
Revision 6 as of 2007-05-07 19:54:26

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My name is Danny and I reside in the peaceful city of Newton, Massachusetts, USA. I am in my sophomore year at Newton North High School. I was born in 1991 and have lived in Newton since I was an infant (though not in the same house).


I can be contacted at danny.piccirillo at gmail dot com via email or jabber. IRC: DPic Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~danny.piccirillo

My Interest and Experience with Linux

I have always had a huge interest in digital rights and open source. I began using Linux early this year with Ubuntu and ever since, I have become more and more involved. I aim to get Linux on a significant number of computers at my school and get the Massachusetts Loco Team approved. I also advocate Ubuntu locally (and yes, in the real world!).

My Involvement with Ubuntu

Massachusetts Team

I am a member of the [:MassachusettsTeam:MassachusettsTeam Ubuntu LoCo Team] and I have dedicated much of my time to help the team by starting and taking on a couple [:MassachusettsTeam/Projects:projects], and organizing, expanding, and building the wiki pages for the team. I'm also often on the team's irc channel.

Team Wiki Contributions

Outside the Team

I advocate Ubuntu at my school and would love to get my city library to switch too. I am working to get my school to try Ubuntu and have gotten the head of the Technology Department to give me a brand new school iMac (right out of the box) to install Ubuntu on and put it out for students to try and give feedback on. So far, so good!

I help friends and family switch too. Everybody loves it!