
Revision 34 as of 2012-11-27 06:28:19

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Ubuntu-za (aka Ubuntu South Africa) has been an approved Loco since July 2005. We work with the local LUGs to support the Ubuntu community. There are some factors that make activity in the South African communities unique. We are distributed over large areas and our bandwidth is expensive. It is important for us to spread Ubuntu in the form of install CDs and repositories to people so they can avoid downloading.

To this end we have Global Jams and Release parties and we take part in Software Freedom days.

We now have 4 ubuntu members on our team. We have a sub team in Stellenbosch. We connect with CLUG, LEG, TLUG, FLUG, UCT Algorithm Circle, SULUG, GLUG, LEAD

The leadership changes in the past 2 years have been smooth (another thread).

This document was a team effort.

From our long term goals at our previous ReApproval in 2010 we made progress on the following items:

  • More events outside of Cape Town / Stellenbosch
  • More Ubuntu Hours
  • More non-geeky users at events

One of our main focus areas has been to make sure the DVDs and CDs are distributed to other areas in South Africa.

Key Details

  • Date - November 2012

  • Team Contact - Maia Grotepass <>

  • Membership - 115 active members as of 22 November 2012 see ~ubuntu-za

  • Website -

  • Mailing List - ubuntu-za on - ?? subscribed as of ?? November 2012

  • IRC - #ubuntu-za or #ubuntu-afr (for our Afrikaans users) on freenode - ?? active participants as of November 2012


Immediate future

Long term


Online Activities

IRL Activities


Website Traffic




  • The community email list really helped smooth over the rough edges of joining a platform I had no experience in. Learning from others problems/queries improves my knowledge but also has enabled me to help others. The list together with the regular launch parties and distribution of launch cd's has made for an active and friendly Ubuntu LoCo. There are so many projects to pick from such as Ubuntu Hours, fortnightly meetings, IRC etc etc that there's actually too much to do. Which is great - space for everyone to find their niche. Ubuntu ZA LoCo helped turn and keep me on as an Ubuntu user.

    • -Lionthinker
  • To whom it may concern - I am an older, semi-disabled person, an ex-diesel mechanic and farmer, with little computer knowledge or background. I tried Windows 98, Millenium and XP, but the virus threats made me look for another OS and by chance I came upon Ubuntu. I was given an Ubuntu 9.04 CD and a new world opened up for me, with help of course from the Ubuntu-ZA LoCo mailing lists and #ubuntu-za on IRC. Without the understanding and support from the community there I could never have learned how to use Linux/Ubuntu. Through every release apart from 11.10 I have been helped with CD's and support to sort out things I didn't understand, and the odd bug here and there. Today I can do my own installations and most of what is needed to keep me going online, and #ubuntu-za is like a second home to me. I get great pleasure out of being able to help the odd newbie with basic things, knowing that the rest of the guys will help me out where I go wrong. Kudos #ubuntu-za for the vast amount of knowledge you all share so freely and the friendly manner in which you accepted me into the fold. Thank you so much.

Miles Sharpe (Kilos)

  • Add your testimonial here ubuntu-za member
