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Revision 9 as of 2009-01-05 01:39:56
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Editor: pc097022
Revision 10 as of 2009-01-05 02:30:26
Size: 3049
Editor: pc097022
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My name is Matthew Lye, I'm Senior Computing Support Officer in Brisbane, Australia. My first interest in Linux came about early 2006, when I first found Ubuntu, Fedora, and FreeBSD. I had previously made the mistake of trying Mandrake which put me off Linux for a few years. I had not installed Ubuntu to a production machine until events occurred that left me to manage 60+ linux lab environments in July 2007. Suddenly I was forced to take up linux on a professional level learning Ubuntu, some Fedora, and FreeBSD. My name is Matthew Lye, I'm Senior Computing Support Officer in Brisbane, Australia. My first interest in Linux came about late 2006, when I first found Ubuntu, Fedora, and FreeBSD. I had previously made the mistake of trying Mandrake which put me off Linux for a few years. I had not installed Ubuntu to a production machine until events occurred that left me to manage 60+ linux lab environments in July 2007. Suddenly I was forced to take up linux on a professional level learning Ubuntu, some Fedora, and FreeBSD.

About Me

My name is Matthew Lye, I'm Senior Computing Support Officer in Brisbane, Australia. My first interest in Linux came about late 2006, when I first found Ubuntu, Fedora, and FreeBSD. I had previously made the mistake of trying Mandrake which put me off Linux for a few years. I had not installed Ubuntu to a production machine until events occurred that left me to manage 60+ linux lab environments in July 2007. Suddenly I was forced to take up linux on a professional level learning Ubuntu, some Fedora, and FreeBSD.

A few links to find me around:

LaunchPad - Vantrax

UbuntuForums - Vantrax

Website -

IRC - Vantrax on

If all else fails: vantrax at gmail dot com



I promote Ubuntu within my community at the university and work on developing computing lab images in Ubuntu. I manage 60+ School based teaching labs dual booting Windows and Ubuntu as well as various research and staff environments using Fedora, Redhat, and FreeBSD. I contribute to the Ubuntu Forums whenever possible and regularly help new users and troubleshoot problems on IRC.

Ubuntu Forums

As above, I am a member of the Ubuntu Forums. My participation on the forums varies widely based on what im working on at the time, but usually focused on the Desktop Environments, Desktop Effects, and Security Discussions section.

If you ever PM me on the forums, I'll get back to you ASAP. Just be patient and polite.

Im currently working with a Securing Ubuntu/Ubuntu Hardening Guide found Here and working on a guide for building Ubuntu images for school and university computing lab environments.


I'm often found on IRC on - Channels I'm usually in when I'm on are:

  • #ubuntuforums-beginners
  • #ubuntu

I can also sometimes be found in:

  • #ubuntuforums
  • #ubuntuforums-unanswered

I'll regularly try and help while on IRC as well as the forums.

Future Hopes

  • Become an Ubuntu Member
  • Join the Ubuntu Beginners Team
  • Contribute to the development of Ubuntu
  • Improve the quality of documentation available
  • Further the use of Ubuntu in universities to encourage further exposure and uptake of Linux.


As I learn more about coding C/C++ (then python and perl), I would like to contribute more to the development of Ubuntu, and other Open-Source projects (I'm particularly interested with the release of chromium and addons/extensions integration).


None, im reasonably new here. Give it time:P


Vantrax (last edited 2010-04-20 02:37:45 by cpe-66-67-141-64)