
Revision 1 as of 2014-10-21 21:20:50

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Meeting information

Meeting summary

Open action items

The discussion about "Open action items" started at 20:06.

  • ACTION: : pleia2 to contact unixstickers

  • ACTION: pleia2 to contact unixstickers

  • ACTION: : knome to write a more formalized proposal about the QA process improvements with elfy after N days of comments/feedback for the pad

  • ACTION: xubuntu-qa to continue working with v-cycle qa pad

  • ACTION: elfy mail the -devel list to garner comment on pad

  • ACTION: : knome to move the "translations important for xubuntu" list to the processes page, discussion can continue when needed

Team updates

The discussion about "Team updates" started at 20:23.

  • unixstickers has sold plenty of Xubuntu items, so we just need to let them know what we want for the reward based QA program
  • unixstickers will also be producing t-shirts soon, production info here: http://www.unixstickers.com/tshirts/underground-t-shirts/the-ultimate-pirate-bay-tshirt

  • Image testing has been better for the final image
  • upgrade tests though only have 1 result from me so ...
  • ACTION: Any -team member who can do an Upgrade test of some sort - appreciated - concentrate on the Upgrade rather than Upgrade(image)

  • ACTION: xubuntu-team to watch tracker for respins - if they appear please test what you can

  • ACTION: xubuntu-qa to ping team in channel if they see respins appear


The discussion about "Discussion" started at 20:29.

  • Xubuntu+1 support in #xubuntu (20:29)

    • ACTION: Elfy to mail -devel re where we support testers

  • Decide on Trello or Launchpad (20:52)

    • return to using launchpad, team leads to set out their blueprints
    • Trello can be used by subteams if they feel it's useful for them, but all general cooperation should go through LP

Vote results

Action items, by person

  • elfy
    • : knome to write a more formalized proposal about the QA process improvements with elfy after N days of comments/feedback for the pad
    • elfy mail the -devel list to garner comment on pad
  • knome
    • : knome to write a more formalized proposal about the QA process improvements with elfy after N days of comments/feedback for the pad
    • : knome to move the "translations important for xubuntu" list to the processes page, discussion can continue when needed
  • pleia2
    • : pleia2 to contact unixstickers
  • xubuntu-qa
    • xubuntu-qa to continue working with v-cycle qa pad
    • xubuntu-qa to ping team in channel if they see respins appear
    • Any -team member who can do an Upgrade test of some sort - appreciated - concentrate on the Upgrade rather than Upgrade(image)
    • xubuntu-team to watch tracker for respins - if they appear please test what you can
    • Elfy to mail -devel re where we support testers

Done items

  • pleia2 to contact unixstickers

People present (lines said)

  • elfy (120)
  • knome (80)
  • pleia2 (26)
  • slickymaster (24)
  • meetingology (16)
  • xnox (6)
  • jjfrv8-work (4)
  • ali1234 (4)
  • dkessel (4)
  • mikodo (3)
  • xubuntu-qa (0)

Full Log

  • 20:00 <elfy> #startmeeting Xubuntu Community Meeting

    20:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Oct 21 20:00:46 2014 UTC. The chair is elfy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.

    20:00 <meetingology>

    20:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick

    20:01 <xnox> hi

    20:01 <elfy> ok then, lots to get through - who's here now

    20:01 <elfy> hi xnox

    20:01 <xnox> ubiquity no desktop background is due to xsettingsd

    20:01 <xnox> not working, that is it's defunct when ubiquity-dm spawns it

    20:01 <pleia2> o/

    20:01 <jjfrv8-work> o/

    20:01 <slickymaster> o/

    20:02 <xnox> xfwm4 is also complaining about the lack of SESSION_MANAGER and i have no clue know is that suppose to be 20:02 * xnox looks around and follow the crowd

    20:02 <xnox> o/

    20:02 <pleia2> xnox: it's meeting time Smile :)

    20:02 <dkessel> o/

    20:02 <elfy> #chair pleia2 jjfrv8-work slickymaster

    20:02 <meetingology> Current chairs: elfy jjfrv8-work pleia2 slickymaster

    20:04 <elfy> xnox: not sure if either ochosi or bluesabre are about tbh - they'd be the ones to deal with it - though it's good to know what it is - we were kind of resigned to the black background this late - it not being something really odd for us like debian background 20:04 * slickymaster appreciates that elfy is giving him some time to finish his dineer

    20:04 <slickymaster> * dinner

    20:05 <knome> o/

    20:05 <elfy> xnox: but if that's the reason - that's good to know

    20:05 <elfy> #chair knome

    20:05 <meetingology> Current chairs: elfy jjfrv8-work knome pleia2 slickymaster

    20:05 <elfy> and hi

    20:05 <elfy> we'd best march on - bit to get through

    20:05 <knome> ola

    20:06 <elfy> #topic Open action items

    20:06 <slickymaster> olá knome

    20:06 <elfy> #ACTION: pleia2 to contact unixstickers 20:06 * meetingology : pleia2 to contact unixstickers

    20:06 <pleia2> I did that

    20:06 <elfy> I knew that too Smile :)

    20:06 <pleia2> they replied Smile :)

    20:07 <elfy> so we just need to ask and then we'll get them?

    20:07 <pleia2> yep

    20:07 <elfy> cool - so we can mark that one as done Smile :)

    20:07 <pleia2> #DONE pleia2 to contact unixstickers

    20:07 <elfy> like that :p

    20:08 <elfy> #ACTION: knome to write a more formalized proposal about the QA process improvements with elfy after N days of comments/feedback for the pad 20:08 * meetingology : knome to write a more formalized proposal about the QA process improvements with elfy after N days of comments/feedback for the pad

    20:08 <knome> hrr, i haven't got to that

    20:08 <elfy> well - I know I've not done much on that

    20:08 <knome> i'll try to get to that ASAP

    20:08 <elfy> and I also know there's been little in the way of comment too

    20:08 <knome> just carry on Smile :)

    20:08 <knome> yeah... sadly

    20:08 <knome> but i guess everybody just agress

    20:08 <knome> *agrees

    20:09 <elfy> well

    20:09 <elfy> earlier today : <ochosi> elfy: the QA processes stuff looks a bit bureaucratic to me, considering we're so few people actually following them, but you're the QA lead so I'd think it's up to you to decide how you wanna organise testing 20:09 * slickymaster agrees

    20:10 <knome> right

    20:10 <elfy> and given that half of it is tied up with making sure that QA and dev get together at cycle start and actually plan things - makes me think we're not going to get far with it

    20:10 <knome> i'll try to make it as little bureaucratic as possible..

    20:10 <knome> though it's a good thing if qa and dev can get togehter at the beginning of the cycle

    20:10 <elfy> the trouble is - this process issue is tied up with a whole bag of strings

    20:11 <elfy> knome: +1 to that

    20:11 <mikodo> hey! I just stumbled into this. What is pad ^

    20:11 <knome> the reason why i'd like to have at least something documented is that then we have at least... something documented

    20:11 <elfy> I'm just concerned that time will drag on and I'll end up with less time to plan

    20:11 <elfy> mikodo: http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-qa-v-cycle

    20:11 <mikodo> elfy, thx and hie

    20:12 <mikodo> *hi

    20:12 <elfy> knome: yep - anyway I think move this to mailing list now to at least try and get *some* comment

    20:13 <elfy> I can get something to the list by the end of the week if that's the case

    20:14 <knome> elfy, let's work with that on the pad then or sth, we have the same goal anyway

    20:14 <elfy> yea - but we really need -team to be in this as well imho

    20:14 <elfy> it does kind of say that they've got to test if asked Smile :)

    20:15 <elfy> #action xubuntu-qa to continue working with v-cycle qa pad 20:15 * meetingology xubuntu-qa to continue working with v-cycle qa pad

    20:15 <elfy> #action elfy mail the -devel list to garner comment on pad 20:15 * meetingology elfy mail the -devel list to garner comment on pad

    20:15 <elfy> knome: does that work for you?

    20:16 <knome> yep

    20:16 <elfy> moving on then

    20:16 <elfy> #ACTION: knome to move the "translations important for xubuntu" list to the processes page, discussion can continue when needed 20:16 * meetingology : knome to move the "translations important for xubuntu" list to the processes page, discussion can continue when needed

    20:16 <slickymaster> hasn't been done yet

    20:16 <elfy> did you get around to that ? 20:16 * slickymaster hides

    20:17 <elfy> slickymaster: were you doing that?

    20:17 <slickymaster> no elfy, it was knome who would do it

    20:17 <slickymaster> at least that's what was decided

    20:18 <elfy> I thought so - anyway if it's not done - we can move on I guess

    20:18 <slickymaster> but I can do it, if he doesn't mind

    20:18 <slickymaster> or lacks the time to

    20:18 <elfy> knome: you can pass the buck if you like Smile :)

    20:19 <knome> i'll do that today.

    20:19 <elfy> ok - thanks knome

    20:19 <knome> np

    20:19 <slickymaster> thanks knome

    20:20 <knome> np again Wink ;)

    20:20 <elfy> there were a couple of -quality actions on the logs from last meeting, neither have been started - not had time this week

    20:21 <elfy> likewise -bugs were going to talk to -qa re a triage plan - even if they'd wanted to I'd not have had time this week Smile :)

    20:21 <elfy> I *think* that's all the open action items

    20:21 <elfy> if anyone thinks differently - speak now or forever hold your peace Smile :)

    20:22 <elfy> moving on then

    20:22 <elfy> # Team updates

    20:23 <elfy> # Topic Team updates

    20:23 <elfy> I mean

    20:23 <pleia2> no space Smile :)

    20:23 <pleia2> #Topic Team updates

    20:23 <elfy> sigh Big Grin :)

    20:23 <elfy> anyone got anything ?

    20:23 <elfy> other than me :p

    20:24 <pleia2> #info unixstickers has sold plenty of Xubuntu items, so we just need to let them know what we want for the reward based QA program

    20:24 <elfy> thanks Smile :)

    20:25 <pleia2> #info unixstickers will also be producing t-shirts soon, production info here: http://www.unixstickers.com/tshirts/underground-t-shirts/the-ultimate-pirate-bay-tshirt

    20:25 <slickymaster> nothing from me

    20:25 <knome> nope

    20:25 <knome> quiet week

    20:25 <elfy> ok

    20:25 <elfy> #info Image testing has been better for the final image

    20:26 <elfy> #info upgrade tests though only have 1 result from me so ...

    20:26 <pleia2> I did some final iso testing when I was at home, but won't be able to pitch in this week because hotel wifi, etc Confused :\

    20:26 <slickymaster> image testing show a considerable number of test though

    20:27 <elfy> #action Any -team member who can do an Upgrade test of some sort - appreciated - concentrate on the Upgrade rather than Upgrade(image) 20:27 * meetingology Any -team member who can do an Upgrade test of some sort - appreciated - concentrate on the Upgrade rather than Upgrade(image)

    20:27 <slickymaster> I can do it tomorroe in a VM

    20:27 <slickymaster> * tomorrow

    20:27 <jjfrv8-work> I can do my laptop tonight

    20:27 <elfy> #Action xubuntu-team to watch tracker for respins - if they appear please test what you can 20:27 * meetingology xubuntu-team to watch tracker for respins - if they appear please test what you can

    20:28 <elfy> #action #xubuntu-qa to ping team in channel if they see respins appear 20:28 * meetingology #xubuntu-qa to ping team in channel if they see respins appear

    20:28 <elfy> nothing else from me

    20:28 <knome> xubuntu-qa without # :P

    20:28 <knome> #nick xubuntu-qa

    20:28 <elfy> #undo

    20:28 <meetingology> Removing item from minutes: ACTION

    20:28 <elfy> #action xubuntu-qa to ping team in channel if they see respins appear 20:28 * meetingology xubuntu-qa to ping team in channel if they see respins appear

    20:29 <elfy> #topic Discussion

    20:29 <pleia2> happy release week Big Grin :)

    20:29 <elfy> #subtopic Xubuntu+1 support in #xubuntu

    20:30 <elfy> I've got a comment from ochosi earlier re that

    20:30 <elfy> <ochosi> elfy: i kinda second the xubuntu+1 support proposal

    20:30 <elfy> <ochosi> we can say we accept that after final beta, makes sense to me

    20:31 <elfy> the thinking here from me at least is that - we're trying to improve testing and #ubuntu+1 is a bit xubuntu light

    20:31 <elfy> and if we are pushing we ought to at least give people the chance to get some help

    20:33 <dkessel> Sounds food. Better than sending people to #ubuntu+1 and having them get no support there

    20:33 <elfy> yea

    20:33 <knome> dkessel, FOOD?

    20:33 <knome> is the traffic too high in -devel to send the people here?

    20:33 <elfy> freudian slip - or it would be if I said it

    20:33 <slickymaster> and I'm the one eating Smile :)

    20:34 <dkessel> good I meant. Boo, autocomplete...

    20:34 <pleia2> hehe

    20:34 <elfy> knome: <ochosi> better than getting people in the devel channel imo

    20:34 <knome> oh Wink ;)

    20:34 <knome> dkessel, you have "food" in autocomplete?

    20:35 <slickymaster> lmao

    20:35 <elfy> but tbh I'm quite relaxed about where - just so long as it's a #xubuntu channel

    20:35 <knome> #xubuntu+1 works, but then we should know how's going to op that channel

    20:35 <dkessel> knome: Ask the Android dictionary makers...

    20:36 <elfy> knome: oh

    20:36 <slickymaster> I propose knome and elfy to op it

    20:36 <elfy> didn't know we had that

    20:36 <slickymaster> and Unit193, also

    20:36 <elfy> unless we didn't ...

    20:36 <knome> elfy, we don't, but if we set that up...

    20:37 <elfy> oh right Smile :)

    20:37 <knome> and we'll have to see if the irc team wants to take the maintaining responsibility for that

    20:37 <elfy> mmm

    20:37 <knome> or if it's just like -devel (more probable)

    20:38 <knome> i can take care of that with Unit193 if we decide to go ahead with that

    20:38 <elfy> so how about going with #xubuntu towards the end of the V cycle

    20:38 <elfy> trouble with having a new channel is it's likely not to see many people who can actually help

    20:38 <elfy> probably

    20:38 <knome> well,

    20:38 <knome> that's my argument for -devel or the general ubuntu+1 channel

    20:39 <elfy> the only reason the likes of *most of us* don't in #xubuntu is because it's nto channel policy

    20:39 <elfy> which I ignore if it's something simple or quick Wink ;)

    20:39 <knome> people who'd be helping in #xubuntu+1 is probably the same people as here or #ubuntu+1

    20:39 <elfy> holstein for instance commented

    20:40 <knome> (and it's one more channel)

    20:40 <elfy> knome: yea possibly - but I'm more likely to notice someone saying something in #xubuntufoo

    20:40 <knome> that's true

    20:40 <knome> but -devel

    20:40 <knome> i understand it's not the ideal solution either

    20:40 <knome> maybe we should simply vote?

    20:41 <elfy> on which Smile :)

    20:41 <elfy> or both?

    20:41 <knome> well, all options

    20:41 <knome> can be even a non-technical vote

    20:41 <knome> just say what you think is the best option

    20:41 <slickymaster> you mean vote on the ML?

    20:41 <knome> no, in irc, right now

    20:41 <elfy> I'd start here

    20:42 <knome> let's not make it too bureaucratic

    20:42 <knome> just shout out which channel you'd like

    20:42 <knome> (no need to start a #vote even)

    20:42 <elfy> ok - I'll start then

    20:42 <knome> sure

    20:42 <knome> i'm still thinking 20:42 * slickymaster waits his turn

    20:44 <elfy> vote for support in #xubuntu channel for dev version once Beta 1 is testing

    20:44 <pleia2> +1

    20:44 <jjfrv8-work> +0 20:44 * slickymaster votes for support in a yet to be created #xubuntu+1 channel

    20:45 <knome> #xubuntu-devel for x+1 support after beta1 is out; second favorite #x+1

    20:45 <pleia2> more channels make me meh, and people end up lurking in -devel and asking support questions once we open that up

    20:45 <knome> pleia2, that's fair, but mixing people who whine about each small feature breaking and very clueless people in #x...

    20:46 <pleia2> sounds perfect Big Grin :)

    20:46 <knome> sounds like more frustration for both the supporters and people seeking help

    20:46 <knome> i can live with that

    20:46 <elfy> awesome

    20:46 <pleia2> I worry that we'll just spend half our time redirecting people to the right channel

    20:46 <knome> but i'll tell you it'll be hard to police that "after beta 1 is out" rule

    20:47 <pleia2> apparently even -devel vs support is hard for a lot of folks ;P

    20:47 <knome> pleia2, that hasn't been a problem so far

    20:47 <elfy> so we've got half a dozen different ideas and still no further forward

    20:47 <pleia2> elfy: yeah, how's that beer?

    20:47 <elfy> cold Smile :)

    20:48 <knome> i'd just go with elfy's suggestion if ochosi wasn't +1 on +1

    20:48 <elfy> ok - so it's now 21:47 here - executive decision is now that

    20:48 <pleia2> we could just try out one suggestion and see how it goes

    20:48 <pleia2> thanks elfy

    20:49 <elfy> #action Elfy to mail -devel re where we support testers 20:49 * meetingology Elfy to mail -devel re where we support testers

    20:49 <knome> let's go with +1 support on #xubuntu agter beta then

    20:49 <knome> elfy, well that's different

    20:49 <knome> testers should be supported in -devel

    20:49 <elfy> good lord

    20:49 <knome> people who just install +1 and ask a support question not :P

    20:50 <elfy> mmmm

    20:50 <knome> i'm sorry for nitpicking :P

    20:50 <elfy> that's a matter of semantics

    20:50 <knome> but the difference is that testers are useful for us

    20:50 <elfy> someone running +1 IS testing Wink ;)

    20:50 <ali1234> how can you tell the difference?

    20:50 <knome> then we should support them here and make them report tests.

    20:50 <knome> ali1234, see if they've submitted iso/package testing results.

    20:50 <elfy> ali1234: I guess we can see if reports are being made

    20:50 <elfy> yea

    20:50 <ali1234> i never do that

    20:51 <knome> ali1234, shame on you.

    20:51 <knome> ali1234, you should.

    20:51 <ali1234> i don't even understand how it is useful

    20:51 <ali1234> reports go there to die

    20:51 <knome> ali1234, i'll PM you 20:51 * elfy will still mail the list

    20:52 <elfy> #subtopic Decide on Trello or Launchpad

    20:52 <elfy> so

    20:52 <elfy> I've not got the energy to even go here tbh - I really don't care what we do

    20:52 <knome> i still don't mind which one we use, as long as we only use one

    20:53 <knome> i'm leaning towards launchpad because it has the real-time bug status synergy.

    20:53 <pleia2> I don't look at trello much, it's just not in my workflow Sad :(

    20:53 <pleia2> launchpad emails me <3

    20:53 <elfy> both mail me pleia2 Wink ;)

    20:53 <pleia2> and launchpad is open source Big Grin :)

    20:54 <elfy> anyway - I'm happy to do whatever we decide as a team

    20:54 <elfy> last cycle website was on a blueprint - from what I can see , that's not made it to anything this cycle

    20:55 <elfy> any point in doing anything like a vote with this?

    20:55 <pleia2> oops Sad :(

    20:56 <knome> i think that and the situation with testing just reflects how much away people have been this cycle

    20:57 <elfy> I'm quite happy to just go back to using launchpad

    20:57 <knome> anybody disagrees?

    20:57 <jjfrv8-work> nah

    20:57 <pleia2> I've been away more than normal

    20:58 <knome> same here; in comparison to the trusty cycle, much more

    20:59 <elfy> I do know that ochosi will be wanting team leads to do their own blueprints

    20:59 <elfy> which is fair enough

    20:59 <knome> absolutely.

    20:59 <knome> they are the only ones who know what the goals for the cycle are anyway

    20:59 <elfy> yep

    20:59 <knome> and/or are laying them out

    21:00 <knome> if nobody disagrees to returning to LP, let's move on

    21:00 <knome> somebody wants to send an email to the list, or just 3info it?

    21:00 <elfy> the other 2 discussion items we've dealt with afaik

    21:00 <knome> . #info too..

    21:01 <elfy> #info return to using launchpad, team leads to set out their blueprints

    21:01 <knome> #info Trello can be used by subteams if they feel it's useful for them, but all general cooperation should go through LP

    21:02 <knome> ok, let's move on

    21:02 <elfy> #announcements

    21:02 <elfy> Release in 2 days \o/

    21:02 <knome> yep, and no critical bugs Smile :)

    21:02 <elfy> anyone got any others

    21:02 <elfy> indeed Smile :)

    21:02 <knome> good work everybody who did even a small bit

    21:03 <slickymaster> ^

    21:03 <elfy> #Schedule next meeting

    21:03 <elfy> ochosi is up next for that

    21:03 <elfy> #endmeeting