
Revision 7 as of 2013-06-16 12:34:15

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About Me

Linux user since April 2007, Mandrake to Mandriva and Ubuntu user since May 2007. I joined Ubuntu-tn after a year as normal member then on August 2011 I joined the provisional team to become the events team coordinator, on April 2012 that decision has been confirmed during an Ubuntu-tn physical meeting.

My main goal is to promote Ubuntu and FOSS in Tunisia, with a focus to Tunisian universities.

Being an active member in a LoCo helped me to improve my skills and meet awesome guys, that became dear friends, I also found my present job (SysAdmin) because of an Ubuntu-tn member.

Contact details


== Ubuntu-tn ===

  • Administrator of Ubuntu-tn Management Committee team in Launchpad. This team is reserved to the members of the elected Loco Team Management Committee.
  • Administrator of ubuntu-tn-users team in Launchpad. This team is open for all Tunisian ubuntu users.
  • I actively participated to mounting the ubuntu Tunisian local community with my presence in the irc channel, advertising the team in other FOSS Tunisian teams and clubs, support new users of Ubuntu in our FB groupe and page.

Future involvement

  • Being more and more involved in the Ubuntu-tn LoCo

  • Prepare events with Ubuntu-tn
