
Differences between revisions 321 and 431 (spanning 110 versions)
Revision 321 as of 2005-11-22 02:06:45
Size: 13942
Editor: extslv3
Revision 431 as of 2006-06-15 11:13:53
Size: 3728
Editor: henrik
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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##YOU MUST READ THE WikiGuide PAGE BEFORE EDITING THE DOCUMENTATION ON THE WIKI! ## This page is designed to remain mostly static - make and propose changes to the pages that are linked-to from this page
## For help on contributing to the wiki, see WikiGuide
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||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;">'''Contents'''[[BR]][[TableOfContents]]|| ||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;">'''Contents'''[[BR]][[TableOfContents(1)]]||
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attachment:IconsPage/PicDocs.png Welcome to the home of community documentation for Ubuntu! Before editing this page, please read the WikiGuide page. Thanks!
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Welcome to the Ubuntu Wiki. Here you can:
 * Find existing solutions to known issues
 * Learn how to use Ubuntu better and faster
 * Find links to other resources for Ubuntu, Linux and much more
 * Write documentation to help other Ubuntu Linux users
= Start Here =
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This page is the master index for '''documentation''' To find what you need you can:
 * Look at the Table of Contents
 * Search the page with your browser (press Ctrl + F and enter a search term, such as "mp3")
 * Use the SEARCH dialogue in the top right hand corner
 * [ Official Documentation Website] - Including the [ Ubuntu], [ Kubuntu] and [ Xubuntu] Desktop Guides and the [ Server Guide].
 * [:HowToGetHelp:Other Resources] - Lists support resources for Ubuntu.
 * [:LocalSupport:Other Languages] - Index of the documentation in other languages.
 * ["Installation"] - Guides to basic and advanced methods of installing Ubuntu, and the supported architectures and hardware.
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This page is an index and links to a topic, not the actual guides. So if you know of a guide which doesn't fit - you'll need to make a new topic! == After you've installed Ubuntu ==
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Before editing this page, please read the page WikiGuide. Thanks!  * [:SwitchingToUbuntu:Switching to Ubuntu] - What sets Ubuntu apart from other Linux distributions.
 * [:RestrictedFormats:Multimedia Support] - For MP3, DVD and other formats, and Java support.
 * [:RootSudo:Administrator privileges] - In Ubuntu, the ''root'' user is replaced by ''sudo'', find out more here.
 * [:SoftwareManagement:Adding, Removing and Updating Programs] - How to manage software in Ubuntu.
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== Ubuntu Documentation Topics == = Software - Installing and Running Software =
Guide to the following topics are available:
 * [:Multimedia] - Multimedia and Graphics.
 * [:InternetAndNetworking:Internet & Networking] - Internet and Networking.
 * [:Accessibility/doc/Guide:Accessibility] - Making Ubuntu easier to use for those with physical or visual challenges.
 * ["Games"] - A list of great games for Ubuntu.
 * [:UbuntuEyeCandy:Eye Candy] - Ubuntu themes and artwork.
 * [:CorporateUbuntu:Business Environment] - Configuring Ubuntu for use in business environments.
 * [:Servers] - Configuring various servers.
 * [:Programming] - Programming related.
 * [:OSEmulation:OS Emulation] - Running other Operating Systems inside Ubuntu.
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 * [ Official Documentation Website] - the website of the Ubuntu Documentation project, home to [ The Ubuntu Starter Guide] (among other things).
 * HowToGetHelp - This page lists guides to finding support for Ubuntu so you can choose the best method for you.
 * [:Installation] - Guides to basic and advanced methods of installing Ubuntu, and the supported architectures and hardware. Also dual booting guides if you also have another operating system.
 * SoftwareManagement - This page lists guides to the different ways of adding and removing software from your system
= Maintain and Administer your System =
Guides to the following topics are available:
 * [:SystemAdministration:System Administration] - Performing system administration, configuration & maintenance tasks within Ubuntu.
 * [:Security] - Security tools and best-practices.
 * [:UpgradeNotes:Upgrading Ubuntu] - Upgrading from one Ubuntu release to another (from ''Breezy 5.10'' to ''Dapper 6.06 LTS'' for example).
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=== After you've installed Ubuntu ===
 * '''Multimedia support''' for MP3, DVD and other formats, and Java support: RestrictedFormats
 * '''Computer Administration''' is done using 'sudo'. This page explains why: RootSudo
 * Information on other applications is currently available from SoftwareManagement
 * '''[ Glossary]''' of words related to computers, linux, and Ubuntu.
 * '''FAQ''' at [ FAQ database] and FrequentlyAskedQuestions for questions not yet in the database
 * '''Help me!''' HowToGetHelp - this page lists all the various resources available to you, to find help with your Ubuntu system!
 * [:WhatWindowsUsersWant:What Windows Users Want] has a list of common Windows applications and their Ubuntu counterparts.
 * UbuntuBackports - adding official backport repositories
= Hardware & Drivers =
Guides to the following topics are available:
 * [:HardwareSupport:Ubuntu Hardware Support] - Main hardware support page.
 * [:DrivesAndPartitions:Drives and Partitions] - Drives and partitions.
 * [:Peripherals:Keyboard and Mouse] - Keyboard and mouse.
 * [:LaptopTestingTeam:Laptops] - Laptop hardware.
 * [:NetworkDevices:Network, wireless & internet devices] - network & internet devices.
 * [:Printers] - Installing and using printers.
 * [:Sound] - Installing and using sound devices.
 * [:ThinClients] - Setting up and using thin client architectures.
 * [:Video] - Installing and using video-related hardware.
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== Software - Installing and Running Software ==

                   Below are documents on how to install software

=== Multimedia & Graphics ===
 * RestrictedFormats lists how to get MP3, DVD and other formats to play.
 * MultimediaApplications - Introduction to most commonly used multimedia applications available on Ubuntu.
 * Sound not working? See DebuggingSoundProblems, SoundProblemsHoary.
=== Networking & Internet ===

 * [:WiFiHowto:WiFi (802.11a/b/g) wireless networking] - how to set it up
 * [:XChatHowto:XChat] - connect to the Ubuntu chatroom!
 * ["UbotuUsage"] - the IRC robot
 * [:GaimHowto:Gaim] - multi-protocol internet chat program (e.g. MSN)
 * [:SkypeHowto:Skype] - internet telephony software
 * [:Gizmo:Gizmo] - internet telephony software
 * ["OperaBrowser"] - an alternative web-browser.
 * [:ApacheMySQLPHP:Apache] - web server with PHP and MySQL support
 * [:CactiHowTo:Cacti] - This guide is for setting up a base install of Cacti on Ubuntu (Alternative to MRTG)
 * [:HulaHowTo:Hula] - the mail and calendar server
 * [:SSHHowto:SSH] - you can use this to log into other machines remotely
 * [:MountWindowsSharesPermanently:Mount Windows Shares Permanently] - How to mount a Windows Share permanently with Samba
 * [:EthernetOverFirewire:Ethernet Over Firewire] - How to enable Ethernet over Firewire
 * [:Building_iFolder] - Install and configure '''iFolder 3.0 with Simpleserver''' to share and synchronize files over the network
 * [:NFSClientHowTo:NFS Client How-To] - How to set up Ubuntu to connect to an NFS server
 * [:NFSServerHowTo:NFS Server How-To] - How to set up Ubuntu as an NFS server
 * [:ADSLPPPoE:ADSL PPPoE connect] - How to set up Ubuntu to login to an ADSL modem using PPPoE
 * [:DynamicDNS:Dynamic DNS] - How to set up a free DNS and redirection service with No-IP
 * [:P2PHowTo:Peer-2-Peer How-To] - How to install p2p software, like Azureus (Bit Torrent), Limewire, DC++ and Amule.
 * FirefoxTipsAndTricks - How to tweak Firefox to make surfing the web faster, easier and more pleasant.
 * [:FirefoxStreamingVideo:Firefox Streaming Video] - To view movie clips embedded in web pages
 * [:FirefoxNewVersion] - How to install Firefox beta 1.5 from
 * [:Mailman:Mailman Mailing List Server] - How to set up your own mailing list server with {{{Mailman}}} (the software used on the Ubuntu mailing lists!)

=== Games ===

 * [:LokiInstaller:Loki-Installer] - Information about games with the Loki-Installer
 * [:RushingBender:Rushing Bender] - a futuristic single and a multiplayer racing game.
 * [:EnemyTerritory: Enemy Territory] - How to install '''Enemy Territory'''
 * [:AmericasArmy: Americas Army] - How to install '''Americas Army'''
 * [:Doom3: Doom 3] - How to install '''Doom 3'''
 * ["Cube"] - an open-source first person online shooter
 * ["Nexuiz"] - an open-source first person online shooter
 * ["Frenesia"] - an addictive retro arcade Linux game.
 * ["Tutris"] - a simple Tetris clone
 * ["Cedega"] - to run Windows games on linux.
 * ["WorldofWarcraftHowto"] - describes howto install and play WoW with wine

=== Office ===

 * ["KOffice"] - the office suite for the KDE desktop
 * ["OpenOffice2Beta"] - The latest beta version of OpenOffice

=== Mobile devices ===

 * [:MultisyncHowto:Multisync] - Syncronization Program for Smart Phones/PDA's
 * [:BluetoothSetup:Bluetooth] - Bluetooth Setup
 * [:BluetoothSkype:BluetoothSkype] - Setup Bluetooth connection to Mobile Phone and use Skype with a Bluetooth Headset
 * [:PocketPCHowto] - How to get your Pocket PC working (copy files to/from it, and synchronize the pim data with Evolution)

=== Programming ===

 * [:NanoHowto:Nano] - the simple text editor
 * DeveloperResources - building packages and other material for developers.
 * [:InstallingCompilers:Compilers] - get started for programming in '''C, C++,''' and '''Fortran'''
 * ["MATLAB"] - Matlab technical computing
 * ZopeOnUbuntu - Install '''Zope'''

=== X Window System (Graphical Environment) ===

 * ["UbuntuEyeCandy"] - Ubuntu eye candy/artwork index
 * [:CustomXSession:Custom X Session] - How to create custom X sessions

=== Miscellaneous ===
 * ["SwitchingToUbuntu"] - Already a Linux user? Learn about what makes Ubuntu special
 * ["AccessibilityHowto"] - Docs related to accessibility
 * SensorInstallHowto - Using lm-sensors to report CPU temp, fan speeds and other system data.
 * [:Expocity:Expocity] - Howto Expose like functionality from Apple’s OSX
 * [:Skippy:Skippy] - Howto for another Expose like functionality from Apple’s OSX
 * ["Unp"] - Extract any and multiple archive files
 * [:ManageDiscImages:Manage Disc Images] - How to convert CloneCD to ISO and mount ISO files
 * ["CdDvdBurning"] - How to burn CD-R and DVR/+-R/+-RW/DL
 * ["FileCompression"] - dealing with .tar.gz, .zip, .rar and other files
 * ["Filer"] - Filer is a small, fast and efficient Norton Commander clone
 * [:EjectCDLauncher:Eject CD] - How to add a launcher on your panel to eject your cdrom
 * [:GnomeTranslate:Gnome Translate] - Translate a text or web page between several natural languages
 * [:InstallingVMWare:Installing VMWare] - Install VMWare in Breezy
 * [:InstallingVmPlayer:Installing VMPlayer] - Install VMPlayer in Breezy
 * [:Oracle10g:Installing Oracle 10g] - Install Oracle 10g Enterprise Database in Hoary
 * [:FoldingAtHome:Folding@Home] - Do some good with your idle CPU cycles.
 * [:TransparentTerminals:Transparent Terminals] - Howto for transparent borderless terminals

== Maintain and Administer your System ==

 * ["BasicCommands"] - Basic Shell/command line/console commands
 * AddUsersHowto - add users to your system
 * [:forum/community/BugReports:Bug Reports] When and how to report a bug
 * LowEndSystemSupport - Making the desktop interface snappier on machines without much memory
 * AddingRepositoriesHowto - Increase the number of packages available to install on your system
 * SynapticHowto - How to use the Synaptic package manager (graphical tool for apt-get)
 * AptGetHowTo - How to use apt-get package management system
 * AptitudeSurvivalGuide - Using aptitude for package management
 * GnomeMenuEditingHowTo - various ways to add items to your Gnome menu
 * GrubHowto - learn about the grub boot manager
 * BackupYourSystem - this page describes how to backup your system
 * KernelHowto - make a custom kernel for your system
 * FilePermissions - Understanding and using file permissions
 * ChangeTimezoneHowto - change your timezone
 * NautilusScriptsHowto - enhance nautilus by adding scripts
 * CronHowto - guide to cron, to schedule commands
 * [:BootText:Boot Text] - Spice up your boot text (font resolution and color)
 * [:UPower:upower] - is a next generation bootsplash for linux systems
 * [:GnomeComputerMenu:Gnome Computer Menu] - How to add missing disks in computer:///
 * [:MigrateEvolutionToNewComputer: Migrate Evolution] - How to migrate your email in Evolution to another Ubuntu computer
 * FakeRaidHowto - Information on setting up hardware fakeRAID, such as Promise or Via SATA RAID controllers
 * [:HowtoPartition] - Partion your HD for other OS's and swap space.
 * [:DiskSpace] - How to setup disk space for your HD needs.
 * [:BootServices:Boot Services] - Disable start of unnecessary services during boot.
 * [:AptMoveHowto:Create a Packages CD] - How to easily move downloaded packages from one machine to another one which is not connected to the internet.
=== Security ===

 * [:PandaAntivirus:Panda Antivirus] - How to install Panda Antivirus for Linux
 * [:GPGKey:GPG Key] - How to create/manage a GPG key and use it in your favorite E-Mail client
 * ["BitDefender"] - How to install Bit Defender Linux Edition
 * ["ProactiveSecurity"] - An overview of security options and thoughts
 * ["InstallingSecurityTools"] - A guide to installing several security applications in Ubuntu
 * ["IptablesHowTo"] - An introduction to the powerful Linux IPTables firewall
 * ["UnsafeDefaults"] - Default settings that you should change if you run any services
 * ["EncryptedFilesystemHowto"] - How to transparently encrypt hard discs
 * [:ClamAV] - How to install ClamAV on your HD

== Hardware & Drivers - Setting up and Configuring Hardware ==

Here you'll find documentation about how to setup different hardware and drivers
 * [:HardwareSupport: Ubuntu Hardware Support] - index of the wiki's main hardware support pages
 * [:HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters:Printers in Ubuntu] - reports of printer functionality in Ubuntu
 * [:InstallingANewHardDrive:Installing a new harddrive]

=== Mouse & Keyboard ===
 * [:MultimediaKeys:Multimedia Keyboard Help] - how to get your button-festooned keyboard working in Ubuntu
 * [:ManyButtonsMouseHowto:Multi-buttoned Mouse] - getting the fourth, fifth or other extra buttons on your mouse working

=== Network, Wireless & Modem ===
 * WiFiHardware - Links to help on installing WiFi hardware in your Ubuntu system
 * HowToSetUpNdiswrapper - install and setup ndiswrapper to make difficult wifi cards work
 * [:SettingUpModems] - How to get your modem installed correctly.
 * [:NetworkCards] - How to get your card detected.

=== Video ===
 * BinaryDriverHowto - install support for your new ATI or NVIDIA graphics card
 * [:NvidiaTroubleshooting:Nvidia Troubleshooting] - How to solve OpenGL Problems with Nvidia Drivers
 * [:NvidiaTVOut:Nvidia TV Out] - View X simultaneously on your monitor and TV
 * [:NvidiaManual:Nvidia manual drivers installation] - How to install the Nvidia accelerated drivers without apt
 * [:i915Driver:i915G video cards] - 845G/855G/865G/915G/945G chipset installation workaround on Breezy preview

=== Sound & Misc ===
 * [:HowToSetupSoundCards] - Getting your sound card to run.
 * [:LircHowto] - How to install and configure LIRC - Linux Infrared Remote Control systems.
 * MacOnLinuxHowto - install Mac-On-Linux
 * [:ACPIBattery:Getting laptop battery state] - How to add a fixed DSDT to initrd to fix battery problems
 * KernelCompileHowto - How to compile kernels

== Related pages ==
 * To see a list of all the pages in the category "Documentation", read: CategoryDocumentation

== Other Resources ==

 * UsefulDocumentation - Useful documentation not specific to Ubuntu from External sites
 * [ Ubuntu Forums]: a massive forum for Ubuntu users
 * [ Unofficial Ubuntu guide]
 * [ Debian documentation index]
 * [ Debian Documentation Project Users' Manuals]
 * [ GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide]
 * [ Learn to use Gnome]
 * [ KDE Documentation]
 * [ Linux Command]: good basic CLI tutorial
 * [ Tuxfiles]: newbie-friendly command-line information
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CategoryDocumentation CategoryDocteam

Welcome to the home of community documentation for Ubuntu! Before editing this page, please read the WikiGuide page. Thanks!

Start Here

After you've installed Ubuntu

  • [:SwitchingToUbuntu:Switching to Ubuntu] - What sets Ubuntu apart from other Linux distributions.

  • [:RestrictedFormats:Multimedia Support] - For MP3, DVD and other formats, and Java support.

  • [:RootSudo:Administrator privileges] - In Ubuntu, the root user is replaced by sudo, find out more here.

  • [:SoftwareManagement:Adding, Removing and Updating Programs] - How to manage software in Ubuntu.

Software - Installing and Running Software

Guide to the following topics are available:

  • [:Multimedia] - Multimedia and Graphics.
  • [:InternetAndNetworking:Internet & Networking] - Internet and Networking.

  • [:Accessibility/doc/Guide:Accessibility] - Making Ubuntu easier to use for those with physical or visual challenges.

  • ["Games"] - A list of great games for Ubuntu.
  • [:UbuntuEyeCandy:Eye Candy] - Ubuntu themes and artwork.

  • [:CorporateUbuntu:Business Environment] - Configuring Ubuntu for use in business environments.

  • [:Servers] - Configuring various servers.
  • [:Programming] - Programming related.
  • [:OSEmulation:OS Emulation] - Running other Operating Systems inside Ubuntu.

Maintain and Administer your System

Guides to the following topics are available:

  • [:SystemAdministration:System Administration] - Performing system administration, configuration & maintenance tasks within Ubuntu.

  • [:Security] - Security tools and best-practices.
  • [:UpgradeNotes:Upgrading Ubuntu] - Upgrading from one Ubuntu release to another (from Breezy 5.10 to Dapper 6.06 LTS for example).

Hardware & Drivers

Guides to the following topics are available:

  • [:HardwareSupport:Ubuntu Hardware Support] - Main hardware support page.

  • [:DrivesAndPartitions:Drives and Partitions] - Drives and partitions.

  • [:Peripherals:Keyboard and Mouse] - Keyboard and mouse.

  • [:LaptopTestingTeam:Laptops] - Laptop hardware.

  • [:NetworkDevices:Network, wireless & internet devices] - network & internet devices.

  • [:Printers] - Installing and using printers.
  • [:Sound] - Installing and using sound devices.
  • [:ThinClients] - Setting up and using thin client architectures.

  • [:Video] - Installing and using video-related hardware.

CategoryDocumentation CategoryDocteam

UserDocumentation (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:58 by localhost)