Xubuntu team report for July, 2010
Bug Triage
- Many bugs have been triaged and fixed this month.
Packaging, Development, & Testing
- Uploaded new bugfix releases of Goffice (0.8.7) and Gnumeric (1.10.7) in Maverick Meerkat.
- Synced xfce4-notifyd (Xfce Notification Daemon) into Maverick Meerkat from Debian to let it work again with the latest libnotify.
Released Maverick Meerkat Alpha2 on 2010-07-01. This is the second development release of what will become the next version of Xubuntu, 10.10. It is available for testing purposes at http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/maverick/alpha-2/.
- New default applications selected since Maverick Meerkat Alpha 2: Parole (Xfce4 Media Player), Xfburn (Xfce4 CD/DVD burning tool) and xfce4-taskmanager (Xfce4 process manager). Feedback appreciated!
FFmpeg thumbnailer support added to Tumbler (file thumbnail generator for the not-yet-released Xfce 4.8), thanks to the work of Lionel Le Folgoc (mr_pouit).
Development packages of Xfce 4.7.x (future 4.8) updated in Xubuntu developers' PPA. Feel free to test them and report bugs on http://bugzilla.xfce.org to make Xfce 4.8 rock!
Website & Marketing
- Gave a presentation at Ubuntu Developer Week. Xubuntu is alive and kicking hard!
Xubuntu needs a new Marketing Lead. Contact us per http://xubuntu.org/devel if interested
Chose a new Xubuntu logo to go with the new branding. Thanks to Elizabeth Krumbach it can be seen at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Maverick
Sent a call for artwork to be submitted for Maverick to http://ubuntu-artists.deviantart.com/ .
- We are striving to get more users to blog about Xubuntu. We would like to keep word out of the changes being made, as well as new releases.
- charlie-tca opened an account on indenti.ca to try and keep everyone updated about changes and needs of Xubuntu. Username is charlietca1.
Xubuntu needs a new Documentation Lead. Contact us per http://xubuntu.org/devel if interested