2011-01-20 Meeting Minutes

Old Business

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Packaging & Development

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Website & Marketing



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Any Other Business

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2011-01-20 Meeting Log

Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-meeting

People Present:

People Present:

Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-meeting

[13:01:47] <charlie-tca> May as well start in, huh?

[13:02:24] <charlie-tca> I am testing pidgin today, so I got two logins in some channels

[13:03:02] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] a full agenda for today is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings

[13:03:30] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Old business

[13:03:48] <charlie-tca> I know someday we won't have anymore... Smile :-)

[13:03:54] <charlie-tca> pleia2: here?

[13:04:05] <pleia2> yep

[13:04:19] <charlie-tca> converting website to new logo and icons ??

[13:04:32] <charlie-tca> We got this one in work now, don't we?

[13:04:57] <pleia2> yep, cody-somerville got me access to the site and gave me the link to where the drupal stuff is stored in bzr

[13:05:14] <pleia2> I'm working with knome to get a design put together

[13:05:20] <charlie-tca> Great! Thank you for doing that.

[13:05:25] <pleia2> sure thing

[13:05:43] <beardygnome> hi, sorry i'm late

[13:05:52] <charlie-tca> knome is great when it comes to websites. He was talking about converting to wordpress, at one time, too.

[13:06:07] * charlie-tca waves at beardygnome

[13:06:28] * beardygnome waves back at charlie-tca

[13:06:31] <charlie-tca> take the discussion about default launchers to the ML

[13:06:47] <charlie-tca> I sent the email out, with rather disappointing results so far.

[13:07:21] <charlie-tca> It may come down to deciding here what gets used, which is also fine. I think there is some resistance to change defaults.

[13:08:10] <charlie-tca> and, we are actively trying to get thorwil and ochosi together for the wallpaper colors

[13:08:29] <beardygnome> brb

[13:08:35] <charlie-tca> I think that takes of old business, doesn't it?

[13:09:12] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Team updates - Team Leads

[13:09:27] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Packaging & Development

[13:09:36] <charlie-tca> mr_pouit: are you available today?

[13:10:11] <beardygnome> back

[13:10:54] <charlie-tca> hmm, well, Xfce announced the release of 4.8 on Sunday

[13:11:11] <charlie-tca> It is being packaged for Natty Narwhal first.

[13:11:34] <charlie-tca> micahg: did you and mr_pouit get together about backporting it to maverick and lucid?

[13:11:42] <beardygnome> do you know how that's going, charlie-tca?

[13:11:44] <micahg> charlie-tca: not yet

[13:12:08] <charlie-tca> beardygnome: near as I can tell, most of it is minor package updates, mainly language

[13:12:18] <charlie-tca> or translations

[13:12:38] <charlie-tca> I think if you are running Natty, you are real close to final 4.8

[13:13:13] <beardygnome> I'm running Maverick at the moment, but I have a Natty VM that's a couple of weeks old

[13:13:36] <beardygnome> are we OK to start running updates on the Natty image now?

[13:14:03] <charlie-tca> There is a ppa for 4.8 in lucid. I do not know the individual with it, nor is alexx2000 a member of any teams. He is new in launchpad as of October 17

[13:14:21] <charlie-tca> and I don't know how complete the ppa is for lucid

[13:14:46] <charlie-tca> anything else on development and packaging?

[13:15:17] <charlie-tca> oops, wrong date there. the person signed into launchpad January 17

[13:15:30] <charlie-tca> of 2010

[13:17:01] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Bug Triage & Testing

[13:17:18] <charlie-tca> We have kept the number of new bugs level this week.

[13:17:32] <charlie-tca> As for testing, the images installed one day this week only

[13:17:54] <charlie-tca> the running Natty installs are working fine, from what I can tell.

[13:18:06] <charlie-tca> I do run Natty on a 64bit system here

[13:19:31] <charlie-tca> We should start ISO testing for alpha2 about the 1st of February. Everyone is welcome to help with that

[13:20:15] <charlie-tca> any questions on bugs and triage?

[13:20:45] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Website & Marketing

[13:21:04] <charlie-tca> vinnl or pleia2 : got any updates?

[13:21:37] <vinnl> Not me, the only thing I'm doing is posting news messages when needed...

[13:21:47] <charlie-tca> We still a Marketing Lead, seriously, for Xubuntu.

[13:22:06] <pleia2> same as above really, knome is thinking of redoing the whole site so we'll be creating a drupal template and presenting it

[13:22:10] <charlie-tca> vinnl: will need an announcement for alpha2 the 3rd

[13:22:18] <pleia2> not sure about timeline though, he's out of town for at least a week right now

[13:22:28] <charlie-tca> Works for me

[13:22:37] * vinnl adds to agenda

[13:22:52] <charlie-tca> Send any prospective marketing leaders to me, please.

[13:23:34] <pleia2> I've been working with the -adverts folks some lately, I'll be sure to mention that xubuntu could use a marketing lead if the opportunity arises

[13:23:48] <charlie-tca> thanks. We need all the help we can get

[13:24:08] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Artwork

[13:24:28] <charlie-tca> Greybird and elementary fonts are looking good

[13:24:57] <beardygnome> I'm running Greybird on my Maverick installs and liking it a lot

[13:25:06] <charlie-tca> We will be discussing the default launchers next week, for anyone interested.

[13:25:36] <charlie-tca> beardygnome: would you recommend it to anyone not yet on natty that wants to see it, then?

[13:26:16] <beardygnome> it's definitely worth a lokk

[13:26:19] <beardygnome> *look

[13:27:03] <charlie-tca> wOw - a chance to see the new theme, and you don't even need natty installed! and ochosi would appreciate any issues you find, even in Maverick.

[13:27:06] <WhitePelican> what is greybird?

[13:27:26] <charlie-tca> The theme we plan to use in Natty Narwhal.

[13:27:34] <WhitePelican> ah

[13:28:04] <charlie-tca> Learn all about it at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Natty

[13:28:20] <beardygnome> here's a link to the latest (I think) version: http://shimmerproject.org/hg/bluebird-colors/rev/33411ef772ac

[13:28:29] <beardygnome> [LINK] http://shimmerproject.org/hg/bluebird-colors/rev/33411ef772ac

[13:28:54] <charlie-tca> Thanks, beardygnome

[13:29:06] <charlie-tca> any other questions about artwork?

[13:29:29] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Announcements

[13:30:31] <charlie-tca> I sent out the email about voting for Project Lead. Next week will have an vote for the Lead. Thanks to pleia2 for taking on the task of tracking the email votes and negative comments on it.

[13:31:02] <charlie-tca> Xfce 4.8 is out. It is not packaged for Maverick 10.10 or Lucid 10.04 at this time.

[13:31:35] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Any Other Business

[13:31:53] <micahg> o/

[13:31:54] <charlie-tca> Raise you hand, voice, etc if you have anything else we should discuss.

[13:31:59] <charlie-tca> micahg: go ahead

[13:32:25] <micahg> Thunderbird 3.1.7 translations just uploaded to lucid-proposed, new translations for Gaelic, Galician, and Serbian

[13:32:32] <micahg> will be in 10.04.2

[13:33:05] <micahg> if anyone uses those languages and can test, comments welcome on bug 705028

[13:33:08] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 705028 in thunderbird-locales (Ubuntu Natty) "Update Thunderbird translations to 3.1.7" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/705028

[13:33:53] <charlie-tca> That just gets better and better

[13:34:11] <charlie-tca> thank you for that information, micahg . Let's hope we get it tested

[13:34:30] <charlie-tca> and one more...

[13:34:48] <charlie-tca> Ubuntu User Days is coming Saturday January 29

[13:35:32] <pleia2> oh right, the schedule hasn't been officially posted yet (confirming some final instructors) but I'll be doing the xfce part of a session on desktop options

[13:35:49] <pleia2> (maco is covering gnome and kde)

[13:36:44] <beardygnome> sounds good

[13:36:56] <pleia2> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays

[13:40:06] <charlie-tca> hm, well that takes care of my daily power outage

[13:40:22] <charlie-tca> I apologize for that.

[13:40:25] <pleia2> wb

[13:40:29] <charlie-tca> Is there any other business

[13:40:43] <beardygnome> are the natty repos down at the moment?

[13:40:55] <beardygnome> i can't get my natty vm to upgrade

[13:41:00] <charlie-tca> Not that I know, but they been on and off, too

[13:41:34] <charlie-tca> I use the U.S. archives, and they have been working

[13:41:50] <beardygnome> is there a newer iso available? i have one from before xmas

[13:41:52] <charlie-tca> did we end the meeting?

[13:41:57] <pleia2> not yet Smile :)

[13:42:02] <maco> beardygnome: there are daily ones

[13:42:03] <charlie-tca> and will it work with a different nick?

[13:42:03] <micahg> charlie-tca: you're the chair Smile :)

[13:42:28] <charlie-tca> yeah, but what happens when the chair loses the power and goes away?

[13:42:31] <micahg> er, charlie-tca is the chair :-/

[13:42:33] <pleia2> you'll probably have to /nick charlie-tca to end

[13:42:37] <beardygnome> maco: can you send me the link?

[13:43:00] <charlie-tca> I no longer have mootbot

[13:43:11] <charlie-tca> #endmeeting

Meeting ended.

Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2011-01-20 (last edited 2011-01-20 23:35:00 by 75-167-191-7)