The code for the existing start page can be found here:

The existing start page can be seen here:

Current Progress

We've decided to use Lizzeh's mockup as our foundation:


Historical information below

The below items are now obsolete and kept for historical purposes.


Lizzeh (BinaryDigit)'s Idea for Start Page


Comments (François) on start page layout

I think it's a page that we would like people to KEEP as the homepage of their browser, right? Then I don't know if we should keep this big header and probably not even this introduction text about Ubuntu.

I mean, I'm a lambda user, I just installed ubuntu on the computer, I know which OS I'm using, so I don't need a "welcome" message except first time I launch the OS maybe. Same for the introduction text, once OK, but every time? It's taking plenty of room at the top of the page. I see this page more like the IGoogle one, with some cool widgets. I'm a big fan of Google interfaces: it's clean, polished, simple. Look at iGoogle, of course you can see the Google logo, but it's not that big, it's just to "brand" the page. The focus is on the content and functionalities. I would definitely focus on this too for this page. I don't like to scroll too much on this kind of page. It should be very user friendly from the start, all the main info and interesting content without any scrolling.

Volans's proposal


Only a quick realization of my idea for the Start Page, let me explain some details:

Website/IntrepidStartPage (last edited 2008-09-23 15:15:02 by 75-170-133-185)