
Revision 13 as of 2010-01-03 14:06:00

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SomeNotes: a test page

Computing: notes about computing are gathered here

Comments about Ubuntu Wiki

Here are some comments about the particularities of this instance of Moin. <this comments should be put on an separated page>

User Prefs

Is the link from User Preferences button correct?

  • User Preferences links to

  • which on other Moin would be

Anyway, it seems to work, at least if the browser language is en.

With the browser language set as fr, PréférencesUtilisateur does link to an existing page wich is not the expected one. The history of this page shows data of former users. <this seems to be a bug --> should fill a report?>


I have looked for the GUI editor but I have not found any way to choose the editor in the User Prefs

Time offset

Locked to 0?


The default theme is Ubuntu.

User button

In Ubuntu theme, there is a user button at the very bottom of the page (outside the menu).

This button links to the user Launchpad page.

In some other theme, as RightSide, the user button is included in the menu.


Saving changes of a page does take a loooong time.

Inline Images

Images can not be showed in line.
