
Revision 1 as of 2005-11-04 22:21:43

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Points for BoF discussion by TrentLloyd(Lathiat)

So this spec has grown, and is reaching a fair bit out, but I think the following points need to be focussed

  • Moving avahi into main [deps libdaemon]
  • Determining / deciding to evaluate possible IPv4-LL solutions (zeroconf, network-manager)
    • - Obviously zeroconf has been shown to have possible issues at UBZ, need to investigate actual cause and possible solutions
  • Shipping Avahi by Default (but disabled)
  • Exposing a UI to turn it on
    • - How/where/what/why? UI at all? would be nice to be an easy tick option
  • Moving libnss-mdns into main
    • - Installing by default - Shipping on by default
  • Configuring as many programs as possible to use Avahi, including with howl and bonjour compat layers

User Interface Requirements

  • Various applications need to be extended to support Avahi. Good examples would be gnome-vfs (for nautilus), gaim, muine and cups. I (TrentLloyd) plan to do this work where possible for upstream.

  • GnomeMeeting in CVS supports service discovery, using Avahi instead of Howl with a patch by SebastienEstienne. Ubuntu cannot use howl due to various licensing problems.

  • service-discovery-applet : allows to quickly access zeroconf services. This applet can also be considerated as a generic GUI to add zeroconf support for client that doesn't support it yet. (eg: it can browse for Zeroconf Web servers and launch firefox with the good URL).