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There is currently no licensing policy expressed on the documentation wiki and this has caused confusion about whether material can be copied into it and from it. This spec attempts to develop a licensing policy for the documentation wiki only, and leaves open the question of licensing on the development wiki.


The Ubuntu wikis do not currently contain any express definition of licensing policy. This means:

There is confusion about whether material can or cannot be copied (for example into official Ubuntu documentation released in the distribution). The current copyright notice states that the copyright belongs to Canonical. However given that power of the wiki for developing community contributed documentation, it is necessary for the material to be freely licensed, for use in the system documentation and elsewhere.

Licensing the material on the wiki under a free license will also mean that it will become possible to copy material from other free sources, such as the Ubuntu forums, the Official Ubuntu Book, and the system documentation. Encouraging the free exchange of material between the documentation wiki and the system documentation will allow the two to draw closer together, which is ultimately the aim of the documentation team in order to permit easier access to contribution.

Further, there are reasons of principle to implement such a policy:

  1. Ubuntu is an operating system promoting free software, and has promoted a book releasing documentation under a free license.
  2. The very nature of a wiki is that it should be a collaborative effort which encourages the free use of information.

Use cases


Choice of License



Outstanding issues


All existing comments now addressed.

WikiLicensing/HelpWiki (last edited 2009-08-29 14:03:38 by 79-72-96-222)