
Revision 20 as of 2013-03-15 12:56:35

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Collecting a few wallpapers for Raring

This is a simple page for collecting wallpapers for potential inclusion in the upcoming Raring release. Here are a few requirements for the pictures you can propose:

  • The resolution should be at least 1920 x 1200
  • The license should be compatible with Xubuntu, so e.g. GPL or CC-by-SA (CC-by-NC-SA does not work!)

  • The format of the picture should be either svg, png or jpg
  • The picture should not contain humans

The artwork team will pick the best wallpapers to be included.

Wallpaper submissions

Going Down Broccolini Here comes the sun Red roof Eucalyptus 71 Eucalyptus 71 Eucalyptus 71