
Revision 29 as of 2007-12-31 02:00:01

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Personal Information


(I was looking right into the sun! But Dennis couldn't resist creating a hackergotchi out of it :) Other recent/random pictures: [http://wes.debianbox.be/wesley2.png wesley.png] [http://wes.debianbox.be/wesley3.png wesley2.png]

Real name:

Wesley Stessens




18 (24/05/1989)


Student (Accountancy and Information Technology)






[https://launchpad.net/~wesley Link to my Launchpad page]


[http://wesley.debianbox.be Link to Personal TechBlog]


[mailto:wesley@ubuntu.com wesley#ubuntu.com]

Ubuntu Contributions


I have been an Ubuntu advocate ever since I first met the community around Ubuntu. I think the community and organization is one of the most vital and strong parts of Ubuntu. It's the main reason that I'm so hooked on Ubuntu.

As an Ubuntu advocate I promote Ubuntu as a viable alternative to offerings from other companies (Microsoft, Apple to name a few). I can be very persuasive sometimes when it comes to promoting Ubuntu. No secrets though. I tell all good and bad things about using Ubuntu, I explain why open source matters, I explain in what ways Ubuntu is a viable alternative and in what ways it is not, but most of all, I show them how easy it is to get started. Many have made the jump to at least a dual boot configuration because of my advocacy. And a few guys switched over completely.


Ubuntu-NL Forum Support

I registered on the [http://forum.ubuntu-nl.org/profile/515 Dutch Ubuntu forums] on February 2006. I have made more than 5500 posts so far. Most of those posts were actually on topic (although I enjoy relaxing in the off topic forum section too!)

Ubuntu-NL IRC Support

I have helped many people on the Dutch Ubuntu IRC channel. Although I have no time for active (full time) support through IRC anymore these days, I'm still active in the channel and I help where I can.

Real life Support

In real life I have helped many users with installing and/or configuring Ubuntu on their systems. Users that I help are users that I know from meetings or from the forum, although I also help with installing and configuring Ubuntu on my friends their computers.


Ubuntu-NL Forum Moderation

In September 2006 I became a forum moderator for the [http://forum.ubuntu-nl.org/profile/515 Dutch Ubuntu forums]. My job as a forum moderator is to keep everything clean, eliminate problems (flamewars, spam...) and to maintain a healthy and fun atmosphere where everyone feels at home. I also want to take this opportunity to do a little "shout out" to my co-moderators on the Dutch Ubuntu forums for their continuing trust and support. I really enjoy working with you guys!

Ubuntu-NL Forum Administration

In August 2007 I got promoted: I became a forum administrator.

Ubuntu-NL Website Moderation

In February 2007 I became a website moderator for the [http://www.ubuntu-nl.org Dutch Ubuntu website]. My first action as website moderator was to try and correct most spelling mistakes. And now I just try to keep all pages up to date and to correct mistakes in the content or spelling by tracking bug reports for the website on [https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-nl-website this Launchpad page].

Ubuntu-NL and Kubuntu-NL IRC Operator

In October 2007 I was given extra access rights to the #ubuntu-nl and #kubuntu-nl channels. This has made me an IRC operator for these two channels.


Dutch translations for USN

In March 2007 I started translating all Ubuntu Security Notices to Dutch. All security notices from March until now have been translated by me. I try to keep track of the Ubuntu Security Notices every day and my personal deadline is 2 days after a Ubuntu Security Notice appears, it has to be translated. DennisKaarsemaker has set up an RSS feed for the Dutch Ubuntu Security Notices. It is available at http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/usn/

Meetings, Fairs, Events...

Ubuntu-NL Meetings

I plan to go to every big Ubuntu-NL meeting in the Netherlands. There will be approximately two big meetings per year. The first meeting I visited was the big Ubuntu-NL [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NlWinterMeeting2007 Wintermeeting] in February 2007. The second meeting I attended was the [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NLSummermeeting2007 Summermeeting] in September 2007.

Fairs and Special Events

Because I live in Belgium, it is easier for me to go to fairs and events in Belgium. So far I have helped organizing the [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/Fosdem2007 Ubuntu booth at FOSDEM] in February 2007 in Brussels and I was representing the [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Genk%26Hasselt Ubuntu booth at Micro Mega Market] in May 2007 in Hasselt. In the future I will help at a lot more fairs and events. It is fun to be able to introduce Ubuntu to new users and to help existing users in real life.

Release Parties

Bug triaging

I report bugs for myself and a few others and keep track of bugs that are important to me. You can view [https://launchpad.net/~wesley my Launchpad page] to view my bug history at Launchpad.


Ubuntu Shirts

In April 2007 I heard Ubuntu shirts could be ordered from the marketing team. LoCo groups could order a lot of shirts at once to reduce shipping costs. I was responsible for the shirts for Ubuntu Belgium. I accepted and placed all orders and paid the marketing team. There were some problems with availability of certain colors, but we managed to work those issues out by good communication. Everyone received their shirt on time.

Ubuntu-NL Magazine

In February 2007 the idea for a Dutch Ubuntu magazine arose. I made sure the project had a flying start. I set up the necessary pages and did the initial organization. Soon we had an IRC meeting to decide who does what. I was chosen among a few other enthusiasts to form the editorial board. This project didn't succeed though, many people became inactive and in September 2007 we (Ubuntu-NL) decided to continue the magazine as a Dutch variant of [http://fridge.ubuntu.com/ the Fridge]. It will be online in the near future.


In July 2006 I wrote patches and bug fixes for the first version of [https://launchpad.net/usp/ Ubuntu System Panel]. Today Ubuntu System Panel still exists, it has been rewritten and is still in development, but I stopped writing patches and bug fixes for the new versions.


On the 26th of May 2007 I set up an environment to compile the SMPlayer package for Ubuntu Dapper Drake, Edgy Eft and Feisty Fawn. The packages are temporarily available at http://wesley.debianbox.be/packages/ but this page will be replaced by a Falcon repository in the near future.

As of September 2007 I also started to compile packages for Gutsy Gibbon. And I contacted a friend of mine (gh0sty) to provide 64 bit packages for Feisty and Gutsy.

Other Contributions




Meetings, Fairs, Events...


  • In 2006 I wrote small patches for the Beryl Window Manager and its Emerald Window Decorator.
  • In 2006 and 2007 I wrote a handful of small patches for a few C++ applications.
  • In 2007 I wrote Dyntact: a nice AJAXified contactform for websites with an interesting fall-backsystem for browsers that are not capable of using AJAX or Javascript.
  • Since October 2007 I started writing bugfixes and feature enhancements for the SMPlayer video player.
  • Since December 2007 I've been contributing a bit to the UltraStarDeluXe port for Linux.

  • Since December 2007 I've been adding major features to the cross-platform mixxx DJ software: Live vorbis stream encoding, Shoutcast support


  • I used to have a pacman repository with a few Archlinux packages.
  • I have a few old pkgbuilds in the AUR Archlinux website (Someone else took over maintaining them).

Future Plans

  • Visit as many meetings, fairs and events as possible.
  • Help to bridge the compatibility/usability gap between GNOME and KDE.
  • Work on new modern user interfaces.
  • Give more presentations, with a focus on "fun" instead of "boring talk".

Lingual Abilities






Dutch (nl)


Very good

Very good

Very good

English (en)


Very good

Very good

Very good

French (fr)




Less than good

German (de)



Not able

Not able


Wesley is one of the key members of the dutch speaking Ubuntu community. He has contributed a lot of his free time, doing lots of things (see above Smile :) ) and is a great person to have in any community. -- DennisKaarsemaker [24 May 2007]

profoX has potential, which he knows to channel. He still has stuff to learn, but he is on the right path. He spent (or spends) a lot of time on the Ubuntu-NL-magazine, is quite active on the forums and sometimes on IRC. Keep it up -- SebastianSchauenburg [24 May 2007]

Place your testimonial about me here -- your name [date]