Log of the Saturday 14th April Meeting

Maw 14 19:02:17 *       ianto has changed the topic to: Meeting in progress :: Welcome to Ubuntu Wales || Croeso i Ubuntu Cymru || Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/WelshTeam || Members: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/WelshTeam/Members || Please idle here if you would like to help us become an official LoCo group || Meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WelshTeam/Meetings/14032009
Maw 14 19:02:36 <ianto> Alright all members please type "present" ;)
Maw 14 19:02:43 <Skyrail>       I'll keep an eye on it
Maw 14 19:02:50 <arthurL>       Present
Maw 14 19:02:51 <dariusH>       yma
Maw 14 19:03:02 <ianto> dariusH: Don't be silly ;)
Maw 14 19:03:07 <dariusH>       :(
Maw 14 19:03:11 <dariusH>       present
Maw 14 19:03:17 <ianto> Alright, on the agenda tonight, we have just two things
Maw 14 19:03:26 <ianto> So the meeting shouldn't last more than 20mins
Maw 14 19:03:52 <arthurL>       Which item shall we discuss first?
Maw 14 19:03:58 <ianto> As the Southies here know, NPT and Swansea police forces are merging due to a lack of funds;
Maw 14 19:04:19 <dariusH>       ^^ didn't know
Maw 14 19:04:19 <ianto> We have recently had news of the French police savnig £50M by switching to Ubuntu
Maw 14 19:04:39 <ianto> dariusH: Evening Post and/or NPT Guardian
Maw 14 19:04:48 <Skyrail>       £50M, wow
Maw 14 19:04:54 <arthurL>       There is an opinion page on the Evening Post
Maw 14 19:04:57 <ianto> Skyrail: http://www.gearcrave.com/2009-03-12/french-police-adopt-ubuntu/
Maw 14 19:05:08 <ianto> arthurL: Today's issue?
Maw 14 19:05:23 <Skyrail>       That's pretty amzing
Maw 14 19:05:30 <ianto> Oops €50M ;)
Maw 14 19:05:44 <dariusH>       that's near enough the same these days
Maw 14 19:05:56 <arthurL>       http://www.thisissouthwales.co.uk/
Maw 14 19:06:12 <arthurL>       ^ Bost Noswaith
Maw 14 19:06:21 <ianto> Obviously, the security services have a great effect on technology, as they are partly linked to the councils who run education too
Maw 14 19:07:02 <ianto> So for now, what do you think fthe best method of contacting Heddlu De Cymru would be?
Maw 14 19:07:22 <arthurL>       I'll paste the email addresses here ...
Maw 14 19:07:44 <arthurL>       NeathPortTalbot@south-wales.pnn.police.uk
Maw 14 19:07:49 <arthurL>       Swansea@south-wales.pnn.police.uk
Maw 14 19:08:05 <arthurL>       Chief Constable: acpo.staff.office@south-wales.pnn.police.uk
Maw 14 19:08:22 <ianto> Email the CC and then CC (ironic) the emails to the forces
Maw 14 19:08:45 <arthurL>       Agreed.
Maw 14 19:09:02 <ianto> However, we need a good written email, showing the strong points of OSS
Maw 14 19:09:08 <ianto> Benefits
Maw 14 19:09:13 <arthurL>       Shall we Gobby it?
Maw 14 19:09:21 <ianto> But also we must include some disadvantages not to appear zealots
Maw 14 19:09:32 <arthurL>       True that
Maw 14 19:09:47 <dariusH>       dis- would be incompatability with other police forces
Maw 14 19:10:13 <Skyrail>       And a little bit of retraining
Maw 14 19:10:18 <ianto> If Regional and/or national adoption eventually, that would no longer be a disadvantage ;)
Maw 14 19:10:19 <arthurL>       One province in France switched and only good news came from it
Maw 14 19:10:20 <Skyrail>       Even though the swap between the two is quite easy now
Maw 14 19:10:51 <arthurL>       The long term benefits outweight the costs of not adopting Ububtu/Linux
Maw 14 19:10:59 <arthurL>       We need to show them that
Maw 14 19:11:21 <Skyrail>       And this French example is a brilliant one :)
Maw 14 19:11:24 <ianto> Skyrail: Edit our mail to your Northern departments too
Maw 14 19:12:21 <ianto> Alright, we can all apt-get gobby
Maw 14 19:12:27 <ianto> and connect to gobby.ubuntu.com
Maw 14 19:12:28 <Skyrail>       D: I guess that would make sense
Maw 14 19:12:43 <ianto> Cymru is the document ;)
Maw 14 19:17:14 <Skyrail>       Are we editing it now?
Maw 14 19:17:15 <Skyrail>       hehe
Maw 14 19:17:22 <dariusH>       appears so
Maw 14 19:17:27 <ianto> Aye we is
Maw 14 19:17:35 <arthurL>       Yes, you don't seem to be there though :P
Maw 14 19:17:40 <Skyrail>       Give me a moment, my PC is working quite well for FF, Opera, Foobar2000, IRC, TF2
Maw 14 19:41:11 <phantomjinx>   http://www.articlesbase.com/careers-articles/police-career-linux-computer-systems-in-law-enforcement-148535.html
Maw 14 19:41:36 <ianto> phantomjinx: We're drafting a letter atm
Maw 14 19:41:39 <ianto> Feel free to edit
Maw 14 19:42:05 <phantomjinx>   belated present
Maw 14 19:42:23 <dariusH>       SWpolice allready upgrading to linux
Maw 14 19:42:24 <dariusH>       :/
Maw 14 19:42:46 <ianto> New South Wales?
Maw 14 19:42:50 <ianto> That's Australian
Maw 14 19:42:57 <dariusH>       oh aii
Maw 14 19:43:02 <dariusH>       didn't see the new
Maw 14 19:43:17 <phantomjinx>   thats what I thought but the rest of the article concerns UK police forces so not sure. Presume its Aussie
Maw 14 19:43:39 <ianto> Could google new south wales and linux
Maw 14 19:43:56 <phantomjinx>   date of article is 2007 and thats currently the most up to date info found so far
Maw 14 19:44:15 <dariusH>       no it means NSW
Maw 14 19:44:18 <ianto> Yeah it's the state governmennt
Maw 14 19:44:18 <dariusH>       as in aussi
Maw 14 19:44:21 <ianto> Just googled
Maw 14 19:44:22 <dariusH>       aussie*
Maw 14 19:44:51 <Skyrail>       I guess the examples of the other police forces using some form of linux can be of help to
Maw 14 19:45:03 *       ChanServ gives channel operator status to dariusH
Maw 14 19:45:07 *       dariusH removes channel operator status from ianto
Maw 14 19:45:09 *       dariusH removes channel operator status from dariusH
Maw 14 19:45:17 <ianto> Why?
Maw 14 19:45:21 <phantomjinx>   add more weight than the french
Maw 14 19:45:21 <ianto> I need to edit the topic in a mo
Maw 14 19:46:48 <Skyrail>       Yeh
Maw 14 20:55:46 *       ChanServ gives channel operator status to ianto
Maw 14 20:55:56 *       ianto has changed the topic to: Welcome to Ubuntu Wales || Croeso i Ubuntu Cymru || Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/WelshTeam || Members: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/WelshTeam/Members || Please idle here if you would like to help us become an official LoCo group


WelshTeam/Meetings/14032009/Log (last edited 2009-03-14 20:59:29 by host86-134-134-122)