
Revision 1 as of 2019-02-25 16:43:30

Clear message

This is a brief summary of bugs fixed between Ubuntu 16.04.5 and 16.04.6. This summary covers only changes to packages in main and restricted, which account for all packages in the officially-supported CD images; there are further changes to various packages in universe and multiverse. Some of these fixes were by Ubuntu developers directly, while others were by upstream developers and backported to Ubuntu. For full details, see the individual package changelogs.

In addition to the bugs listed below, this update includes all security updates from the Ubuntu Security Notice list affecting Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS that were released up to and including July 30, 2018. The last update included was USN-3725-1 (MySQL vulnerabilities).

Installation bug fixes

Updated CD images are provided with this release, including fixes for some installation bugs. (Many installation problems are hardware-specific; for those, see "Hardware support bugs" below.)

Upgrade bug fixes

These changes fix upgrade issues, smoothing the way for future upgrades to later releases of Ubuntu.

Desktop fixes

These changes mainly affect desktop installations of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu and other Ubuntu-based systems.

These changes mainly affect installations of Ubuntu on server systems and clouds.

Kernel and Hardware support updates

Considerable work has been done in Ubuntu 16.04.4 on improving support for many specific items of hardware.

Note that upstream commits to stable kernel releases are listed separately below.

Unsorted changes