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Revision 4 as of 2007-01-30 14:18:49
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Revision 5 as of 2007-01-30 18:16:51
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Editor: 190-37-175-250
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 * ''Support'' - Our community of users are working to prepare the best non-profit support through web resources.
 * ''Distribute CDs Locally'' - We have plans to distribute Ubuntu CDs and DVDs locally to make it as faster and easier as possible for everyone to have copies of Ubuntu.
 * ''Meetings'' - We have regular public and private meetings.
 * ''Reaching out to schools '' - In Ubuntu-ve, we see the importance of sharing ubuntu with the generation of the furute. individual efforts of taking edubuntu to schools has taken a step further and allowed more ora
 * ''Expand'' - Ubuntu-ve will look into extending their member base. in a process that will involve a lot of talks in different places. and reach out to members in different states. helping promote Ubuntu in different scenarios (local stores, elementary and high schools, universities). gathering more ubunteros that can help out reach to even more future ubunteros. The primary goal is to integrate them to the Ubuntu Community at large.
 * ''Reaching out to schools '' - In Ubuntu-ve, we see the importance of sharing ubuntu with the generation of the furute. individual efforts of taking edubuntu to schools have helped pave the way for futher visits to schools. With a clearer blueprint of how to approach schools and proper back up from the Global community.
 * ''Support'' - Our community members will work hard to offer more support both Community and Commercial:

the solid backing from the local government has allowed a lot of acceptance of Ubuntu in the work place. this has opened a lot of doors to linux support companies to think of ubuntu as a tool. The task at hand is to contact even more commercial support companies to offer their services to the growing Ubuntu market in Venezuela.

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 * ''Translating Ubuntu into Persian'' - Translating Ubuntu into persian is another field that our community members are working hard on it.
 * ''Install Fests'' - We have plans to held install fests regularly after every ubuntu release.
 * ''Translating Ubuntu into Wayuunaiki'' - Translating Ubuntu into Wayuu language is a joined LoCo team effort between the ColombiaTeam and the VenezuelaTeam. The idea is to make ubuntu available to aborigenees in the northwest of the country. Many Social Wayuu communities will be involved in the process that will very well lead their culture to gain added value in terms of language (not many people read/write Wayuunaiki so the oportunity is set to boost the language as well).

* ''installing Ubuntu'' - Ubunstall Fests that will be done at regional and national events (held by the Ubuntu-ve team or with the help of local LUGS) to catch the eye of wonderers. future enthusiasts and to offer face to face support to new ubuntu users.
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 * ''Translating Ubuntu Docs'' - We have good translated Ubuntu guides for newbies now. A list of them is available at our IranianTeam wiki page.
 * ''Fairs and Conferences'' - We had 4 special seminars for Ubuntu at ELECOMP 2006 (Electronic & Computer international Fair). We had ~200 visitors and good free speaches there.
 * ''Persian Ubuntu Site'' - Completely persian Ubuntu site for Iranian to be informed about the latest Ubuntu News.
 * ''Persian Ubuntu Wiki'' - Completely Persian Ubuntu Wiki. We've started translating usefull guides from Ubuntu Wiki there.
 * ''Persian Ubuntu Forums'' - Completely Persian Ubuntu Forums. A good place for newbie support.
 * ''Homa Magic add-on CD'' - As many Iranian don't have good/fast internet, we provide a selected of mostly used Ubuntu repository packages on CD/DVD with an easy to use graphical installer.
 * ''Install Fest'' - We had a big install fest, held on SFD 2006 in Tehran. Ubuntu installed by community members on around ~200 PCs.
 * ''Meetings'' - Tehlug helds regular weekly educational meetings. It's head staff are ubuntu-ir admins too. Tehlug's last meeting was about installing ubuntu on a ppc.

Approval Application for Venezuela Team (ubuntu-ve)


[:LoCoTeamList:Teams List]

[:LoCoTeamJoining:Join a Team]

[:LoCoTeamHowto:Start a LoCo Team!]

[:LoCoTeamMentoring:Team Mentoring]



The Venezuela Ubuntu LoCo is a growing OPEN community of GNU/Linux users (in head) & free software newbies. The Ubuntu Venezuela Team plans to futher expand the local ecosystem of individuals, companies, non-profits and governmental and intergovernmental institutions in Venezuela working (or wanting to work) with Ubuntu. We want to do that by organizing and supporting promotional, educational and community activities.

Spanish is the main language of VenezuelaTeam and we welcome other spanish talking neighbor countries like Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Peru, Chile, Republica Dominica and all Latino America using our resources to shape their community and it is importat to highlight that we have English-Speaking "Ambassadors" from the community that help widespread information from the global Ubuntu communtity, bridging the gap that the language barrier could cause.

Key Details

  • Date - (13 Jul 2006)

  • Team Contact - Rolando Blanco <> (Ubuntu Member since 2005-10-15) || Efrain Valles <>

  • Team Membership Since - 2006-07-21

  • Mailing List - ubuntu-ve on

  • IRC - #ubuntu-ve on Freenode


  • Expand - Ubuntu-ve will look into extending their member base. in a process that will involve a lot of talks in different places. and reach out to members in different states. helping promote Ubuntu in different scenarios (local stores, elementary and high schools, universities). gathering more ubunteros that can help out reach to even more future ubunteros. The primary goal is to integrate them to the Ubuntu Community at large.

  • Reaching out to schools - In Ubuntu-ve, we see the importance of sharing ubuntu with the generation of the furute. individual efforts of taking edubuntu to schools have helped pave the way for futher visits to schools. With a clearer blueprint of how to approach schools and proper back up from the Global community.

  • Support - Our community members will work hard to offer more support both Community and Commercial:

the solid backing from the local government has allowed a lot of acceptance of Ubuntu in the work place. this has opened a lot of doors to linux support companies to think of ubuntu as a tool. The task at hand is to contact even more commercial support companies to offer their services to the growing Ubuntu market in Venezuela.

  • Ubuntu-ve and Public Offices - Ubuntu-ve is fortunate to have a government that is backing all Free and Open Source Software as a technological platform for the future of Venezuela. through the Presidential Decree 3390. all public offices must use Free or Open Source Software. this is an opportunity Ubuntu-ve has taken and many governmental Offices now run Ubuntu.

  • Fairs and Conferences - We have special plans for local fairs & conferences too.

  • Translating Ubuntu into Wayuunaiki - Translating Ubuntu into Wayuu language is a joined LoCo team effort between the ColombiaTeam and the VenezuelaTeam. The idea is to make ubuntu available to aborigenees in the northwest of the country. Many Social Wayuu communities will be involved in the process that will very well lead their culture to gain added value in terms of language (not many people read/write Wayuunaiki so the oportunity is set to boost the language as well).

* installing Ubuntu - Ubunstall Fests that will be done at regional and national events (held by the Ubuntu-ve team or with the help of local LUGS) to catch the eye of wonderers. future enthusiasts and to offer face to face support to new ubuntu users.


VenezuelaTeam/ApprovalApplication (last edited 2008-08-06 16:27:04 by localhost)