This is a list of items which need to be improved in Ubuntu in order to get better i18n support. Please state which components are affected and who would benefit from the proposed change.
- No support for multiple codepoints per keypress [Indic scripts, Khmer, Thai, Lao]
- scim-bridge does not support surrounding text whereas scim does [Indic scripts, Khmer, Thai, Lao]
- IM infrastructure
Transitioning from SCIM to new infrastructure -> iBus
- Need a unified IM chooser that includes XKB layouts
- im-switch
- Inconsistent semantics - where all_ALL is currently just a default fallback [CTL scripts]
- BTS #513242
- Pango's Indic Layout Engine is unmaintainable
- Need some convergence between Pango, ICU and Harfbuzz
- Identify and remove incomplete glyph ranges in fonts that cover many scripts. e.g. Freefont.
Other Applications
- Ubuntu: gnome-language-selector
Defaults to scim-bridge - which doesn't support surrounding text -> iBus [Indic scripts]
- Incorporate the new behaviour of im-switch
- Open Office: default font selection for a Unicode script needs to be smarter
- Fontconfig has a minimum coverage requirement before a font is selected, but Open Office does not
- upstream bug, bug filed.
i18n_todo (last edited 2009-07-20 13:54:43 by p54A13477)