1 11:30 < dpm> ok, I'm all set
   2 11:31 < dpm> cjohnston, newz2000: so, on the last meeting we were saying that cjohnston would be the driver for this project, and that we'd need a spec for understanding what's involved, discussion and coordinating the work
   3 11:31 < dpm> cjohnston, I see you've created a blueprint and added some actions at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+spec/website-localization/, thanks a lot for that.
   4 11:31 < newz2000> ok, I'm ready
   5 11:32 < cjohnston> :-)
   6 11:32 < cjohnston> first time making a spec, so i hope its decient
   7 11:33 < dpm> sure, I hope you had fun with blueprints in LP :)
   8 11:33 < cjohnston> I've done another one now too.. And that project is going quite well..:-)
   9 11:33 < dpm> However, there is still one pending item we talked about: having a spec in the wiki linked to the blueprint, following (more or less) the template at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SpecTemplate
  10 11:34 < dpm> The same thing we do at UDSs when we flesh out the roadmaps for each team.
  11 11:34 < dpm> Here's an example:
  12 11:34 < dpm> Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/lucid-qa-community-testing-translations
  13 11:34 < dpm> Spec: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/TestingForTranslations
  14 11:35 < dpm> We could reuse the existing page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/WebsiteLocalization/Roadmap, but it might need to be expanded a bit
  15 11:35 < cjohnston> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/WebsiteLocalization/Spec
  16 11:36 < dpm> cjohnston, ah, I mixed up the pages... great, there is a spec in the wiki as well :)
  17 11:36  * newz2000 had not seen that yet
  18 11:36 < cjohnston> I added the spec to the blueprint
  19 11:36 < newz2000> that looks like a fair summary
  20 11:36 -!- mpt [~mpt@canonical/mpt] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
  21 11:37 < dpm> cjohnston, ah, you've just linked it now. I read the blueprint this morning and I coldn't see it. Great, that looks good
  22 11:37 < cjohnston> ty
  23 11:37 < cjohnston> Didn't know about linking it.. hehe
  24 11:37 < cjohnston> The spec I do believe was in the email though. :-)
  25 11:38 < dpm> yeah, I went straight to the blueprint, though
  26 11:38 < cjohnston> lol
  27 11:38 < cjohnston> All good
  28 11:38 < dpm> ok, that's what we need to get the ball rolling
  29 11:39 < newz2000> dpm: you mentioned a concern about burdening some of the people who will be working on this
  30 11:39 < newz2000> (during a normally busy period of time)
  31 11:39 < dpm> yeah, we're aproaching Lucid
  32 11:39 < dpm> and people is getting more and more busy
  33 11:40 < cjohnston> I have a question.. Do we want to put this on the M cycle then?
  34 11:40 < cjohnston> Use UDS as a launching point? I don't know if newz2000 is ok with this
  35 11:40 < newz2000> I'm OK w/ it but:
  36 11:41 < newz2000> a: I don't know that all people who will particpate will be at UDS, so we may use it as a milestone, not a locastion
  37 11:41 < newz2000> b: I think we have untapped technical potential that is not tied up w/ Lucid launch
  38 11:41 < newz2000> (so we may be able to start earlier on that side if we want)
  39 11:42 < newz2000> (that's it)
  40 11:42 < cjohnston> I am up for whatever... 
  41 11:42 < dpm> I think we can start with an announcement, and see how it goes, but simply not commit with Lucid from the start
  42 11:42 < newz2000> yeah, I'm totally in favour of that
  43 11:42 < newz2000> cjohnston: didn't you suggest targeting May?
  44 11:43 < dpm> newz2000, where do you think we can coordinate this? would the ubuntu-website mailing list be a good place?
  45 11:43 < newz2000> I think that would be excellent
  46 11:43 < cjohnston> That was my thought, that way people can still focus on Lucid.. I don't know how much work this is going to be, and the possibility of taking away from Lucid
  47 11:44 < newz2000> Does it make sense to deliver the technical implemetnation first and then do the tranlsations as step 2?
  48 11:44 < cjohnston> IMO, without the translations, there is no need for technical implementation
  49 11:44 < newz2000> ok
  50 11:45 < cjohnston> but thats just my opinion
  51 11:45 < newz2000> you're leading this. :-)
  52 11:46 < dpm> cjohnston, there is some work to do in setting up a project in LP and exposing the translations, but I think it should not be much of a problem
  53 11:46 < cjohnston> you two both have more experience though... So if you recommend something, its more than anything I have to go off of.
  54 11:46 < newz2000> Let me ask you a question...
  55 11:47 < newz2000> if we have only one or two languages but otherwise it's working, do you think it will be good enough to launch?
  56 11:47 < cjohnston> Yes.
  57 11:47 < newz2000> (and add translations as they come on)
  58 11:47 < newz2000> The implication is that it needs to work first and foremost, and have at least one or two translations
  59 11:47 < dpm> newz2000, yes, but I'm pretty certain that when the technical implementation is working, we'll get lots more of just two :)
  60 11:48 < dpm> lots more of just than 2 translations, I meant
  61 11:48 < cjohnston> Right.. I think we need some sort of translations as a start... Then implement it.. and get the word out..
  62 11:48 < newz2000> right, my point is that the technical part may be more critical
  63 11:48 < cjohnston> and then get more tanslations
  64 11:48 < cjohnston> I see what your saying
  65 11:48 -!- alejandraobregon [~alejandra@] has quit [Quit: alejandraobregon]
  66 11:48 < dpm> I agree with newz2000, the implementation is what's most important here
  67 11:49 < cjohnston> Okie then...
  68 11:49 -!- alejandraobregon [~alejandra@] has joined #ubuntu-website
  69 11:49 < dpm> I can provide a couple of translations for testing, that wouldn't be a problem
  70 11:49 < cjohnston> Ok..
  71 11:50 < newz2000> ok, that's cool
  72 11:50 < dpm> and I'm sure other Ubuntu translators will as well
  73 11:50 < newz2000> Even partial translations can be used for testing
  74 11:50 < cjohnston> Technically: This page is the X language can be used for testing
  75 11:50 < newz2000> true
  76 11:51 < newz2000> So before translations can start there needs to be a source to translate from
  77 11:51 < cjohnston> Plus that would allowe me to see it works right.. lol
  78 11:51 < cjohnston> Correct.
  79 11:51 < newz2000> what was decided regarding ES where there are many loco teams and a variety of resources?
  80 11:52 < cjohnston> I don't remember there being any specific decisions..
  81 11:52 < newz2000> Do we create one ES page that lists all the resources?
  82 11:52 < cjohnston> I remember what you and I had talked about was trying to get as many as possible.... and then if there is none specific to what the user has default fall back on the default es
  83 11:52 < dpm> newz2000, we can put it in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/WebsiteLocalization/Spec#Unresolved Issues, we'd need more input from LoCos for that
  84 11:52 < newz2000> ok.
  85 11:52 < newz2000> cjohnston: would you do that?
  86 11:53 < newz2000> My question about it is:
  87 11:53 < cjohnston> yup
  88 11:53 < newz2000> if we choose to have es-mx and mx has few resources, would it be better to show them all of es?
  89 11:53 -!- alejandraobregon [~alejandra@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
  90 11:53 < cjohnston> hmm
  91 11:54 < dpm> Some big teams have got a central
  92 11:54 < dpm> coordination forum or mailing list
  93 11:54 < dpm> so perhaps they could be directed to that
  94 11:54 -!- mpt [~mpt@canonical/mpt] has joined #ubuntu-website
  95 11:54 < cjohnston> But then the other issue, es-mx and es-something else, the same word has two different meanings
  96 11:55 < newz2000> right. How bad is this? Can it be avoided using careful wording?
  97 11:55 < cjohnston> I don't know..
  98 11:55  * newz2000 doesn't expect you to know, just a question
  99 11:55 < cjohnston> I know I run into the issue with my line of work
 100 11:55 < cjohnston> and thats why I bring it up
 101 11:55 < dpm> newz2000, it can be avoided using the standard variant of the language
 102 11:56 < newz2000> ok, that's good
 103 11:56 < newz2000> So we need to identify what languages this could be problematic for
 104 11:56 < dpm> The Spanish translation team uses the same variant for all countries/regions.
 105 11:56 < newz2000> I know Spanish and English both need to address it
 106 11:56 < dpm> -> another action for the spec
 107 11:56 < newz2000> (and yes, i'm suggesting there be an EN translation too :-) )
 108 11:56 < cjohnston> then that would probably be bestoh no
 109 11:56 < cjohnston> lol
 110 11:57 < dpm> yeah, en_GB
 111 11:57 < cjohnston> umm
 112 11:57 < cjohnston> dunno what I was saying
 113 11:57 < newz2000> btw, my reasoning for there being an EN translation is so that this script can be used by the loco teams that don't speak English
 114 11:57 < dpm> ok
 115 11:58 < newz2000> so what are the next action items?
 116 11:58 < dpm> I must go in a few minutes, shall we wrap up with a summary of what we've discussed? Otherwise, you two can continue after me, I'll read the logs
 117 11:59 < cjohnston> I'm adding the Unresolved Issue of how to handle languages with multiple LoCo teams...
 118 11:59 < newz2000> also what languages need to deal w/ multiple locale dialects (or whatever the proper name for taht is)
 119 11:59 < cjohnston> Need to create an LP project.
 120 11:59 < newz2000> we need to create a source document
 121 12:00 < cjohnston> Use the website ML for communication
 122 12:01 < newz2000> I will submit a visual mock-up for what I see the end result looking like
 123 12:01 < cjohnston> Create a LP project
 124 12:01 < cjohnston> I think that's about it?
 125 12:01 < dpm> newz2000, I think that would be a great help
 126 12:01 < dpm> the visual mock-up
 127 12:02 < newz2000> also decide on the final URL structure for translated docs
 128 12:02 < newz2000> (that needs to be done)
 129 12:02 < cjohnston> Yup.
 130 12:03 < dpm> another item for unresolved issues (or pending discussion)
 131 12:03 < dpm> we can start with regular meetings as well, what do you think?
 132 12:04 < cjohnston> I'm fine with that.
 133 12:04 < newz2000> when will the next meeting be? Same time (as originally scheduled)?
 134 12:05 < dpm> biweekly meetings would be fine for you guys?
 135 12:05 < cjohnston> In two weeks I will be on a beach with a beer in my hand
 136 12:05 < cjohnston> ;-)
 137 12:05 < cjohnston> And my wife would kill me if I got online for a meeting
 138 12:06 < dpm> no worries
 139 12:06 < cjohnston> Ooo.. I could talk to some poeple about es_MX tho
 140 12:06 < cjohnston> lol
 141 12:06 < newz2000> :-) Lets meet next week to discuss the technical bits. dpm need not attend I think.
 142 12:07 < newz2000> Actually, cjohnston: lets aim for Thursday
 143 12:07 < cjohnston> newz2000: I'm open.. Your call
 144 12:07 < newz2000> cjohnston: ok. before lunch or after?
 145 12:07 < cjohnston> Doesn't matter
 146 12:07 < dpm> newz2000, sounds good to me. I can be there if I've got time, but I'm also fine with skipping if you don't need me on that one
 147 12:08 < cjohnston> dpm: we always need you.. ;-)
 148 12:08 < dpm> :)
 149 12:08 < cjohnston> lol
 150 12:08 < newz2000> cjohnston: either 11:30 your time or 3:00 your time?
 151 12:08 < dpm> ok, I really need to go now. Is everyone clear with the plan before the next meeting, then?
 152 12:08 < cjohnston> Yup.. Thanks dpm !
 153 12:08 < newz2000> dpm: yep, thanks a bunch
 154 12:08 < cjohnston> 1130 newz2000 
 155 12:09 < newz2000> ok, got it on my calendar
 156 12:09 < dpm> no worries
 157 12:09 < dpm> have a great weekend!
 158 12:09 < cjohnston> You too dpm !!
 159 12:10 < newz2000> great. It sounds like we're a little close to action.
 160 12:10 < newz2000> I'm working on a screenshot now
 161 12:10 < cjohnston> Cool..
 162 12:10 < cjohnston> newz2000: so should I take and create a seperate LP project from the ubuntu-website project then?
 163 12:11  * newz2000 ponders
 164 12:11 < newz2000> I'm not sure
 165 12:11 < newz2000> Yeah, maybe
 166 12:11 < newz2000> to avoid intermingling bugs
 167 12:11 < cjohnston> ok
 168 12:12 < cjohnston> website-localization too long?
 169 12:12 -!- dpm [~dpm@ubuntu/member/dpm] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
 170 12:15 < newz2000> cjohnston: no, I don't think so
 171 12:16 < cjohnston> ok
 172 12:17 < cjohnston> https://edge.launchpad.net/website-localization
 173 12:18 < newz2000> cool. I'll upload my graphic to the wiki, but first I must catch the IS team before they leave for the day

Website/WebsiteLocalization/Meetings/26022010 (last edited 2010-03-17 19:13:00 by 64)