
Differences between revisions 418 and 419
Revision 418 as of 2006-06-08 16:34:53
Size: 3805
Editor: mailgate
Comment: orphaned second level titles look bad in TOCs
Revision 419 as of 2006-06-08 16:41:20
Size: 3774
Editor: mailgate
Comment: removing bold from the first half to make it consistent with the second half
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * '''Documentation''' - [ Official Documentation Website] - Including the [ Ubuntu], [ Kubuntu] and [ Xubuntu] Desktop Guides and the [ Server Guide].
 * '''Other Resources''' - HowToGetHelp - Lists support resources for Ubuntu.
 * ''' Other Languages''' - LocalSupport - Index of the documentation in other languages.
 * '''Installation''' - [:Installation] - Guides to basic and advanced methods of
installing Ubuntu, and the supported architectures and hardware.
 * '''Why Ubuntu?''' - [:WhatWindowsUsersWant:What Windows Users Want] has a list of substitutes for common Windows applications and SwitchingToUbuntu outlines what sets Ubuntu apart from other Linux distributions.
 * [ Official Documentation Website] - Including the [ Ubuntu], [ Kubuntu] and [ Xubuntu] Desktop Guides and the [ Server Guide].
 * [:HowToGetHelp:Other Resources] - Lists support resources for Ubuntu.
 * [:LocalSupport:Other Languages] - Index of the documentation in other languages.
 * ["Installation"]
- Guides to basic and advanced methods of installing Ubuntu, and the supported architectures and hardware.
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 * '''Multimedia Support''' - For MP3, DVD and other formats, and Java support, see RestrictedFormats.
 * '''Super-user / Root''' - is done using 'sudo'. For further information, see RootSudo.
 * '''Adding/Removing/Updating Programs''' - see SoftwareManagement.
 * [:WhatWindowsUsersWant:What Windows Users Want] - a list of substitutes for common Windows applications and SwitchingToUbuntu outlines what sets Ubuntu apart from other Linux distributions.
 * [:RestrictedFormats:Multimedia Support] - For MP3, DVD and other formats, and Java support.
 * [:RootSudo:Administrator privileges] - In Ubuntu, the ''root'' user is replaced by ''sudo'', find out more here.
 * [:SoftwareManagement:Adding/Removing/Updating Programs] - how to manage software in Ubuntu.

Welcome to the home of community documentation for Ubuntu! Before editing this page, please read the WikiGuide page. Thanks!

Start Here

After you've installed Ubuntu

  • [:WhatWindowsUsersWant:What Windows Users Want] - a list of substitutes for common Windows applications and SwitchingToUbuntu outlines what sets Ubuntu apart from other Linux distributions.

  • [:RestrictedFormats:Multimedia Support] - For MP3, DVD and other formats, and Java support.

  • [:RootSudo:Administrator privileges] - In Ubuntu, the root user is replaced by sudo, find out more here.

  • [:SoftwareManagement:Adding/Removing/Updating Programs] - how to manage software in Ubuntu.

Software - Installing and Running Software

  • [:Multimedia] - Multimedia and Graphics related guides.
  • [:InternetAndNetworking:Internet & Networking] - Internet and Networking related guides.

  • [:Accessibility/doc/Guide:Accessibility] - A comprehensive guide to making Ubuntu easier to use for those with special physical or visual challenges.

  • ["Games"] - Contains a list of great games for Ubuntu.
  • [:UbuntuEyeCandy:EyeCandy] - Ubuntu eye candy/artwork index.

  • [:CorporateUbuntu:Business Environment] - Guides on configuring Ubuntu for use in Business Environments.

  • [:Servers] - Guides on configuring various Servers.
  • [:Programming] - Programming related guides.
  • [:OSEmulation:OS Emulation] - Guides on setting up various OS Emulation tools.

Maintain and Administer your System

  • SystemAdministration - Guides on performing System Administration, Configuration & Maintenance tasks within Ubuntu.

  • [:Security] - Guides related to Security tools and best-practices.

Hardware & Drivers

  • [:HardwareSupport:Ubuntu Hardware Support] - Main hardware support page.

  • [:DrivesAndPartitions:Drives and Partitions] - Drive and Partition related guides.

  • [:Peripherals:Keyboard and Mouse] - Keyboard and Mouse related guides.

  • [:LaptopTestingTeam:Laptops] - Laptop hardware guides.

  • [:NetworkDevices:Network, Wireless & Internet Devices] - Network & Internet Device related guides.

  • [:Printers] - Guides on installing and managing Printers.
  • [:Sound] - Guides on installing and managing Sound devices.
  • ThinClients - Guides on setting up and managing Thin Client architectures.

  • [:Video] - Guides on installing and managing Video-related hardware.

CategoryDocumentation CategoryDocteam

UserDocumentation (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:58 by localhost)