
Differences between revisions 51 and 433 (spanning 382 versions)
Revision 51 as of 2005-07-14 23:44:22
Size: 6852
Editor: gw
Revision 433 as of 2008-08-06 16:40:58
Size: 61
Editor: localhost
Comment: converted to 1.6 markup
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This page will act both as a (not complete but getting there) master index for documentation and a sketch pad for ideas. However at the moment it has no structural definition. We are working on changing that. '''Another way to find documents right now is to use the excellent SEARCH dialogue on our wiki, found in the top right hand corner of the page'''. If you want to get involved with editing and organising the Wiki please visit DocumentationTeam.

This wiki uses Categories which can be attached to pages. To see a list of all the pages in the category "Documentation", see this page: CategoryDocumentation.

= Documentation Area =

'''Please discuss major/structural changes to this page on [ Documentation Email list].'''

== Newbie (New to Ubuntu & Linux) ==
If you are new to Ubuntu or Linux in general, in this category you'll find basic information and things that make your linux journey easier and more fun.

 * UbuntuCommunityPhilosophy - Ubuntu Philosophy
 * StartingTheJourney - A conceptual, terminology discussing guide, not practical by any sense
 * [ Glossary] - learn the meaning of some words related to computers, linux, and Ubuntu.
 * FrequentlyAskedQuestions - Answers for questions not yet in the [ FAQ database]
 * BasicCommands - Basic Shell/command line/console commands for Newbies
 * [:Repositories: Repositories] - What are repositories?
 * RootSudo - Ubuntu uses sudo and has no {{{root}}} account like other linux distributions. This page explains why.
 * HowToGetHelp - this page lists all the various resources available to you, to find help with your Ubuntu system!
 * ["Kubuntu"] - Here you can find all documentation concerning Kubuntu, Ubuntu with the KDE desktop! Also see [ the website].
 * [ Unofficial Ubuntuguide (might have some errors!)] - this is a very comprehensive guide to setting up things quickly in Ubuntu. It is not an official site, so may contain errors, but it is very useful indeed.
 * [ Ubuntu Hoary release notes] - Notes on Ubuntu's latest release (Hoary Hedgehog) and instructions to upgrade from the previous version.

== Installation ==

 * HardwareSupport and SupportedArchitectures - Check if your hardware works with Ubuntu
 * GettingUbuntu - How to obtain the Install CD
 * BurningIsoHowto - Once you've obtained the CD image, burn it to CD with this guide
 * SmartBootManagerHowto - Installing from PC which will not boot from CD
 * InstallFromKnoppixHowto - If the Ubuntu installer lets you down
 * NetbootInstallHowto - Installing over the net, e.g. with no CDROM or non-bootable SCSI CDROM
 * NetbootInstallLowMemHowto - Installing over the net to a system with no floppy, cdrom, and low memory
 * InstallUbuntuWithoutRemoveableMedia - Installing Ubuntu from Windows without using floppies, a CD, or any other removeable media.
 * WartyUpgradeNotes - upgrading from pre-Release or Debian Woody to Warty Warthog
 * BootFromFirewireHardDisk - How to boot linux from a firewire hard disk.
 * VirtualMachines - Using Ubuntu with VMware and XEN

== Software - Howto's to get software to work ==
Here you'll find documentation about how to install software.

=== Multimedia & Graphics ===

 * RestrictedFormats - Ubuntu does not come with support for mp3/dvd/flash/java. This page tells you how to install it
 * ["AudioCDCreation"] - How to create audio cds on Ubuntu
 * AcrobatHowTo - Install Adobe Acrobat
 * TheGimpHowto - resources on using The Gimp, graphics program
 * ["BMPInvalidUTF8"] - Resolve {{{Invalid UTF-8}}} in Beep-Media-Player
 * MplayerInstallHowto - install the popular and powerful media player
 * ["GJay"] - Playlist generator to make each song sound good following the previous song

=== Networking & Internet ===

 * ["XChatHowto"] - How to use Xchat to connect to the Ubuntu chatroom!
 * ["SSHHowto"] - How to use SSH to log into other machines
 * WiFiHowto - set up wireless internet
 * SkypeHowto - guide to Skype, internet telephony software
 * GaimHowto - guide to Gaim, multi-protocol internet chat program

=== Games ===

=== Office ===

=== Mobile devices ===

=== Programming ===

 * NanoHowto - guide to the simple text editor
 * DeveloperResources - This section gives you all information on building packages and other material for developers.
 * ["InstallingCompilers"] - How to get started for programming in C, C++, and Fortran
 * ["MATLAB"] - How to install and troubleshoot MATLAB
 * ZopeOnUbuntu - Install Zope

=== Miscellaneous ===
 * ["Accessibility"] - docs related to accessibility
 * WallpaperTray - GNOME Applet for random wallpaper
 * GnomeLaunchBox - Eyecandy GNOME Application Launcher

== Hardware & Drivers - Howto's to get hardware and drivers to work ==
Here you'll find documentation about how to setup different hardware and drivers.
 * BinaryDriverHowto - install support for your new ATI or NVIDIA graphics card
 * HowToSetUpNdiswrapper - install and setup ndiswrapper to make difficult wifi cards work
 * MacOnLinuxHowto - install Mac-On-Linux

== Maintain your System ==

 * AddUsersHowto - add users to your system
 * LowEndSystemSupport - Making the desktop interface snappier on machines without much memory
 * AddingRepositoriesHowto - Increase the number of packages available to install on your system
 * SynapticHowto - How to use the Synaptic package manager (graphical tool for apt-get)
 * AptGetHowTo - How to use apt-get package management system
 * GnomeMenuEditingHowTo - various ways to add items to your Gnome menu
 * GrubHowto - learn about the grub boot manager
 * KernelHowto - make a custom kernel for your system
 * ChangeTimezoneHowto - change your timezone
 * NautilusScriptsHowto - enhance nautilus by adding scripts
 * CronHowto - guide to cron, to schedule commands

== External Documentation ==

 * UsefulDocumentation - Useful documentation not specific to Ubuntu from External sites
 * [ Debian documentation index]
 * [ Debian Documentation Project Users' Manuals]
 * [ GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide]
 * [ Learn to use Gnome]
 * [ KDE Documentation]
HINT: Many of the below applications come with extensive Help Sections-check these first!!!
 * [ OpenOffice Suite]
 * [ Mozilla Firefox]
 * [ The GIMP]


UserDocumentation (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:58 by localhost)