
Revision 2 as of 2005-11-12 10:40:30

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You might first want to look at my [ GNOME wiki page] Smile :-)

My work on Ubuntu

  • advocacy (booth, presentations, etc.) in France
  • help integrating and fixing GNOME
  • bug triaging

Things I'd like to do

  • bug days: I'd like to see more Ubuntu bug days. More triage. Less bugs.
  • Ubuntu-fr: make it more involved in advocacy and in Ubuntu development. Also, see if more coordination with other translation teams can be done (eg, GNOME-FR, Debian, etc.)

Things I've done

  • helped with making the ASUS M6Ne laptop support rock

  • helped with "make the hotkeys without keyboard event work"
  • helped with the summer of code of [ Manu Cornet].