37 < pleia2> something similar, yeah
 234 20:37 < pleia2> I am proposing anyway :)
 235 20:37 < cjohnston> sounds good...
 236 20:37 < cjohnston> and how do we want to present the intro?
 237 20:38 < cjohnston> each of us gets a part?
 238 20:38 < pleia2> yeah, I'd say so
 239 20:38 < pleia2> evening swoody
 240 20:38 < cjohnston> ok.. so we can work on writing the intro.. and then assign parts to it..
 241 20:38  * pleia2 nods
 242 20:38 < cjohnston> parts of it to each person..
 243 20:38 < swoody> hello pleia2 :)
 244 20:38 < Pendulum> yeah, that makes sense
 245 20:39 < cjohnston> who wants to work on writing the intro?
 246 20:39 < chitchatcurtis> hey can I say something as a newby?
 247 20:39 < cjohnston> sure chitchatcurtis 
 248 20:39 < pleia2> chitchatcurtis: sure
 249 20:40 < cjohnston> anyone?
 250 20:40 < pleia2> cjohnston: ok ok, I'll have a draft by friday
 251 20:40 < chitchatcurtis> there are some out the as I that are very new to this so basics are great.
 252 20:40 < cjohnston> pleia2: ok.. I will try to help you with it too.. :-)
 253 20:40 < _marx_> cjohnston: I kinda thought the intro would be the four of us that started this mess would just introduce ourselves
 254 20:40 < Pendulum> pleia2: feel free to poke me if you want a hand or want me to do it
 255 20:41 < pleia2> ok, I'll prep it on the wiki so you can all see my progress
 256 20:41 < cjohnston> _marx_: we have an hour
 257 20:41 < cjohnston> pleia2: sounds good
 258 20:41 < cjohnston> _marx_: that will be part of it thought
 259 20:41 < _marx_> k
 260 20:41 < chitchatcurtis> it may be redundant to some but very helpful to many
 261 20:42 < cjohnston> chitchatcurtis: that is the whole point of this 
 262 20:42 < cjohnston> IV. Discuss how we want to run the day
 263 20:42 < chitchatcurtis> ok
 264 20:42 < _marx_> for me one part is that i've only met y'all here on IRC
 265 20:42 < pleia2> _marx_: weren't you at SELF?
 266 20:42 < _marx_> yes
 267 20:42 < pleia2> we met :)
 268 20:43  * cjohnston needs to start meeting people
 269 20:43 < pleia2> akgraner introduced us, I'm Lyz from the pennsylvania loco
 270 20:43  * _marx_ runs memtest on his brain
 271 20:43 < pleia2> hehe
 272 20:43 < cjohnston> What I have invisioned in how we will run this is get each instructor to give us a little intro to themselves, in which one of us will use that to introduce each instructor at the beginning of the hour
 273 20:44 < cjohnston> s/the hour/their hour
 274 20:44 < _marx_> pleia2: oh yeah! sector 2367
 275 20:44 < pleia2> _marx_: I'm third from the left, waving a pen around
 276 20:44 < pleia2> I think you're sitting 2 seats away from me there
 277 20:45 < pleia2> sorry, tangent
 278 20:45 < _marx_> cjohnston: sounds good
 279 20:45 < pleia2> yep, sounds good
 280 20:46 < cjohnston> pleia2: how are questions normally done at the events? instructor tracks and copies/pastes and answers them, or should we copy questions into -classroom for them?
 281 20:46 < pleia2> cjohnston: it's up to the instructor
 282 20:46 < pleia2> we ask them whether they want to do it themselves or not
 283 20:46 < cjohnston> ok... 
 284 20:46 < _marx_> questions are asked in the chat channel
 285 20:46 < Hellow> From what I've seen, the channel is in auditorium mode and questions are asked in chat, responded to in the main channel.
 286 20:46 < pleia2> Hellow: yep
 287 20:46 < Hellow> Or something like that.
 288 20:47 < _marx_> sometimes there is a moderator to pass them on to the classroom
 289 20:47 < Hellow> ...err, is it auditorium mode? Does freenode even have that?
 290 20:47 < Hellow> :P
 291 20:47 < cjohnston> should we try to get that information prior to the day, or at the start of each class?
 292 20:47 < Hellow> It might be just +m.
 293 20:47 < Pendulum> probably not this week, but next week should we decide who is introducing each session? (I think we should meet next week)
 294 20:47 < cjohnston> Pendulum: agreed..
 295 20:47 < pleia2> cjohnston: we tend to do it right before each session as we're prepping the instructor
 296 20:47 < cjohnston> ok pleia2 sounds good
 297 20:47 < pleia2> that way they'll have an idea of the crowd - if it's really busy that day they might need help
 298 20:47 < pleia2> otherwise it might be eaiser just for them to do it
 299 20:47 < cjohnston> V. Inform instructors about Lernid?
 300 20:48 < cjohnston> Sorry for rushing..
 301 20:48 < pleia2> np
 302 20:48 < cjohnston> I say -1... 
 303 20:48 < Hellow> I believe you have 12 minutes left :P.
 304 20:48 < cjohnston> maybe let them know it exists but that we arent supporting it?
 305 20:48 < Hellow> Or something like that.
 306 20:48 < pleia2> nhandler and nigel_nb were working on this, getting us an ical thing made and stuff in case we wanted to give people the opportunity to use it
 307 20:48 < nigel_nb> we are creating an event Hellow
 308 20:49 < nigel_nb> lernid can be used, but we assume that people won't have it
 309 20:49 < nigel_nb> sorry to be late ;)
 310 20:49 < cjohnston> I dont have a problem creating the event.. but i say no to the slides and such
 311 20:49 < _marx_> no prob nigel_nb
 312 20:49 < pleia2> nigel_nb: no worries, this is just our little user days meeting, learning project meeting isn't for another 10 minutes :)
 313 20:49 < nigel_nb> if the start times and end times are ready, jono will get the config file on the server and it will be listed as an event
 314 20:49 < _marx_> what is our audience?
 315 20:49 < cjohnston> beginners
 316 20:49 < _marx_> or who?
 317 20:49 < cjohnston> new people
 318 20:50 < cjohnston> maybe never used ubuntu
 319 20:50 < _marx_> so adding a ppa is ...?
 320 20:50 < Hellow> Part of what I was going to teach :P.
 321 20:50 < cjohnston> that should be covered throughout the course of the day
 322 20:50 < Pendulum> I think it might be something worth teaching, but not something we should expect them to have done
 323 20:50 < pleia2> _marx_: maybe someone else will install it for them if they're recommending they attend the day :)
 324 20:51 < cjohnston> 10 minutes
 325 20:51 < nigel_nb> pleia2, I know, I'm here for the user days meeting
 326 20:51 < Hellow> Is there a website that lists instructions on getting and using Lernid?
 327 20:51 < _marx_> Hellow: great
 328 20:51 < cjohnston> If nothing else, I say maybe shoot for lernid for the next UUD, this one, we can set it up, but I still say no slides, no fancy stuff....
 329 20:51 < Hellow> I know what it is, but eh.
 330 20:52 < pleia2> cjohnston: yeah, I agree
 331 20:52 < cjohnston> ok..
 332 20:52 < _marx_> +1 cjohnston
 333 20:52 < cjohnston> VI. Promoting UUD
 334 20:52 < Pendulum> +1
 335 20:52 < Hellow> +1 cjohnston
 336 20:52 < cjohnston> I have already blogged about it once..
 337 20:52 < cjohnston> its made it to UWN
 338 20:52 < cjohnston> and planet
 339 20:52 < pleia2> I was waiting to blog about it so they weren't all blogged at the same time
 340 20:52 < chitchatcurtis> but there are new users
 341 20:52 < pleia2> but I want to post something on the planet this week
 342 20:52 < pleia2> maybe wednesday
 343 20:52 < cjohnston> I owe PabloRubianes a post on the spanish version too
 344 20:53 < cjohnston> I will probably blog about it atleast one more time..
 345 20:53 < cjohnston> Were else can we promote pleia2 
 346 20:53 < Pendulum> I can blog, but my blog isn't syndicated anywhere
 347 20:53 < PabloRubianes> the link is
 348 20:53 < Hellow> I'll probably blog about it sometime later this week. Friday, perhaps.
 349 20:53 < pleia2> cjohnston: did it make it to the fridge?
 350 20:53 < cjohnston> Pendulum: still better than nothing
 351 20:53 < Pendulum> twitter/identica
 352 20:53 < cjohnston> pleia2: hmm
 353 20:53 < cjohnston> dunno
 354 20:53 < cjohnston> i dont think so pleia2 
 355 20:53 < cjohnston> but dont quote me
 356 20:53 < Hellow> How does Open Week get promoted?
 357 20:53 < _marx_> i'll blog too but it's little read
 358 20:53 < pleia2> nope
 359 20:54 < pleia2> every bit helps
 360 20:54 < _marx_> Hellow: may i /msg
 361 20:54 < Hellow> _marx_, Sure.
 362 20:55 < cjohnston> pleia2: what else does UOW or UDW get?
 363 20:55 < Pendulum> so if pleia2 blogs friday, should I blog Monday of next week?
 364 20:55 < cjohnston> any idea?
 365 20:55 < pleia2> cjohnston: I think they tend to email the loco-contacts list too
 366 20:55 < Hellow> UOW *might* get put on the front page, but uh. I don't know :P.
 367 20:55 < cjohnston> pleia2: is that something that we can do?
 368 20:56 < pleia2> cjohnston: email to loco-contacts? I think so, just frame it like "let your loco teams know"
 369 20:56 < pleia2> they are good at reaching new users
 370 20:56 < cjohnston> and also on (e)(k)ubuntu-users mailing lists
 371 20:56 < cjohnston> pleia2: thats a good though..
 372 20:56 < Pendulum> *nods*
 373 20:57 < pleia2> our focus is gnome, so I'm not sure about those other lists
 374 20:57 < pleia2> or if any would be appropriate for posting it on
 375 20:57 < chitchatcurtis> what about ubuntu business?
 376 20:57 < cjohnston> pleia2: still educating on cli, finding help, etc
 377 20:57 < PabloRubianes> we send letters to every spanish speaking LoCo Admin too, but in English is more dificult
 378 20:57 < Hellow> ubuntu-announce?
 379 20:57 < Hellow> I don't know if you can do that or not.
 380 20:57 < pleia2> I'm not sure either
 381 20:58 < cjohnston> pleia2: could you investigate that
 382 20:58 < Hellow> ubuntu-news too.
 383 20:58 < cjohnston> you would be the one to know
 384 20:58 < cjohnston> who to talk to 
 385 20:59 < pleia2> yeah, I'll see what I can figure out
 386 20:59 < cjohnston> the last topic is just me saying im going to send out another email asking for an overview/outline from the instructors to post on the wiki page
 387 20:59 < pleia2> ok great
 388 20:59 < cjohnston> last thing.. 10 seconde
 389 20:59 < cjohnston> seconds
 390 20:59 < cjohnston> next meeitng
 391 21:00 < cjohnston> thoughts?
 392 21:00 < Hellow> This is going to be /fun/.
 393 21:00 < cjohnston> same time next week?
 394 21:00 < _marx_> ditto
 395 21:01 < Pendulum> works for me
 396 21:01 < cjohnston> _marx_ pleia2 ?
 397 21:01 < pleia2> no good for me, but I'll catch up
 398 21:01  * _marx_ good
 399 21:01 < cjohnston> ok.. we will discuss later
 400 21:01 < pleia2> my mother is visiting, but my schedule is pretty crazy for the next few weeks anyway
 401 21:01 < cjohnston> ok.. we will discuss later
 402 21:01 < cjohnston> #end
 403 21:01 < pleia2> thanks cjohnston
 404 21:02 < cjohnston> thanks all

UserDaysTeam/Meetings/01112010 (last edited 2010-01-12 02:21:00 by 64)