
Revision 7 as of 2005-12-27 20:50:14

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Wine allows you to run Windows programs on Linux. Its homepage can be found at

Installing Wine

Ubuntu versions of Wine

The versions that Ubuntu ships are unfortunately quite out of date. If you wish to use them, add Universe (see AddingRepositoriesHowto if you don't know how) and then install wine.

Newer versions of Wine

Fortunately, Wine provides newer versions packaged for Ubuntu. You need to add the repository and then install wine from there.

  1. Add the following repository deb binary/ (See AddingRepositoriesHowto if help is needed)

  2. Update the package cache using sudo apt-get update or reload in Synaptic

  3. Install wine

Configuring Wine

On the commandline or in Run Application, type winecfg

Adding the Cdrom drive to Wine

  1. Run winecfg
  2. Navigate to the drives tab

  3. Click on Add...

  4. In the path bar, type /media/cdrom

  5. Click Ok

Running Windows programs/installers

To run most programs or installers, type wine Programtorun.exe

Configuring specific Windows programs

Adding applications to the menu

To add a launcher to the menu, you need to find out where in the pseudo-C drive the program exists.

  1. Right-click on the panel near the menu and choose "Edit menus"
  2. Open the section you wish the entry to be under, such as Games
  3. Open File --> New Entry

  4. In the Name field, enter the application name, such as "World of Warcraft"
  5. In the command field, enter  wine "C:\PATHTOPROGRAM\Program.exe"  such as "C:\Program Files\WoW\WoW.exe" (Make certain the path to the program is inclosed in double quotes)

Changing application specific settings

  1. Start winecfg

  2. Click on Add Application...

  3. Navigate to where the exe is and choose that program
  4. The dropdown at the bottom allows you to choose which version of Windows Wine should emulate. Also any changes to the Libraries and Graphics tabs will only affect the chosen application in the Applications tab.

Instructions for specific Windows programs

Some Windows programs have been tested on Ubuntu. They are listed below:

Also, see Wine's Application Database at

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