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Revision 26 as of 2008-08-06 16:18:41
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Editor: localhost
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Revision 27 as of 2008-08-06 16:59:55
Size: 6693
Editor: localhost
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Brandon Holtsclaw ( imbrandon )

Contact Information


IRC: imbrandon [ ] ( Member of Ubuntu IRC Operators Team )


My .plan and Goals


I hope to help bring Kubuntu upto the level of Polish and usability of its sibling Ubuntu. There are varying ideas about how this can be accomplished and following some of the spec's outlined in UDS Paris 2006 I feel that we can address the majority of those in the edgy time frame and have a realistic Goal of true Kubuntu "sibling" by edgy+1. Specifically I will be helping address these spec's from the Kubuntu point of View to help this happen :

And Also the various "transitions" for KDE packages such as libgamin0 transition and the now Complete dh_iconcache Transition

Ubuntu core-dev Goals

  • One of my personal goals is for Kubuntu to work with most major "gadgets" out of the box as you would expect from any modern OS ( not talking about obscure , weird , strange hardware thats only limited in use ) such as the iPod and other popular portable music players , with that use case I work closely with the Amarok Upstream Developers, participating in there developer irc meetings and developer mailing list to make sure everything runs as should and try to make sure Kubuntu is a Amarok "refrence" platform for how it /should/ work with devices. To further this goal I would like to work more closely with the DigiCam upstream and others to make sure Cameras and such "just work"(tm) for the best end user experince.

  • I also work very closely with the Konversation Upstream Developers , producing "nightly" builds on my own servers and help them with build/test cases provided on their web page for the public.
  • Also I'd Like to continue to work with the kubuntu-default-settings closely to make Kubuntu a simple to use KDE Based desktop for all users in the same manner Ubuntu is, by keeping sane defaults, helping along with the KCC define what those sane defaults are and making sure they are adheared to as much as possible. Mostly by helping clearly define what the Kubuntu Desktop goals specificly are ( a moving target I know heh ) and being key in the implmentation though sane defaults.
  • I also actively develop apt-mirror Upstream and maintain it in Debian and Ubuntu , and am working more closely with diffrent Debian Developers on this and other packages so Kubuntu changes can be adopted upstream Debian where and when the patches apply.

Ubuntu MOTU Goals

  • Continue to help Maintain KBFX in Ubuntu and Upstream;Upstream and also support it ( and other Kubuntu apps ) in IRC and the Forums
  • Continue to Maintain the apt-mirror package I helped bring to Ubuntu and work on getting it included into Debian proper
  • Continue to work on merges from Debian Unstable to Edgy Universe that pertain to KDE ( trying to give more love to the more un-popular KDE packages so a wide variety are upto date in universe )
  • Follow the Debian BTS and Malone Bug Trackers Closely for Universe KDE packages and make sure they get the patches needed from Upstream and Upstream;Upstream in a timely manner


Life as a MOTU

  • Packages I've worked on see : ( Also Including Kopete work in Edgy changelog and KBFX in dapper changelog not listed on LP that were sponsored uploads )

  • Packages I've created : apt-mirror and Kubuntu Konversation Nightly Builds

  • Active in the planning and development of Trinity a KDE/Qt Front end to Smart Package Manager ( Still in Alpha Stages targeting edgy+1 )

  • Bug reports - either contributing them myself, or testing for them. Often I go through and confirm whether old bugs still exist and apply patches that people have added to / testing them / and sending debdiff's for motu upload as an active member of the Ubuntu BugSquad

  • Various misc wiki updates also for the CategoryMOTU cleanup
  • Helping New MOTU hopefuls Get the feel for how the MOTU Process Works taking some of the load off the Often Busy MOTU's
  • Help to bring the Easier MOTUing Spec to reality among others ( My Subscribed Specs )

General {k,x,ed}Ubuntu

  • I Founded and put together the team and helped bring the eventual merger ( still in the works ) with theFridge into reality.

  • Various contributions to the Kubuntu section of the forum at

  • I'm often ( most every evening until early morning CDT ) on, helping out in #kubuntu, #kubuntu-offtopic, and participating in #kubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-motu. Also Helping Moderate those channels
  • Various misc wiki page updates ( mostly typos and updates for changes in HowTo's that ubotu points to )

  • Submitted Specifications ( drafting ) : ( a Fluxbox DE based sibling for Ubuntu superseded by the effort that I actively participate in )

About Me

Hello I'm a Freelance programmer by trade. I'm also a member of kubuntu and Ubuntu IRC Operators. I love to do and try new things Esp. Computer related. I have been using one flavor of Linux or another for many years ( started somewhere around 97/98ish with Redhat 4.xx ) but have fell in love with the Ubuntu Community and specifically Kubuntu.

..... so long and thanks for all the fish.


imbrandon (last edited 2012-06-12 17:10:40 by cpe-72-135-14-4)