Apt-Get Web Suggest


No direct link exists from web pages to the package in synaptic/gnome-app-install.

It would be nice if you could click on a url in a web page (install://bluefish) and trigger a suggested package to be displayed in gnome-app-install


Linspire CNR / Klik etc get a lot of kudos for 'one click install' ability, gnome-app-install is much more powerful yet users get lost between the website and application task.

It would be nice if you could click on a link on a web page and gnome-app-install opened with the application(s) listed (all ready for the user to select and install), it would also go a long way to bridging the install (download from web site) gap that MS refugees are used to.

At the moment the distance between seeing an app on a website and triggering the install is simply a long road to travel.

Would be nice if that could be cut to

Thats a saving of 4 steps, a bit of typing and a bit of 'know how' to look in Add/Remove in the first place.

Package suggest links could then start appearing every where - blogs, forums, wiki's etc..

In an alternate universe if every distro handled the suggest link with thier own packaging system.... then we could have "click here to install for linux"....

Use cases



http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/3972/screenshotdq6.th.png http://img88.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotdq6.png


Some thoughts & comments:


aptgetinstallprotocol (last edited 2008-08-06 16:35:42 by localhost)