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yves / nictuku

My credentials :-)

Yves Junqueira Marques Teixeira (nictuku). Born in 02/1982

  • Work: Sysadmin and python hacker at Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome ("Ministry of Social Development") [http://www.mds.gov.br]

  • Education: Graduated in Relações Internacionais ("International Relations") at the Universidade de Brasília [http://www.unb.br]

  • Life: I love literature, movies, hacking and, most of all, I love Carla, my wife.
  • Tecnical interests:
    • Systems administration
    • Autonomic Computing
    • MS -> FOSS migration

    • Python development
    • Perl hacking Smile :-)


Community Presence


NWU is "Network wide updates for systems which use APT."

NWU is based on a spec written by MichaelVogt. When I saw the spec, I talked to AdamConrad and MichaelVogt proposing to work on it. They said "great, go go". I've been working hard on it since december/2005.

I only code in my free time, but I think the project has walked a long path already. I dedicate many daily hours to it, as you can see in the commits history.

I'll announce it on the lists after https://dev.ubuntubrasil.org/trac/nwu/roadmap milestone1 is done, that is when we'll have a fully working prototype ready for testing.

I hope it will prove itself useful and stable enough for dapper+1.

I've received a lot of support from other users and Ubuntu members and that makes me even more excited about nwu. I'm really thankful to AdamConrad, MichaelVogt, MarioMeyer, IvanKrstic and all MOTU's.

The project is hosted by Ubuntu-Br LoCoTeam, thanks to MarioMeyer's sysadmin efforts. He also has contributed a lot of code and testing time to nwu, for which I am also thankful.


  • python-sysinfo
  • nwu-agent
  • nwu-server

When they are widely tested, we'll upload them to Debian sid, as being offered by at least two interested dd's (kov and otavio).

They are also under review at revu. See http://revu.tauware.de/. Source packages: "nwu" and "pycacic".

Extra-Ubuntu Contributions


CACIC is a project lead by the Brazilian Government to provide a system that collects and analyses informations from computers in the network. It reports data like hardware setup, installed software and asset management input informations.

I've volunteered for developing an agent for GNU/Linux, initially written in Perl. After that I've moved to Brasília and now I'm working in a Python version, as an official government project.

I also host and maintaing the community wiki.

Documentation work

My ideas about Ubuntu

  • What I like
    • Based on Debian, the "universal operational system" :-).
    • UbuntuServer can be a nice alternative to "Enteprise" servers supported by Oracle and other "enteprise-level" software. DB2 is already supported, AFAIK.

    • Best Desktop I've ever experienced. It just works.
    • Very welcoming to new contributors.
      • The "ubuntero/ubuntu member/ubuntu developer" processes are very stimulating to applicants. And it's transparent.
    • Has a growing, helpful comunity
    • Short, predictable release cycle
    • It's a hype, but a good, deserved hype. Probably a long standing hype, too.
  • Worries
    • Some Debian Developers disagree about how Ubuntu is sending back the improvements.
    • Canonical business model is not clear to anyone (not even to MarkShuttleworth).

Future contribution planning

  • Contribute with the Ubuntu Server sub-project with development, support and ideas.
  • Help and stimulate use of Ubuntu and Debian in the Brazilian Government
  • Advocate for NWU spec approval for dapper+1
  • Work hard on the aforementioned packages and send them to Debian unstable, then to Ubuntu Universe, then to Ubuntu main, then to Ubuntu server (long time support).(I believe hitting Debian first is the RightWay)

  • Keep focused in nwu, but keep an eye on the general Ubuntu development and help whenever possible.
  • If time is available, help with bugs in malone
  • Always send back my contributions to Debian



"Yves has been an active member of the BrazilianTeam. He has helped a lot in the IRC channel and development. He is distributing a lot of ubuntu love and will be advocating it in his regional FOSS install fest. He will also be helping me and the other Brazilian Members to advocate on the [http://fisl.softwarelivre.org/ FISL 7.0] (largest FOSS conference in Latin America). Thus I endorse 100% his application to become an Ubuntu Member." -- MarioMeyer
