Differences between revisions 73 and 74
Revision 73 as of 2008-07-15 10:03:34
Size: 4219
Editor: yttrium
Revision 74 as of 2008-07-31 20:17:45
Size: 4184
Editor: c-67-168-235-241
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * ["X/InputHotplug"] - Using input devices (keyboards, tablets, mice, etc.) with HAL and input-hotplug
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   * ["X/KernelWishlist"] - Pending kernel changes that would benefit Xorg    * ["X/KernelWishlist"] - Pending/desired kernel changes that would benefit Xorg
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 * [https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile Kernel Compile] - How to rebuild linux-restricted-modules - also see KernelPackageVersioning

This page is to serve as a gathering point for various X-related specs, howtos, todo lists, and other assorted resources of interest to developers and bleeding-edge users.

Using X in Ubuntu

  • ["X/Config"] - How to configure Xorg
    • ["X/DisplayConfigGtk"] - Xinerama-based configuration tool, now deprecated
  • ["X/InputHotplug"] - Using input devices (keyboards, tablets, mice, etc.) with HAL and input-hotplug
  • ["X/NonGraphicalBoot"] - Running X manually, without gdm

Ubuntu X Development

Troubleshooting Resources

X (last edited 2016-01-10 21:04:44 by penalvch)