
Revision 6 as of 2006-03-22 03:11:14

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YvesJunqueira / nictuku

Yves Junqueira Marques Teixeira (nictuku). Born in 02/1982

  • Work: Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome ("Ministry of Social Development") [http://www.mds.gov.br]

  • Education: Graduated in Relações Internacionais ("International Relations") at the Universidade de Brasília [http://www.unb.br]

  • Life: I love literature, movies, hacking and, most of all, I love Carla, my wife.


Community Presence

  • Founder and operator of #ubuntu-br at freenode


  • python-sysinfo
  • nwu-agent
  • nwu-server

None has entered Universe yet, but me and MarioMeyer are working hard on them. See [https://dev.ubuntubrasil.org/trac/nwu/wiki/DownloadNwu]


NWU is "Network wide updates for systems which use APT."

To fix bug #1, we need a good system for managing updates. Mr. Gates' company distributes freely its SUS and the newer WSUS, that manage updates for their products. RHN is an option as a paid service, but we need something GPL - and better.

I've been working hard in this project since december/2005. See:

I only code in my free time, but I think the project has walked a long path already. I'm sure it will prove itself useful and stable enough for dapper+1.

I've received a lot of support from other users and Ubuntu members and that makes me even more excited about nwu. Thank you very much.

The project is hosted by Ubuntu-Br LoCoTeam, thanks to MarioMeyer's sysadmin efforts.
