
Revision 4 as of 2012-05-14 22:42:25

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About Me

I am Nicholas Skaggs. Man, thinker, dog-owner. I have a wonderful wife named Stacy, and live in sunny Florida, USA. I have run ubuntu since Hoary Hedgehog and ubuntu has been a key part of my growing up with linux and OSS. I lurked for awhile after installing, but joined ubuntu forums in 2006, and launchpad in 2007. Most recently I have taken on the role of QA Community Coordinator for Canonical to act as a liason to the greater ubuntu QA community.

I suppose there's a bit more you can dig up about me if your so inclined; serial-coder for example did an excellent interview recently which describes more.

Contact Information


My first ubuntu contributions probably came through the forums which are a wonderful source of community and information. During the dapper/edgy/feisty days I had a brother printer, which had some finicky drivers. I helped to support installing and running this printer via my best bash skills Smile :-) (

More recently I have attempted to become more involved in the ubuntu community. I started by attending UDS-P last year and submitting my first patch and merge-request for software in ubuntu ( I joined the QA community shortly after and ultimately began working in my role as community coordinator for Canonical in January of 2012. Since then I,

  • Helped migrate and update old testcases from testcase wiki to checkbox
  • Created and solicited feedback on QA team organization (

  • Created a targeted list of applications to test and helped make sure testcases and coverage existed for these applications (

  • Performed a survey of current QA landscape in ubuntu (

  • Host weekly ubuntu QA meetings on IRC for community
  • Created checkbox-app-testing to help deliver manual application tests to the desktop for those running U+1
    • 2 releases, 18 contributors (including me), 26 test cases covering core desktop applications
  • Held 13 calls for testing, bringing 8 different developers/teams together with hundreds of end-users to help test
  • Participated in several ISO testing events, coordinated 'adopt an iso' program for over 100 users
  • Track lead for QA at UDS-Q
  • Contributed a charm, documentation and evangelized for the juju project
  • Active on the U+1 forums for the precise cycle (
  • Active on askubuntu, gave and received reputation; earned 12 badges (

  • Attended several community sessions, including global jam with Florida Loco team

Future Goals

I want to help make ubuntu be the benchmark for quality in open source projects, especially open source operating systems. Ubuntu is uniquely poised to be a leader in this area and to contribute tools and best practices to the rest of the FOSS ecosystem.


If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here.