
Revision 1 as of 2005-12-27 03:02:03

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Wine allows you to run Windows programs on Linux. Its homepage can be found at

Installing Wine

Ubuntu versions of Wine

The versions that Ubuntu ships are unfortunately quite out of date. If you wish to use them, add Universe (see AddingRepositoriesHowTo if you don't know how) and then install wine.

Newer versions of Wine

Fortunately, Wine provides newer versions packaged for Ubuntu. You need to add the repository and then install wine from there.

  1. Add the following repository deb binary/ (See AddingRepositoriesHowTo if help is needed)

  2. Update the package cache and then install wine

Configuring Wine

On the commandline or in Run Application, type winecfg

Running Windows programs/installers

To run most programs or installers, type wine Programtorun.exe

Instructions for specific Windows programs

Some Windows programs have been tested on Ubuntu. They are listed below:

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