
Revision 23 as of 2015-05-19 19:27:37

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Current Status:

Active Contributor

Main Role/Position:

Ubuntu Help App Designer







Ubuntu Forums:

DS McGuire


My name is Daniel McGuire. I was born and raised in the South of Wales in the United Kingdom. I currently study Software Engineering at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

Current Projects

Ubuntu Touch

With Unity 8 and Ubuntu Touch I am focusing my work on that part of Ubuntu at this current moment in time.

Ubuntu Help App

I am working on the design for the Ubuntu (touch) Help App.



I created and I am maintaining the UbuntuAppDev sub reddit.


Ubuntu Documentation Team

Ubuntu Doc

Member of Ubuntu Documentation Contributors

Past Projects

Lubuntu Involvement


Ubuntu Community Involvement

  • Member of http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=1519881 since 1st of January, 2012

  • Member of https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop since 10th of June, 2012

WOW Lubuntu


WOW Lubuntu was project created by amjjawad (a member of Lubuntu family) to enlighten the whole world with the power of Linux generally and Lubuntu specifically and tell the untold story about a unique system that could breath a new life into an ancient machine instead of breathing the dust somewhere in the dark. I joined amjjawad on the 9th of June as a administrator of the page. I have since stopped contributing to this project.

Experience, Skills and Activities

  1. Excellent understanding of HTML and CSS
  2. Very good in Troubleshooting and Support (Installation, Partitioning, Dual-Booting, Multi-Booting, Desktop Environment, Linux Distributions, etc).
  3. Very eager about design and UX, I believe it is one of the most important parts of software development that is often over looked.
  4. I actively enjoy doing all the above things and will continue to do so for a very long time.


If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here :

  • Daniel is an active member of the community, and espcially on reddit where he does an awesome job to make our "third party" developper community growing, community where he is himself part of, as a moderator, but also as a developper (he pushed 3 apps on the store if I am up to date). Happy to meet him everytimes online, sometimes even on our LoCo IRC channel, and maybe AFK ? I hope he comes see us in Paris (France) so I could share a beer with him! Everytimes I asked him some help on ubuntu (reddit css, sharing call for volonteer of our loco where we were in trouble to fill our team,…) he was there. That kind of behavior looks pretty ubuntu to me Wink ;) ~cm-t

  • As an active participant in our official subreddit, /r/Ubuntu, Daniel helps keep the conversations active and respectful, while consistently providing assistance to others. He's also the creator of /r/UbuntuAppDev, a small but growing subreddit for our small but growing app developer community, which I very much appreciate. Reddit is a newer area of contribution for Ubuntu members, but it's quickly becoming a very important one, and Daniel's contributions in this space have been an incalculable benefit to the wider Ubuntu project. -- mhall119 2015-05-19 19:27:37