amjjawad Home Page << Ubuntu-Team

Ubuntu Quality

Ubuntu Forums

Ubuntu Forums Contributions

  1. Lubuntu One Stop Thread

  2. Lubuntu One Stop Group

  3. Lubuntu Installation Guide

  4. How To Run Lubuntu From Live CD - A Workaround

  5. How To Use GParted

  6. How To Install Lubuntu on 4GB USB Drive

  7. How To Lock Your Screen in Lubuntu

  8. How To Connect 2 PCs via LAN (Wired) using Lubuntu 11.04

  9. Dual-Booting Windows & Ubuntu From A-Z

  10. How To Avoid Wubi & Install Ubuntu on USB Drive

Ubuntu Beginners Team

Ubuntu LoCo Team

Ubuntu Community

Member of Mailing List of all Ubuntu's Flavors

amjjawad/Ubuntu-Team (last edited 2013-08-26 15:17:02 by 94)